University of Central Lancashire Students Union




A Students' Council - Meeting Regulations

1.1 These meeting regulations shall apply in full to all Students’ Council meetings.

2.0 Who Can Come to Students' Council?

2.1 Members of Council and any member of the Union may attend Students’ Council meetings as an observer. Membership of Council is laid out in Bye Law 10.

2.2 Where a council position is vacant but an election has been conducted for the following academic year the successful candidate in that election may be co-opted to that position through a simple majority of those present.

2.3 Where a non-trustee member has failed to attend two consecutive meetings without submitting apologies they will be deemed to have resigned from office.

2.4 All members of council are expected to maintain high standards of conduct in their dealings with each other, students and staff as laid out in Bye Law 2 of the Union.

2.5 Where a non-trustee member has failed to fulfil their consultation hours for two consecutive months without submitting apologies they will be deemed to have resigned from office.

3.0 Who May Speak at Students' Council?

3.1 Any member of the Union may speak at Students' Council. Any individuals who are not full members may only speak with the permission of the meeting.

3.2 Any member wishing to speak must so indicate to the Chair. The Chair of the meeting shall decide the order of speaking when this is not clear.

4.0 Who May Vote at Students' Council?

4.1 Only members of the Students’ Council may vote. This may include those co-opted under section 2.2. For the purposes of these rules votes submitted in writing ahead of the meeting or cast via video or audio equipment during the meeting are valid votes.

4.2 In the event of a tied vote the motion will fall.

5 How to get things done

5.1.1The Students’ Council will meet no more than 3 times a year, the dates shall be fixed prior to the start of the academic year and clearly published on the Union’s website.

5.1.2 All items for discussion will be submitted via an online petition on the Union’s website. Petitions will be open for 28 days.

5.1.3 Any petition that has a majority rejecting the proposal will not be taken forward.

5.1.4 Any petition that has a majority and at least 50 likes will be referred to Council. Any petition that has a majority and at least 250 likes will be referred for referendum.

5.1.3 If it is the opinion of the Chair of Council that the item falls within the remit of one of the Union’s Forumsand is line with existing Union policy it will be submitted to the next meeting of that Forum.

5.2 No Union money will be spent on any campaign that has not been adopted by Council or the relevant Union Forum.

5.3 The agenda and all items for discussion will be published on the Union website 7 days prior to the meeting.

5.4 In order for a meeting to proceed at least 1/3rd of all filled positions must be in attendance in person or via video or audio conferencing.

6.0 Who Runs The Meeting?

There shall be an election for a Deputy Chair at the first meeting of the academic year. Nominees must be members of the Students' Council, and who are not paid Trustees of the Union.

7.0 What Is Talked About At The Meeting?

7.1 The Agenda of meetings shall be taken in the following order:-

 Update on progress on Actions agreed at previous Meetings.

 Report from the President on SAC and Board work

 Items submitted by Members for debate

7.2 Formal motions shall be debated as follows:-

7.2.1 The proposer shall speak on the Debate first. It shall then be open for discussion and may be withdrawn only with the consent of the meeting.

7.2.2 The Chair shall invite and take speeches both for and against the changes. No member shall speak more than once in the debate except for the proposer who will have one opportunity to respond to comments immediately prior to the vote.

7.3 Any proposed changes to the Motion for Debate must be submitted in writing prior to the meeting.

7.4 When all proposed changes have been voted upon, the amended Motion for Debate shall be discussed and voted upon.

7.5 No debate shall take longer than 30 minutes at which point a vote must be taken.

7.6 Points of Order (Matters Relating to the Conduct of the Meeting)

7.6.1 A point of order may be raised at any time by gaining the permission of the Chair, except during a vote unless it relates to the way the vote is being conducted. A point of order can include:- A request for a ruling from the Chair on the conduct of the meeting. A request that a person who is not a full member of the Union shall be allowed to speak. A request for clarification on any conflict of interest of members of Council. A request for the vote to be taken by secret ballot.

General Rules

7.6.2 Points of information may be raised by any member of the Union providing that the speaker occupying the floor signifies their intention to give way.

7.6.3 Debates shall require a simple majority to be decided. Abstentions will not affect the majority required to pass a motion.

7.6.4 In event of any situation arising not being covered by meeting regulations then the Chair shall rule on the procedure to be adopted. Such ruling shall be subject of any challenge under procedural motion above.

7.6.5 All agreed policies shall remain as policy of the Union for 3 calendar years

8.0 The Annual Members Meeting - Meeting Regulations

8.1 The Annual Members Meeting shall be held in accordance with Article 14 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Union.

The meeting shall not be a general meeting of the company for the purposes of the Companies Act unless it is called in accordance with Articles 15–28 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Union.

The decisions of the meeting shall not be binding on the Trustees unless the meeting conforms to Articles 15 – 28 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Union

8.2 The meeting will be chaired by the Chair of Students' Council or his/her nominee. The Chair shall only vote in the event of a tied vote.

8.3 The order of Business shall be as specified in Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Union and the Bye-Laws.

8.4 All members and Trustees are entitled to attend, participate in discussions and vote on presentation of a valid Union membership card. Persons who are not members and who wish to observe the meeting require the permission of the meeting to do so. Permission to attend will be granted to invited speakers and professional advisers as required.

8.5 Interpretation must be provided for deaf students.

9.0 Notice of the Meeting

9.1 At least 14 clear days' notice will be given of the meeting and given to every member, trustees, any patrons and Auditors of the Union.

9.2 All documents and reports to be presented for approval by the meeting shall be available to members and Trustees at least five clear days before the meeting.

10.0 The Trustees Annual Report and Plan

10.1 The Trustees Annual Report and Plan including the Budget shall be presented by the President as Chair of the Board of Trustees with a resolution that the plan be accepted.

10.2 A vote will be taken and if there is a simple majority of those present and voting the report will be accepted.

11.0 Audited Accounts

11.1 The President will report on the financial performance of the union in the previous financial year will ask if any member has any comments or questions about the accounts.

12.0 Appointment of Auditors

12.1 The President will notify the members of the name of a suitable firm to be appointed by the Union as Auditors.

13.0 Appointment of Returning Officer

13.1 The President will notify the members of the name of a suitable person to be appointed by the Union as the Returning Officer.

14.0 Review of Affiliations

14.1 The President will propose the name of organisations to which the Union intends to affiliate in the current year and notify the meeting of the process by which members may object to these affiliations.

15.0 Resolutions

15.1 Any member may propose a Resolution to the meeting. The function of the Resolution is to afford opportunities for members to raise a matter that cannot be dealt with by reference to the Annual Report, audited accounts or budget discussions. If passed a Resolution will be binding on the Union provided that the quorum of the meeting as specified in the Article 19 Memorandum and Articles of Association is achieved.

15.2 Any full member may propose a Resolution (Motion) to the meeting provided:-

15.2.1 It is submitted to the Union's President or their nominee not less than 48 hours before the meeting is to take place.

15.2.2 It contains a proposed course of action that does not contravene the aims and objectives of the Union.

15.2.3 It does not exceed 200 words.

15.3 The Chair will invite the proposer to introduce the motion. The Chair will then ensure that there is a balanced debate before allowing the proposer to sum up and putting the matter to the vote.

16.0 Voting at the Annual Members Meeting

16.1 All matters requiring a vote to be taken will be determined by simple majority of those present and voting.

BAcademic Forum - Meeting Regulations

1.1 These meeting regulations shall apply in full to all Academic Forum meetings.

1.2 The remit of the Academic Forum is to receive updates on the work of the Education Officer, discuss matters relating to academic courses of study, and consider the structure and performance of the academic representation system.

2.0 Who Can Come to Academic Forum

2.1 Any member of the Union may attendas an observer.

3.0 Who May Speak at Academic Forum?

3.1 Any member of the Union. Any individuals who are not full members may only speak with the permission of the meeting.

3.2 Any member wishing to speak must so indicate to the Chair. The Chair of the meeting shall decide the order of speaking when this is not clear.

4.0 Who May Vote at Academic Forum?

4.1 The Education Officer and all School Presidents.

4.2 In the event of a tied vote the motion will fall.

5 How to get things done

5.1 The Academic Forum will meet no more than 3 times a year, the dates shall be fixed prior to the start of the academic year and clearly published on the Union’s website.

5.2 The agenda and all items for discussion will be published on the Union website 7 days prior to the meeting.

6.0 Who Runs The Meeting?

There shall be an election for Chair and Deputy Chair at the first meeting of the year. Nominees must not be members of the SAC.

7.0 What Is Talked About At The Meeting?

7.1 The Agenda of meetings shall be taken in the following order:-

 Update on progress on Actions agreed at previous Meetings.

 Report from the Education Officer

 Items submitted by Members for debate

CWelfare and Liberation Forum - Meeting Regulations

1.1 These meeting regulations shall apply in full to all Welfare and Liberation Forum meetings.

1.2 The remit of the Welfare and Liberation Forum is to receive updates on the work of the Campaigns Officer, discuss matters relating to the on campus welfare of students, ensure that the diversity of the student body is celebrated and supported.

2.0 Who Can Come to Welfare and Liberation Forum

2.1 Any member of the Union may attendas an observer.

3.0 Who May Speak at Welfare and Liberation Forum?

3.1 Any member of the Union. Any individuals who are not full members may only speak with the permission of the meeting.

3.2 Any member wishing to speak must so indicate to the Chair. The Chair of the meeting shall decide the order of speaking when this is not clear.

4.0 Who May Vote at Welfare and Liberation Forum?

4.1 The Campaigns Officer, Women’s Representative, Disabled Students Representative, LGB Representative, Transgender Representative, BME Representative, International Representative and Post Graduate Representative.

4.2 In the event of a tied vote the motion will fall.

5 How to get things done

5.1 The Welfare and Liberation Forum will meet no more than 3 times a year, the dates shall be fixed prior to the start of the academic year and clearly published on the Union’s website.

5.2 The agenda and all items for discussion will be published on the Union website 7 days prior to the meeting.

6.0 Who Runs The Meeting?

There shall be an election for Chair and Deputy Chair at the first meeting of the year. Nominees must not be members of the SAC.

7.0 What Is Talked About At The Meeting?

7.1 The Agenda of meetings shall be taken in the following order:-

• Update on progress on Actions agreed at previous Meetings.

• Report from the Campaigns Officer

• Items submitted by Members for debate

DSports and Societies Forum - Meeting Regulations

1.1 These meeting regulations shall apply in full to all Sports and Societies Forum meetings.

1.2 The remit of the Sports and Societies Forum is to receive updates on the work of the Activities Officer, discuss matters relating to the development of Clubs, Societies, recreational sport and RAG.

2.0 Who Can Come to Sports and Societies Forum

2.1 Any member of the Union can attend Sports and Societies Forum as an observer.

3.0 Who May Speak at Sports and Societies Forum?

3.1 Any member of the Union may speak at the Sports and Societies Forum. Any individuals who are not full members may only speak with the permission of the meeting.

3.2 Any member wishing to speak must so indicate to the Chair. The Chair of the meeting shall decide the order of speaking when this is not clear.

4.0 Who May Vote at Sports and Societies Forum?

4.1 The Activities and Participation Officer and all members of the Sports Development Committee and Societies Development Committee.

4.2 In the event of a tied vote the motion will fall.

5 How to get things done

5.1 The Sports and Societies Forum will meet no more than 3 times a year, the dates shall be fixed prior to the start of the academic year and clearly published on the Union’s website.

5.2 The agenda and all items for discussion will be published on the Union website 7 days prior to the meeting.

6.0 Who Runs The Meeting?

There shall be an election for Chair and Deputy Chair at the first meeting of the year. Nominees must not be members of the SAC.

7.0 What Is Talked About At The Meeting?

7.1 The Agenda of meetings shall be taken in the following order:-

• Update on progress on Actions agreed at previous Meetings.

• Report from the Activities Officer

• Items submitted by Members for debate

EStudent Media Forum - Meeting Regulations

1.1 These meeting regulations shall apply in full to all Media Forum meetings.

1.2 The remit of the Media Forum is to receive updates on the work of the Media Officer, discuss matters relating to the operation and development of Pluto, PSTV and Frequency and consider proposals for any new student media platforms.

2.0 Who Can Come to Media Forum

2.1 Any member of the Union may attendas an observer.

3.0 Who May Speak at Media Forum?

3.1 Any member of the Union. Any individuals who are not full members may only speak with the permission of the meeting.

3.2 Any member wishing to speak must so indicate to the Chair. The Chair of the meeting shall decide the order of speaking when this is not clear.

4.0 Who May Vote at Welfare and Liberation Forum?

4.1 The Media Officer, the 5 Open Members of Council, the lead volunteer of each student media platform.

4.2 In the event of a tied vote the motion will fall.

5 How to get things done

5.1 The Media Forum will meet no more than 3 times a year, the dates shall be fixed prior to the start of the academic year and clearly published on the Union’s website.

5.2 The agenda and all items for discussion will be published on the Union website 7 days prior to the meeting.

6.0 Who Runs The Meeting?

There shall be an election for Chair and Deputy Chair at the first meeting of the year. Nominees must not be members of the SAC.

7.0 What Is Talked About At The Meeting?

7.1 The Agenda of meetings shall be taken in the following order:-

• Update on progress on Actions agreed at previous Meetings.

• Report from the Media Officer

• Items submitted by Members for debate