Jan. 1919: Communists take over most of Berlin; Freikorps ejects them, otherwise

Germany may have become a Communist country

Communist Leadership often Jewish

Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamanev in USSR

R. Luxembourg, K. Eisner in Germany

Bela Kun in Hungary

March 1919: Replay

April 1919: Unsuccessful Soviet Bayern Putsch in Munich

June 1919: Treaty of Versailles

Huge reparations

Border adjustments (France, Belgium, Poland)


Army limited to 100,000

Summer 1919: AH begins service as political officer

Oct 1919: NSDAP rents Hofbräuhaus. 70 show up

Feb. 1920: 2,000 show up

1920: Kapp right wing putsch in Berlin stopped by workers’ strike

March 1920: AH ordered to leave Reichswehr

1920: Völkischer Beobachter publishes Protocols of Zion

1920: Swastika adopted

Dec. 1920: 3,000 members

July 1921: AH resigns unless he’s made Führer. Party capitulates.

Nov. 1922: U.S. Embassy sends Truman Smith to observe.

Jan. 1923: France marches into Ruhr because of reparations nonpayment

Inflation: Mark went from 6750 per dollar to 50,000 per dollar

In a week. By October, 6 million marks per dollar.

Nov. 8 1923: Aborted Nazi putsch in Munich (“Either the German revolution

begins tonight or we will all be dead by dawn.”

14 SA. 4 police killed.

Ludendorf arrested. AH dislocates shoulder, flees and is then arrested.

Early 1924: AH put in trial. Given 5 years.

July 1925: 1st volume of Mein Kampf published; second in 1926





Some Socialism

Early 1930: Horst Wessel killed; HW Lied developed

Sept. 1930: Nazis get 18% of vote in national election (2nd largest party)

Jan. 1932: AH addresses nation’s industrialists in Düsseldorf. Downplays

socialism. Talked economic recovery, fighting communism,

dealing with labor unrest.

March 1932: AH gets 35% of vote; Von Papen Chancellor

July 1932: Nazis get 37% and are largest party. Hermann Göring becomes President of

the Reichstag.

Nov. 1932: Nazis actually lose votes and seats in election, but no one has a majority.

Gen. Kurt Von Schleicher appointed Chancellor by Hindenberg, but he

Can’t get enough support to form a government.

Jan. 1933: Industrialists visit Hindenberg, push AH

Jan. 1933: AH asked to form government with Von Papen as VC. Von Paper thinks

they can control AH.


Jan. 30 1933:Hitler becomes Chancellor

Feb. 1933: Reichstag burns

March 1933: Hindenberg signs emergency decree to eliminate many civil liberties

March 1933: Nazis get 43% in election

March 1933: Reichstag overwhelmingly votes to legalize emergency decree

June 1934: Night of the Long Knives

Aug. 1934: Hindenberg dies; military swear oath to AH

March 1935: Germans occupy Rhineland

Summer 1936: Olympics

Summer 1936: Treaty with Italy

Nov. 1937: AH meeting with military; said war likely in 1943

Feb. and March 1938: Austria occupied

May to October 1938: Sudetenland

Sept. 15: Chamberlain flies to Berchtesgaden

Sept. 21: Chamberlain flies to Bad Godesberg (AH now said no!)

Sept. 29: Munich Conference (Peace in our Time)

Nov. 9 1938: Kristallnacht

March 1939: Germany occupies rest of Czechoslavakia

April 1939: AH tells military he will attack Poland on 1 September 1939

Early Summer 1939: Chamberlain’s secret offer to AH

Aug. 23, 1939: Nonaggression Pact with USSR and secret protocols