Upper Freehold Township Committee Regular Meeting October 1, 2015
1"The Heartland of New Jersey"
OCTOBER 1, 2015
Mayor Moslowski Jr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk to call the roll. The following Committee Members were present: Stephen J. Alexander, Robert Faber, Dr. Robert A. Frascella, LoriSue H. Mount and Mayor Stanley Moslowski Jr. Also present at the dais: Dana L. Tyler, Municipal Clerk, Dianne Kelly, CFO/Administrator. Dennis A. Collins, Township Attorney, Esq. Absent: Dennis A. Collins, Township Attorney, Esq.
Following the Flag Salute, the Clerk announced that the Notice requirements of R.S. 10:4-18 for an "Annual Notice" had been satisfied by the publication of the required advertisement in the Asbury Park Press and the Messenger Press January 15, 2015, posting the notice on the Board in the Upper Freehold Township Municipal Building and filing a copy of said notice with the Municipal Clerk.
Jim Rosenbauer, Emergency Management Coordinator provided the Township Committee with a update regarding the impending storm that was approaching. It appears that the storm is shifting away from New Jersey. The wind is diminishing and the rainfall is reduced. The Governor of NJ has called for a State of Emergency which allows helps with funding in case of a disaster and allows the Office of Emergency Management to do the necessary preparations.
REPORTS: Committee Liaisons will each provide reports on their respective departments, monthlyreports prepared by Department Heads, listed herein, are on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
- Court Report – August 2015
- Treasurer Report – August 2015
CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence has been received and is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk. These items will be kept at the counter for review for the next week.
- Borough of Matawan adopted a Resolution supporting New Jersey Senate Bill S2677- Amending the Law Concerning County and Municipal Stream Cleaning Activities
- Social Affairs Permit – St. John’s Church, Octoberfest on October 2, 2015 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
- NJ Department of Environmental Protection – Christie Administration Seeks Administrative Stay and Reconsideration of EPA’s Clean Power Plan – copy attached
- Shrewsbury Township adopted a Resolution amending the Law Concerning County and Municipal Stream Cleaning Activities
Land Use Notices:
- Freshwater Wetlands Application/Letter of Interpretation – Rue Brothers, 86 Rues Road, Blk 15, Lots 17.02 & 41.04
- Freshwater Wetlands Letter of Interpretation – Presence/Absence (Footprint of Disturbance)
86 Rues Road, Blk 15, Lots 17.02 & 41.04
- Revised Site Plan for NJDEP Transition Area Modification – Proposed Solar Renewable Energy Facility – Block 22.01, Lot 12.01 Route 524
Land Use Notices – Other Municipalities-
- Freshwater Wetlands Application – Six Flags Adventure, Block 3101 Lot 11
- Robbinsville Twp. –Public Hearing on October 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm for an Ordinance adopting the Northern Tract: Parcel C Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, Town Center South Redevelopment
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following bills, properly certified be the Chief FinancialOfficer, be paid:
Current Fund / $1,897,721.31
Capital General Fund / 9,937.50
Coah Trust Fund / 23,621.91
Developer Escrow Fund / 11,982.94
Dog Trust Fund / $390.20
Municipal Drug Alliance Trust Fund / $234.38
Open Space Trust Fund / $10,510.96
Public Defender Trust Fund / $0.00
Recreation Trust Fund / $1,386.23
Total / $1,955,785.43
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye (exec T&M).
Best Practices Checklist – CFO/Administrator Kelly filled out the Best Practices checklist and with the answers provided Upper Freehold should continue to receive 100% of NJ State Aid.
Photo Copier - The CFO/Administrator was looking for authorization to purchase a new copier for the Administration Department. The current copier will move over to the Planning Board/Court department and the Administration Department will get the new copier. CFO/Administrator Kelly would like to budget in the 2016 Temporary Budget.
A Motion was offered by Mrs. Mount to Authorized CFO/Administrator Kelly to provide funds in the 2016 Temporary Budget to purchase a new photo copier for the Administration Budget, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.
This motion was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye.
Roads to apply for Grant – There was a discussion regarding the Roads in the Township that should be considered for the Grant. The roads that are being considered are Emley’s Hill Road to Davis Station Road and Imlaystown –Hightstown Road to Route 524. The Township Engineer will discuss and make a final decision with the Public Works liaisons Committeeman Faber and Mayor Moslowski Jr. The Township Engineer is going to provide a Road Improvement Spending Plan to help the Township prioritize a ranking structure and prepare a comprehensive plan. Have a plan and start working on..
A motion was offered from Mrs. Mount to submit Emley’s Hill Road to Davis Station Road and Imlaystown-Hightstown Road to Route 524 and final decision will be made with the Township Liaisons Committeeman Faber and Mayor Moslowski Jr, moved and seconded by Dr. Frascella.
This motion was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye.
Mayor Moslowski Jr. and Committeeman Faber attended a meeting regarding the Amazon warehouse, the holiday season is approaching. There were 23 professionals in the meeting, from Mercer and Monmouth County, NJ State Police and NJ Department of Transportation. It was a lengthy meeting and they made short term headway.
Ed McCarthy, 153 Burlington Path: Asked the Township Committee the status of 166 Burlington Path Road. The person who lived in the house is Anita Gatea, 466 Stage Coach Road in Millstone and asked if a letter can be sent to her regarding the house and the need of repair. This property has been vacant for more than 7 years.
The Township Committee explained there was nothing they could do, they wouldn’t be able to fix up the house. The house is owned by the bank and currently the taxes are being paid on the property.
Committeemen Alexander – No Comment
Committeemen Faber –Would like someone to contact The Ridings, the trucks making deliveries are not using the designated route. They are cutting through since Burlington Path Road, which was just paved and we don’t want any additional damage done to the road.
Committeemen Frascella – No Comment
Committeewomen Mount – No Comment
Mayor Moslowski – No Comment
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Faber.
BE IT RESOLVED that the following portion of this meeting dealing with the following generally described matters shall not be open to the public:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is anticipated that the matters to be considered in private may be disclosed to the Public at a later date under the following circumstance.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that private consideration is deemed required and is permitted because of the following noted exceptions set forth in the Act:
______1. Rendered confidential by Federal law or that if disclosed would impair receipt of Federal funds.
______2. Rendered confidential by State Statute or Court Rule.
______3. Would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy.
______4. Deals with collective bargaining, including negotiation positions.
______5. Deals with purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds.
______6. Related to setting of bank rates or the investment of public funds and disclosure could adversely affect the public interest.
______7. Related to tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public and disclosure may adversely affect the public.
______8. Related to investigation of violations or possible violations of the law.
______9. Related to pending/anticipated litigation or contract negotiations in which the public body is or may be a party.
______10. Falls within the attorney-client privilege and confidentiality is required.
______11. Deals with personnel matters of public employees and employee has not requested that the matter be made public.
______12. Quasi-judicial deliberations after public hearing that may result in imposition of a civil penalty or suspension or loss of a license or permit.
Upon returning to Open Session, the Mayor directed the Clerk to call the roll. All were present as previously called.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: There being no additional business, a motion was offered by Mr. Faber, moved and seconded by Dr. Frascella, that this meeting be adjourned at 9:30. The motion was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Ms. Mount, aye and MayorMoslowski Jr. aye.
Dana L. Tyler, RMC
Municipal Clerk
Note: In addition to matters listed on this agenda the Township Committee, the executive and legislative body of the Township of Upper Freehold may take any action in the form of a motion on other business as may be deemed necessary.