University of Rochester

Department of Chemical Engineering

Academic Curriculum: Class of 2014 and up

(The position of electives and some of the basic science courses are arbitrary.

The choices shown below balance technical courses and non-technical courses on a semester basis.)

Fall Term Spring Term

Freshman Year (34 credits)

5 CHM 131 Chemical Concepts I 5 CHM 132 b Chemical Concepts II

4 MTH 161 c Calculus I 4 MTH 162 c Calculus II

4 WRT 105 Primary Writing Requirement 4 PHY 121 Mechanics

4 ChE 150 Green Energy 4 Elective h Humanities/Social Science

17 17

Sophomore Year (37 credits)

4 CHM 203 b Organic Chemistry I 4 CHM 204 b Organic CHM II/BIO/EES Equivalent

1 CHM 207 b Organic Chem. Lab IH (1cr) 4 CSC 160 f Fundamentals of Computing

4 ChE 113 Chemical Process Analysis 4 ChE 243 Fluid Dynamics

4 MTH 164 g MultiDimensional Calculus 4 MTH 165 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations

4 Elective h Social Science/Humanities 4 Elective h Humanities/Social Science

17 20

Junior Year (32 credits)

4 ChE 225 Thermodynamics 4 ChE 231 Kinetics & Reactor Design

4 ChE 244 Heat & Mass Transfer 4 ChE 250 Separation Processes

4 PHY 122 d Electricity & Magnetism 3 ChE 246 Laboratory in ChE Principles (3cr)

4 Elective h Humanities/Social Science 1 ChE 279 Chemical Engineering Practice (1cr)

16 4 Elective h Social Science/Humanities


Senior Year (29 credits)

4 CHM 251 Physical Chemistry I 4 Elective g Advanced CHM/BIO/EES Elective

4 ChE 273 ChE Process Design 2 ChE 272 Process Control

3 ChE 255 Lab in ChE Processes 4 Elective g Technical

4 Elective Free Elective 4 Elective g Technical

15 14

TOTAL (132 credits)

,b,c,d,e,f,g,h Footnotes are on the reverse side of this page.



b The second semester of organic chemistry is recommended for a standard B.S. program. However, students may substitute an alternate chemistry course in its place, upon consultation with their academic adviser. Any chemistry course beyond the required three-semester sequence is acceptable.

If a student does CHM 171Q, 172Q , 173Q and CHM 210, they will receive credit of the first course in Organic Chemistry (CHM 203 and 207). In additional credit for CHM 132 will be granted; however, a student will be required to do 4 credits of an alternate course with chemistry content. See your faculty advisor when planning to take this series.

c An alternative approved sequence is MTH 171, 172, 173 for those students considered qualified by the Mathematics Department who has a strong interest in the theoretical aspects of calculus. The sequence MTH 141, 142, 143 may be substituted for MTH 161 and 162, with the extra 4 hours of credit counted towards degree requirements as the "free" elective.

d The second course in physics may be taken at any point in the 4-year curriculum. The position suggested here is to maintain a balance of technical courses, while encouraging the completion of core requirements in a timely fashion. A suitable alternative course in PHY 142 (honors electricity and magnetism), for those deemed eligible by the Physics Department.

e ChE 150 is a ChemE elective taught to introduce how chemical engineers use science and technology to solve contemporary problems. The course currently uses environmental issues as a backdrop for illustrating the distinctive features of the ChemE discipline in an informal project-oriented setting.

f CSC 160 satisfies the minimum requirement that all ChemE students develop competency in a mathematical programming language like MATHCAD or some equivalent system.

g,h Elective: The 4-year curriculum contains the equivalent of 11 four-credit electives: 5 technical electives and 5 non-technical electives (20 credit hours each), and 1 free elective (4 credits). These elective requirements are satisfied on an "accumulated credit hour" basis, by taking courses of at least 2 credit hours each.

g The 20 credit hours of technical electives must include an advanced chemistry course, an advanced math course, and a chemical engineering course that is not part of the core curriculum. The ChE elective must be at least 2 credit hours and must be in an area of new technological applications of chemical engineering.

The purpose of the Advanced Chemistry requirement in the chemical engineering undergraduate program is to provide students with scientific knowledge that goes beyond the standard freshman-organic-physical chemistry series of chemistry courses that are a core part of the program. The content of courses satisfying the advanced chemistry requirement should be predominantly chemistry in nature (e.g. a polymer chemistry course) and will, for the most part, be taught in the chemical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry or earth and environmental sciences departments. If you have questions about whether or not a course satisfies the advanced chemistry requirement please consult with your advisor.

Acceptable advanced chemistry courses include certain 4-credit chemical engineering electives that have a strong Natural sciences components, such as ChE 259 “Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems” and ChE 286 "Fundamentals of Polymeric Materials." In addition, the requirements may be satisfied with any 4-credit course in chemistry. Appropriate choices included CHM 211 "inorganic Chemistry" (Fall), CHM 252 "Physical Chemistry II" (Spring), CHE 231 “Chemical Instrumentation” (Fall), CHM 232 “Molecular Spectroscopy Lab” (Spring) and CHM 234 "Advanced Lab Techniques”. Chemistry related courses in other departments, such as BIO 250 "Biochemistry" (Spring), BME 260 "Quantitive Physiology Lab" (Fall), and TOX 521 “Biochemical Toxicology” (Spring) are also acceptable. Also acceptable are EES 217 "Physical and Chemical Hydrology" (Spring) EES 218 "The Chemistry of Global Change" (Fall), EES 204 “Mineralogy (Spring), EES 205 “Geophysics” (Spring), and EES 206 “Petrology and Geochemistry” (Fall).


h The 20 credit hours of non-technical electives (humanities and social sciences) must include an acceptable cluster in a humanities or social science discipline. Rules defining clusters are given in the Undergraduate Bulletin. Numerous examples of clusters are available through the cluster search engine, which is accessed through the UR Home Page (under "student life") on the World Wide Web. The 20 credits hours of non-technical electives may include a maximum of 4 credits of music performance courses. In general, humanities and social science courses are defined as follows: (More details are available in the general engineering section of the Undergraduate Bulletin.)

Humanities: Any English course except ENG 110-129 and that satisfying the primary writing requirement; any fine arts course; any foreign and comparative literature course; any course in a foreign language above the 101 level; any music theory or music history course; any philosophy course; any religious studies course. A 101-level foreign language course may be applied towards the non-technical elective requirement only if it is followed by a higher level language course in the same language.
Social science: Any course in anthropology, economics, history, linguistics, political science, and psychology.
