WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2016 @ 6:00 P.M.

1.Call to Order Chairman Bermingham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present in addition to Chairman Bermingham were Supervisor De Franco, Supervisor Due & Manager Fisher. Supervisor Geake was absent and Supervisor Hallett arrived at 6:20 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. Approve Agenda – MOTION by Chairman Bermingham to amend the agenda to adding Public Comment. Vote: 4-0. MOTION by Supervisor De Franco, seconded by Supervisor Due to approve the amended agenda. Vote: 4-0.

3. Public Comment – Township Engineer Jeffrey Ott was present to answer any questions the Board had about his engineering costs in the budget. Mr. Ott explained his plan review process and the complex and thoroughness of the township’s SALDO. There was discussion between Supervisor Hallett and Jeff Ott. Supervisor Hallett said his subdivision was a simple minor subdivision, 3 homes were built and it cost him over $30,000.00 in consulting fees. Supervisor Hallett said he would like to see an itemized bill. The Board had no questions for Mr. Ott. Mr. Ott thanked the Board for allowing him to serve for Upper Mount Bethel Township.

4. Suburban EMS (budget item) – Manager Fisher discussed with the Board Suburban EMS and

mentionedannuallywe have been giving Mount Bethel Fire Department $5,000.00 for rent and Suburban EMS $9,000.00. Manager Fisher said that has been for a number of years now and for them to use the Mt. Bethel Fire Hall to park the trucks.However, there has been concern they have not been stationed there and have had a slow response time. There was discussion whether or not there was ever an agreement in place. Manager Fisher discussed the history with the Board and said he went back through the minutes, that Supervisor Geake and Battillo wanted them in the township to have a quicker response time and were paying the rent for prompt service. Manager Fisher further stated“if we are not getting that and we have no agreement, we might want to look into this.”He went on to statethat he is working on a contract with Bill Williams from Mt. Bethel Fire Department. The Board asked Manager Fisher to see if there is any contract in place, check on response time and where they are responding from. The Board agreed that we can keep in the budget for adoption, but could hold the disbursement and table to the January 9, 2017 BOS Regular Monthly Meeting. Manager Fisher also suggested we put it on the Bill List, rather than an interim payment.

5. Farmland Preservation designation of money to the program (budget item)–Judy Henckel spoke to the Board and noted that Plainfield made a motion to designate the $250,000.00 as the county has requested, but have asked for 100% of their matching grant money back. Judy Henckel explained that Maria is trying to save the program. Manager Fisher indicated UMBT, Moore Township and Plainfield Township all have over $2,000,000.00 in their EIT accounts. Chairman Bermingham asked what if the program dies, do we fund Farmland Preservation ourselves with the EIT money? Judy said that’s what would happen. Manager Fisher said you could designate the money and then ask for 100% of our share back. MOTION by Supervisor Due, seconded by Chairman Bermingham that we designate $250,000.00 to the matching grant, but ask for100% of our share back just like Plainfield and Moore Township. Vote: 3-1 with Supervisor Hallett voting “no”.

6. Adopt 2017 Budget – Manger Fisher discussed with the Board the changes he made to the budget: Changes in revenue 351.042 – We received the reimbursement for winter storm Jonas in the amount of $32,331.27 (reduced by $24,000.00). We had budgeted this for 2017 and must remove revenue from 2017, 400.352 - Liability Insurance – reduced by $5,632.00; 400.353 – Public Official Insurance – Reduced by $4,000.00, 401.156 – Executive Health Insurance – $10,542.00 Manager removing wife from Health Insurance plan, 432.249 – Anti Skid Reduced by $1,826.00, 454.743 – Parks-Capital Purchase – Reduced by $2,000.00. Total adjustments $24,000.00 Revenue; $24,000.00 Expenditures. Manager Fisher reviewed the final reports with the Board. Manager Fisher noted if we spend $23,000.00 in salt this month, we might have to go into General Fund if we need more by the end of the year. Manager Fisher said were in good shape and will be ending the year with $1,425,224.00 and next year should transfer $506,000.00 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve. Manager Fisher said it is a balanced budget at $3,438,683.00 with no tax increase. Chairman Bermingham thanked Rick Fisher and Bob Schneider for doing an outstanding job on the budget and said it’s nice having a Township Manager. MOTION by Supervisor De Franco, seconded by Supervisor Hallett to adopt the 2017 Budget. Vote: 4-0.

7. 2016 Final Bill List – Manager Fisher read the 2016 Final Bill List. MOTION by Supervisor Due, seconded by Supervisor De Franco to approve the bill list in the amount of $76,940.57. Vote: 4-0.

8. Resolution # 2016-20 – 2017 Tax Levy Resolution. Chairman Bermingham read Resolution

#2016-20. MOTION by Supervisor Due, seconded by Supervisor De Franco to approve Resolution

#2016-20 that the Tax rate for Upper Mount Bethel Township the sum of 5.5 mills on each dollar of

assessed valuation, or the sum of $0.55 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation. For General purposes, the sum of 4.8 mills on each dollar of assessed valuation, or the sum of $0.48 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation. For Road Machinery purposes, the sum of 0.7 mills on each dollar of assessed valuation, or the sum of $0.07 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation. Vote: 4-0.

9. Adjournment - MOTION by Supervisor De Franco, seconded by Supervisor Due to adjourn the Budget Meeting at 7:15 p.m. No comments. Vote: 4-0.

Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Mastrogiovanni

Recording Secretary, Upper Mount Bethel Township

Page 2 BOS Meeting – 12/28/16 Budget/End of Year