Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 11th March 2011
University of Melbourne Student Union
Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee
Meeting 3/11
3 PM at, 11/3/2011
Location: Resource Room, Union House
1. Procedural Matters
1.1. Election of Chair
1.2. Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
1.3. Attendance
1.4. Apologies (Brooke Sullivan, Quinn Oakley)
1.5. Proxies
1.6. Membership
1.7. Adoption of Agenda
2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes (17/2/2011)
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.1. Finance Club & Poker Club Membership Prices
3.2. Regulations recommended to Students’ Council
3.2.1. 26.11.2010
3.2.2. 31.1.2011
3.3. Income Tax Compliance
3.4. Alcohol Review & Liquor Licensing Compliance
3.5. Revision of Advertising FAQ
4. Office Bearers’ Report & Action List
5. Correspondence
5.1. Student Exchange Society: C&S Promotional and Buddy BBQ Grant Application
5.2. Membership List Extensions
5.2.1. Geomatics Society
5.2.2. Informatics and Information Systems Student Society
5.3. IESS Name Change
6. Grants
6.1. Standard & Semesterly
6.2. Grants For Discussion
7. Administration of New Lockers
8. Members Week
9. Asset Checking
10. University Square: on or off campus?
11. C&S Logo
12. VCA Joint Club Event
13. Orientation
13.1. Security Payment
13.2. University Security correspondence about unofficial stalls
13.3. Review and feedback
14. CastOn Charity Group
14.1. Audit
14.2. Requests for mediation
15. Other Business
16. Next Meeting (3.15 pm, Friday March 25)
17. Close
Meeting opened at: 3:15 PM, by Steph Field
Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters
1.1 Election of Chair
Motion 1: That Steph Field be elected as chair
Moved: Stephanie Field Seconded: Sarah Lloyd
1.2 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
So acknowledged
1.3 Attendance
Committee: Sarah Lloyd, Gabe Bernasochi, Patrick Clearwater, Daphne Ni Jiang, Tim Hall, Brooke Sullivan, Quinn Oakley
Office Bearers: Cassie Lutzko, Steph Field
Admin: Fiona Sanders
Absent: Quinn Oakley
Other: Jason Tay
1.4 Apologies
1.5 Proxies
No official proxies, Quinn proxied via text to Tay
1.6 Membership
No change
1.7 Adoption of Agenda
Motion 2: To adopt the agenda.
Moved: Chair
Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Motion 3: That the minutes from 17/2/2011 be accepted as true and accurate record.
Moved: Chair
Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Finance Club & Poker Club Membership Prices
Poker Club has submitted their membership prices. All good with them.
Nothing has been submitted by the Finance Club. There were several suggestions made as to what to do, but consensus was reached to wait to see if we get a membership list from them by deadline and deal with it next meeting.
3.2 Regulations recommended to Students’ Council
Students Council was again inquorate. Fail.
3.3 Income Tax Compliance
No action
3.4 Alcohol Review & Liquor Licensing Compliance
Will email next week regarding liquor licenses
3.5 Revision of Advertising FAQ
Combining all publicity guidelines into one document. WIP
3.30 Quinn Oakley arrives
The idea of having a C&S logo was discussed. This way, we could regulate and protect our logo. It should be simple, no small writing, black or white on transparent background.
ACTION: Consensus to get communications to propose logo.
ACTION: Propose regulations.
Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Reports
Orientation: Expo was run and was a success!
Welcome back week: Forms processed and website updated.
VCA Expo: Attended. Idea to have a clubs BBQ there later in semester.
Publicity Guide: Started, also thinking about logo.
Grants List: Lots!
Lockers: New lockers. All small, and will allocate some of them.
Motion 4: To tell clubs about supporting the flood fundraiser as suggested by the University.
Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Sarah Lloyd
Discussed whether or not all events that have a grant applied for them should go up on website. Patrick and Sarah volunteered to put events up on website.
ACTION: Fiona, Steph, Cassie and Abby to discuss how viable this is and report back.
Agenda Item 5: Correspondence
5.1 Student Exchange Society: C&S Promotional and Buddy BBQ Grant Application
No action required
3.52pm Brooke Sullivan leaves
5.2 Membership List Extensions
5.1.1 Geomatics Society
5.1.2 Informatics and Information Systems Student Society
Sarah Lloyd proposes an extension to Tuesday 22nd March and gives Fiona the power to give the same extension to other clubs who request it.
Motion 5: That an extension till Tuesday 22nd March be granted and Fiona have the power to give the same extension to other clubs who request it.
Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded: Jason Tay
3.55pm Brooke Sullivan returns
5.3 IESS Name Change
International Engineering Students Society want to incorporate ‘Science’ into their name because of the Melbourne Model. Fair enough.
Motion 5: That IESS be approved to rename themselves ‘International Engineering and Science Society.’
Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Sarah Lloyd
Agenda Item 6: Grants
6.1 Standard and Semesterly grants
Motion 6: To approve standard and semesterly grants en bloc.
Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Daphne Jiang
6.2 Grants for Discussion
Chemical Engineering grant moved to standard grants.
Earth Sciences Students Society 14/3 BBQ
Motion 7: To conditionally approve Earth Science’s grant, provided they are SFH and RSA compliant.
Moved: Chair
Informatics and information Systems Students Society BBQ 8/3
Motion 8: To reject Informatics and Information Systems Students Society on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
Informatics and information Systems Student Society BBQ 10/3 & 15/3
Motion 9: To approve and grant off campus exemption for Informatics and Information Systems Society on 10/3 and 15/3.
Moved: Chair
Maths & Stats Society Non-perishables and gift 4/3
Motion 10: To approve Purchases grant for Mathematics and Statistics Society but not Function grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Sarah Lloyd
Purchases approval rescinded
Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded: Gabe Bernasochi
Music Students Society- 2 BBQs and Function 3/3
Motion 11: To reject Music Students Society’s grants on the basis that the the club was suspended from applying at the time the Purchase was made (BBQs) and the Function is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline
Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded: Tim Hall
4.05pm Jason Tay leaves
African Drumming Club Instructor Hire 3/3
Motion 12: To reject African Drumming Club’s grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
4.09pm Jason Tay returns
Club of Kites Semesterly Saturdays at Princes Park
Sarah Lloyd yells “in your face” while pointing at Brooke after the ineligibility of the Weather Girl to vote is established.
Motion 13: To grant Club of Kites off campus exemption
Moved: Gabe Bernasochi Seconded: Jason Tay
Carried, Brooke Sullivan abstains
Choral Society Venue Hire 2/3
Motion 12: To reject Choral Society’s grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
Film Society Screening fee and non-perishables 8/3
Motion 13: To reject Film Society’s grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
ACTION: To clarify the Welcome Back ‘Purchases’ rule. Recommend Policy/Regulations
4.15pm Tim Hall leaves
More Beer BBQ 3/3
Motion 14: To reject More Beer’s grant as they are not SFH compliant and did not apply for a welcome Back grant.
Moved: Chair
ACTION: Steph to tell Jonno Webb and he will yell at them.
Political Interest Society Semesterly Off-Campus
Motion 15: To approve Political Interest Society grant and off campus exemption.
Moved: Chair
Motion 16: To reject PIRATES’ grant as their Grants are currently suspended.
Moved: Chair
Motion 17: That Steph should write to PIRATES “You can have the grant LOL JK you can’t cos you’re suspended”
Moved: Gabe Bernasochi Seconded: Brooke Sullivan
Society for Creative Anachronism Function 5/3
Motion 18: To reject Society for Creative Anachronism’ grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
Motion 19: That Cassie Lutzko must write to SCA in early modern English to say the grant was rejected.
Moved: Brooke Sullivan Seconded: Gabe Bernasochi
Society for Electronic Entertainment non-perishables 1/3
Motion 20: To reject Society for Electronic Entertainment grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline and direct Steph Field to write to them in binary to tell them.
Moved: Brooke Sullivan Seconded: Jason Tay
Carried, Sarah Lloyd against
Secular Society 3/3 food
Motion 21: To reject Secular Society grant on the basis that it is a welcome back grant not applied for by the deadline.
Moved: Chair
Carried, Patrick Clearwater abstained
4.26pm Jason Tay and Brooke Sullivan left
Universe Iced Coffee 8/3
Motion 22: To reject Universe grant as there was no Grounds booking made.
Moved: Chair
Weekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime SGM Pizza 11/3
Motion 23: To approve Weekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime grant on the grounds that it is an SGM, even though it is in the Welcome Back period.
Moved: Chair
Carried, 1 abstention
Youth Charity Society BBQ 8/3 (applied for by Feb 14 but venue clashed with Activities band & BBQ)
Motion 24: To approve Youth Charity Society grant.
Moved: Chair
Agenda Item 7: Administration of New Lockers
ACTION: Policy update: Not to allocate lockers before orientation so that they can be used by clubs to store things over-night. Also allow for casual lockers to be hired for up to three days. The other 24 lockers to be allocated by next meeting.
Agenda Item 8: Member’s Week
It was suggested that for this week we should encourage clubs to hold events by making it a C&S Promo week. Another suggestion was to ask Activities about making that Tuesday BBQ a clubs expo. The deadline for that week’s grants (all types) is Friday April 15th.
Motion 25: To open C&S Promo category for events in Week 9 Semester 1, starting 9 am Monday to 5.15pm Friday. All Events in this Week may be applied for as a C&S Promo or a Function as the club chooses. The deadline applies to all Events in that week including C&S Promo, Purchases that relate to an Event and Function grants and full details of the event must be submitted.
Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded: Gabe Bernasochi
ACTION: Tell Evie and Marisa about Members Week
Agenda Item 9: Asset Checking
Motion 26: That asset are due to be checked before the end of week 5 (April 1st).
Moved: Chair
Agenda Item 10: University Square: On or Off Campus?
Decided that University square is part of campus.
Motion 27: That for the purposes of Grant Applications, University Square does not require an off-campus exemption.
Moved: Chair
Agenda Item 11: C&S Logo
Already covered.
Agenda Item 12: VCA Joint Event
The committee was pretty interested in such an event,
4.50pm Gabe Bernasochi left
The plan would be for C&S to pay for the event based on the number of clubs present. We would have half a table or a full table for each club. Potentially ask Activities for Little Creatures sponsorship.
ACTION: OBs to plan and propose budget. Speak to VCA reps for advice on advertising and booking spaces, tables etc.
This would be for promotion of department at VCA.
Agenda Item 13: Orientation
13.1 Security payment
Motion 28: To pay security for C&S expo $589.05 from orientation budget line (03 60 605 3163).
Moved: Chair
13.2 University Security correspondence about unofficial stalls
A club who had set up an unofficial stall was moved on by security. Correspondence noted.
13.3 Review and feedback
Performances: Were noisy. Maybe speak to Entertainment about halving the volume or keeping it acoustic.
Splitting the clubs up over the two days was not a good idea.
Should we provide pin boards for everyone in the hall? No.
Agenda Item 14: CastOn Charity Group
14.1 Audit
Steph summarized the dealings with CastOn in relation to the audit. The treasurer had apparently disappeared, and the vice president and secretary came to see her. As it was unlikely that they would be able to shed and light on the bank statements or balance sheet, Steph made a few suggestions in regards to what they should do in terms of reporting for the future and strongly recommended whomever was voted in as the new treasurer attend Record-Keeping and Reporting training as soon as possible, and model the club’s reporting on the training. Steph also suggested that the committee order a re-audit a month or two after the next SGM/AGM. She did not believe that they were being ‘financially mismanaged’ in any sinister way, and wanted them to start keeping records properly.
14.2 Request for mediation
The issues with Cast On were summarized for the committee.
By consensus, the committee decided to freeze all meeting types (General meetings and Committee meetings) before mediation is completed. No changes to the exec or the constitution were to happen before mediation.
The C&S committee also refused to accept the resignations of the two executive members based on the fact that there were two contradictory documents received. The executive of the club are to be invited to a special meeting next Friday.
Petition for a Special Meeting: That a special meeting be held at 3.15pm on Friday 18th March 2011
Petitioners: Sarah Lloyd Quinn Oakley, Daphne Jiang, Patrick Clearwater, Steph Field, Cassie Lutzko (last two for lolz)
Terms of reference for mediation:
- Who us on current committee
- Organising the next GM
- Future direction of the club
- Instruction on proper process
- Instruction on financial matters
Petition 2: That the CastOn charity Group be disaffiliated on grounds of financial mismanagement (C&S Regulation 6.1.b)
Petitioners: Sarah Lloyd, Daphne Jiang
Also, CastOn should be advised that they are very likely to be disaffiliated if they do not attend meeting. They should also be emailed advising them that a club cannot pay for union membership for executives.
ACTION: Fiona to send C&S committee all the related documents.
Agenda Item 15: Other Business
Flood relief – C&S has sent around an email advising them of how to get involved. There may be a possibility of the university giving money or something.
Agenda Item 16: Next Meeting (3.15pm Friday 18th March)
Agenda Item 17: Close
Meeting Closed at: 5.50pm
Certified by Chair:
Signed: Dated:
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