15 March 2008

A meeting of MOAA Greater Dallas Chapter (GDC) Executive Committee was duly called and held at 0900 on 15 March 2008 at the Oakridge Country Club, 2800 Diamond Oaks Drive, Garland, TX 75044.

The following Members were present:

President LTC Nic Santangelo, USA-Ret.

VP-Membership MAJ Ira Richardson, USA-Ret.

VP-Legislative COL David Briggs, AUS-Ret.

Chaplain CH (MAJ) Wally Williamson, USA-Ret.

Appointed Member Col Charles Gibbs, USAF-Ret.

Appointed Member Col Paul Koeltzow, USAF- Ret.

Appointed Member COL Fred Grutze, USA-Ret.

Appointed Member Marie Myler, Auxiliary

Appointed Member CAPT Bob Rymal USN Ret

Appointed Member Dr. Nancy Sodeman, PhD, Auxiliary

Member-at-Large LTC Ed Tatge. USA-Ret.

Member-at-Large LCDR Glenn Wamble, USNR-Ret.

The following Members were absent:

VP-Programs LtCol Paul Pfrommer, USAF Ret.

Secretary Loana Archuleta, Auxiliary

Treasurer LT Bob Borowczak, USCG-FAD

Editor LCDR William Hill, USN-Ret.

Scholarship CH (COL) Lyle Metzler, USAR-Ret.

Meeting Coordinator Maj Marvin Slater, USAF-FAD

Appointed Member LT Frank Drechsler, USN-Ret.

Appointed Member LTC Ed Gregory, USA-Ret.


Ms. Britt Harper Auxiliary & MOWC Representative

H. Clayton Garner Col USAF-Ret.


LTC Santangelo, President, called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum was present. CH (MAJ) Willamson gave the Invocation and Col Gibbs lead the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the 19 January 2008 minutes were accepted without change. Minutes of the 15 February 2008 General Meeting were accepted without change.

LTC Santangelo announced that Col Gibbs had accepted the Interim JROTC Coordinator position and would be carrying out several duties traditionally performed by the President-Elect. There was significant applause. LTC Santangelo introduced Guests Ms. Britt Harper, Auxiliary and MOWC Representative, and Col H. Clayton Garner, USAF-Ret.


VP- Membership. MAJ Richardson announced the passing of Mrs. Mary Callaghan, longtime Member of MOAA-GDC and spouse of LtCol Bill Callaghan, USAF-Ret. Ms. Britt Harper had a copy of Mary’s obituary.

COL Briggs called for a Point of Order. He stated that MAJ Richardson had violated the By-Laws by not presenting a 2008 Membership Plan to the Executive Committee. There was no useful discussion.

MAJ Richardson stated that the 2008 Membership Directory was mailed and in the hands of Members. He distributed extracts from MOAA National detailing MOAA National Members who reside in North Texas. Members are asked to contact those Chapter Member prospects who reside in their zip codes, approximately 1,500 of the 4,000 persons list.

VP- Legislation. COL Briggs recognized Col Paul Koeltzow’s legislative email alerts. He stated that the Texas Council of Chapters (TCC) would storm the Texas Legislature in early April 08. He asked that Chapter visits to local legislators hold off until MOAA National issues their guidance.

COL Briggs said that TRICARE fees were back on the agenda, including TRICARE For Life (TFL). MOAA National President ADM Ryan announced that Department of Defense (DOD) Undersecretary for Military Healthcare Dr. Chu is retiring soon. LTC Santangelo asked that all five (5) North Texas Congressional Representatives be emailed to help get MOAA National “Storming The Hill” appointments scheduled. CAPT Rymal stated that while he was TCC President he wrote directly to the Texas Senators and Representatives to schedule appointments in the three (3) U. S. House of Representatives building and two (2) U. S. Senator buildings.

Treasurer. There was no Treasurer’s report. LTC Santangelo stated he would contact the Treasurer for a complete accounting and to identify ways of dealing with the $1,700 estimated shortfall from low 2008 Member renewals. An Executive Committee Member donated $1,000 to the General Membership Fund.

VP- Programs. LtCol Pfrommer was said to be in San Antonio with his family. Col Koeltzow suggested we invite some political speakers to boost luncheon attendance. MAJ Richardson said that the August luncheon may be best for that. They will discuss with LtCol Pfrommer. A Member stated that he has personally paid for two (2) programs in 2007. He recommended MOAA-GDC give a plaque to the Guest Presenters. Col Gibbs suggested the Willie Nelson impersonator for a program. LTC Tatge said $200 is the maximum that should be considered for entertainment.

LTC Santangelo asked for someone to coordinate the 2008 Veterans Day Parade duties. COL Briggs asked for a clarification of the entry fee, if any.

Chaplain. CH(MAJ) Williamson stated that there were many Members in ill health. He has visited Col Tom Walsh in the hospital. CH (MAJ) Williamson’s emails are not coming through so it’s best to call him. He recapped his current health challenges. All called for prayer.

Scholarship Committee. Col Gibbs announced that the Scholarship Committee will meet Monday, 17 Mar 08, 1100 at the AAFES HQs. He stated that MOAA-GDC will present a 2008 MAJ Benny Archuleta Memorial Scholarship. The Scholarship Committee will select 2 or 3 scholarships for 2008, depending on the budget.

JROTC Coordinator. Col Gibbs called for a JROTC Coordinator volunteer. As Acting Coordinator, he detailed the 45 high school JROTC Programs MOAA-GDC supports with medals, certificates and presentations. He has received the medals and certificates and has distributed the medals. He has met with CH (COL) Lyle Metzler who is coordinating the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) JROTC Program.

Col Briggs asked for volunteers to present medals and certificates at the High School JROTC ceremonies beginning in April 2008. COL Briggs encouraged everyone to participate. Col Gibbs stated it will renew your faith in young leaders. LCDR Wamble asked for guidance and protocol on how to attend and to make the presentations.

Personal Affairs Committee (PAC). CAPT Rymal stated he will call a meeting of the PAC soon. Dr. Sodeman asked to be added back to the PAC membership and to the MOAA-GDC Appointed Member list. CAPT Rymal’s April 08 The Reporter article will be titled “How to find a Doctor”. He also included North Texas County Veteran Service Officers (VSO). He encouraged everyone to use local resources. Dr. Sodeman commended CAPT Rymal’s service as remarkable.

COL Briggs said that his The Reporter article highlights the SBC elimination for those with the requisite number of years. He also stated that shots for shingles are available at the VA Hospital.

LCDR Wamble distributed Table Greeting forms to be used at MOAA-GDC General Membership luncheons to introduce Guests and to re-introduce Members. He asked for more participation in the 4th Saturday “Greet the Troops” program. A discussion was had about weekday support but trafficability seemed too difficult. LTC Tatge suggested an April 08 test run. COL Grutze encouraged everyone to participate.

MOWC/Raffle Committee. Marie Myler said that she had mailed the raffle monies to the Treasurer. She and LCDR Wamble agreed to greet everyone at the door during MOAA-GDC luncheons.

Unfinished Business.

1. LTC Santangelo stated that the vote on the 2008 MOAA-GDC Officer slate was complete and final.

2. LTC Santangelo stated that MOAA-GDC would award a $1,000 2008 MAJ Benny Archuleta USA-Ret. Memorial Scholarship.

3. LTC Santangelo will visit the Post Office to settle disputes on advertising.

4. The draft 4-page The Reporter was distributed and discussed. The newsletter is on the website about 1 week before home receipt.

5. LTC Santangelo confirmed the Executive Committee Meetings as 3rd Saturday of every odd month.

6. The previous motion to redo the MOAA-GDC Membership Application to replicate the Korean War Veterans Application was tabled.

New Business.

1. Dr. Sodeman and Ms. Harper expressed disappointment that Auxiliary Members are being asked to reseat to a different table to accommodate late arriving Member couples at MOAA-GDC luncheons. They asked that an additional table be set to accommodate late arrivals. MAJ Richardson agreed to coordinate with LtCol Pfrommer. LTC Santangelo expressed his appreciation for their concerns and thanked them for bringing the issue to his attention. He suggested we revert back to a Head Table concept to alleviate overcrowding. MAJ Richardson will coordinate with LtCol Pfrommer.

2. Ms. Harper asked for consideration of combining the MOWC Directory with the MOAA-GDC 2009 Membership Directory. The Board agreed to consider the idea after Ms. Harper has the chance to coordinate a motion from the MOWC President Lula Mae Walsh.

3. The TCC proposal to forward all dues to MOAA National and to have MOAA National rebate to the Chapters was discussed. It is believed that the proposal will be tabled.

4. New MOAA-GDC Member Col Garner addressed the Committee. He asked for consideration of a MOAA-GDC community service project were Members would visit area schools in their uniforms. He recounted a successful program in the East USA. Mrs. Myler said she could attend with pictures of her late husband in uniform. LTC Santangelo asked Col Garner to consider chairing the effort.

5. Col Gibbs suggested adding an additional dinner meeting before Christmas. He also stated that the Frontiers of Flight Museum has a B24, B25 and B17 on display.

6. Mrs. Myler announced a golf tournament supporting The Fisher House Foundation. She asked for a golf team sponsorship. MAJ Richardson suggested she contact MOAA-GDC Member MAJ Dick Agnew, USA-Ret, Texas Chairman of the Fisher House Foundation.

CH (MAJ) Williamson led the benediction.

The meeting adjourned at 1100. The next meeting is Saturday, 17 May 08, 0900

MAJ Ira Richardson, USA-Ret

Acting Secretary for Mrs. Loana Archuleta

15 Mar 08