Livingston County Schools Volunteer Orientation Material

  1. Welcome to our school

Vision: Livingston County Schools…the bridge to developing successful, lifelong learners.

Mission: The supporting piers for the bridge are responsibility, respect, proficiency, productivity and pride.

We believe…

  • All students can learn
  • All students have the potential for success
  • All students should receive challenging and thought provoking education
  • All students have different ways of learning
  • Commitment and high expectations from teachers and students leads to greater achievement
  • Positive attitudes are necessary to continue the journey each day
  • Support from parents, community and the school are important keys to developing successful life-long learners
  • The primary focus of the school is to educate students

Importance of Volunteers

Enhance Instruction

Individual Attention

Link to the Community (Please be positive)

Legal Issues


Confidentiality means protecting all personally identifiable data, information and records collected, used, or kept by the school district about a student. Confidentiality requirements also apply to any event, conversation, or records that you might see or overhear someone discussing.

Criminal Records Check

All records checks are submitted through the Superintendent’s office. The Board of Education is charged a $10 fee. We respectfully request that each volunteer make a $10 donation to cover this expense when possible.

Reporting Child Abuse

Any person who knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child is dependent, neglected or abused shall immediately cause an oral or written report to be made to a local law enforcement agency or the KY State Police; the Cabinet or its designated representative; the commonwealth attorney or the county attorney; by telephone or otherwise. Nothing shall relieve individuals of their obligation to report.

  1. Role of Volunteers

Respecting School Policies

and Out/Badges (Safety & Record Keeping)

Safety & Emergency Procedures (Fire & Tornado exit plans are posted in each classroom)

Working in Child’s Classroom

Injuries, Accidents and Physical Emergencies (Blood Born Pathogens)

Student Supervision (All volunteers shall provide assistance only under the direct supervision of a member of the professional administrative and teaching staff.)

Volunteer Guidelines

Dress Appropriately

Please be positive and friendly

Avoid Interruptions

Leave discipline for the teacher

Encourage/praise students frequently


  1. Volunteer Opportunities

Ideas for Volunteering

Methods of Assignment


Use of Equipment and Facilities