Standard 7: SMART Goal Setting Form

Teacher’s Name: Pre-K Teacher School:

Subject/Grade or Position: Pre-K School Year: 2013-2014

Directions: This form is a tool to assist teachers in setting a SMART goal that results in measurable learner progress. NOTE: When applicable, learner achievement/progress should be the focus of the goal. Enter information electronically into the cells (the boxes will expand to fit the text).

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic but Rigorous, Time Limited

Initial Goal Submission (due by ______to the evaluator)

I. Setting (Describe the population and special learning circumstances.) / APS Elementary School houses over 500 children. The VPI classroom represents students from families are of low socio-economic backgrounds. The sixteen students in this VPI classroom speak over 5 different languages.
II. Content/Subject/Field Area (The area/topic addressed based on learner achievement, data analysis, or observational data.) / Pre-K Virginia Preschool initiative Four-Year-Old Program
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current data?) / A current fall Pre-K Phonological Awareness Literacy Quick check indicates that 90% of my Pre-K class did not meet the Spring Pre-k PALS developmental range in the areas of letter recognition and letter sounds. The Spring Developmental range for Pre-K is between 12-21 for upper-case alphabet recognition, 9-17 for lower-case alphabet recognition, and 4-8 for letter sounds.
Data attached
IV. SMART Goal (Describe what you want learners/program to accomplish.) / For the 2013-2014 school year, all of my Pre-K students will make measurable growth on the Pre-K PALS assessment by increasing their scores on on the Pre-K PALS by 5* points each.
*This should be based on your student data.
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
Instructional Strategy / Evidence / Target Date
In-class small group differentiated instruction (target specific skill area in need i.e. letter sounds, concept of print, name writing, etc.); groups are formed based on instructional needs as indicated on the Pre-K PALS and other Quick checks in the classroom. / ·  Pre-K PALS (Fall, Mid-year, Spring)
·  Informal quick checks assessed by-weekly to check progress. / November, February, June
Data meetings will held with the Early Childhood Office
Share targeted phonemic awareness games/activities/books with parents on a monthly basis via the VPI Home/School Connection program.
Specific Parent education evenings held for VPI families focused on specific areas of improvement in literacy. / ·  Parent communication logs and tracking of each home-school connection unit sent home monthly.
·  Evidence on the validity of this intervention will be assessed via the pre-K PALS screening and informal class observations.
·  Parent participation and involved in parent education evenings can be evidenced by sign-in sheets. / November, February, June
Data meetings will held with the Early Childhood Office
Additional small-group instruction/support with targeted early literacy concepts with instructional assistant, tutor, etc. before-school, during plan-do-review, etc. / ·  Informal quick checks assessed by-weekly to check progress. / November, February, June
Data meetings will held with the Early Childhood Office
Student Name / Letter Sounds (0-26) Spring Range: 4-8 / Upper-case letter recognition (0-26)
Spring range: 12-21 / Upper-case letter recognition
Spring range: 12-21
Fall / Winter / Spring / Fall / Winter / Spring / Fall / Winter / Spring
Student 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Student 2 / 2 / 2 / 2
Student 3 / 2 / 2 / 2
Student 4 / 2 / 2 / 4
Student 5 / 3 / 3 / 3
Student 6 / 4 / 3 / 0
Student 7 / 2 / 5 / 3
Student 8 / 3 / 4 / 5
Student 9 / 4 / 6 / 2
Student 10 / 3 / 2 / 0
Student 11 / 4 / 2 / 4
Student 12 / 4 / 3 / 2
Student 13 / 5 / 0 / 1
Student 14 / 1 / 0 / 0
Student 15 / 5 / 5 / 0
Student 16 / 4 / 1 / 1

Teacher’s -Signature: Date:

Evaluator’s Signature: Date:

Print or Type Evaluator’s Name:

Principal forwards one copy to the Professional Development Office

End of Year Teacher Reflection Data attached
·  Chart outlining results of the informal Pre-K PALS Quickchecks and outcomes for each child.
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Evaluator’s Signature: Date:
Print or Type Evaluator’s Name: