Task 1.

  • In pairs, go to the following links and choose one relevant cartoon.

  • Check the information about Reading Comprehension in the following link:

  • Print the application format. Follow the instructions:

a)Underline the friendly words (cognates: words that are familiar for you).

b)Put into a square the words that you don’t know.

c)Compare the words with the images or graphics in thecartoon.

d)Discuss the relation among unknown words and friendly words in the image.

e)Look up the meaning of the unknown words in some electronics dictionaries as:

f)Write your names, scanned the application and save it.

g)Makea glossary with this structure (Appendix 1)

Word /expression / Meaning in Spanish / The sentence that includes the unknown word from the cartoon.
  • The titles and visuals are used to emphasize the information in a cartoon and text. If you only read the information and check visuals, you can predict the main idea. Go through the cartoonand fill in the following chart with your answer in Spanish:

Titles (in English)/visuals / Ideas you get (in Spanish)
Write the words that are in Italic, Bold Type, underlined or highlighted with any graphic.

a)What are the most important ideas provided in the cartoon?

  • In pairs, create a Word Document and (in the first page) write the title of the cartoon, your names, your Student ID, your major.
  • Scan the cartoon information you worked with and add it to the Word Document.
  • Add the appendixes 1, 2 , 3 , into the same Word Document
  • Save the Word document as “ProyectoCAAOurNames”. Forexample: “ProyectoCAARaulCesarDionicio.
  • Keep it and and save it into a folder that you should save as “PortfolioCAAOurNames”.

Task 2.

  • In pairs open your Word Document “ProyectoCAAOurNames” and reread the text, the appendixes 1, 2, 3 again.
  • Answer the following questions in Spanish. Write the answers into the chart of the appendix 4. DO NOT WRITE THE QUESTIONS.

a)What is the source of this cartoon (where you can find this kind of cartoon)?

(Magazine, Web site, Blog, paper, thesis).

b)What is the intention of the author?

c)What did you learn from the cartoon?

d)What is the main idea of the cartoon?

e)What is the most important information that you found in the cartoon?

f)What is the application of this information to your daily life?

  • Save your document and keep it for the next task.

Final Task.

  • In pairs open your Word Document “ProyectoCAAOurNames” and check the cartoon and the information again.
  • In pairs, use the most appropiate computer tools and software to create a cartoon in Power Point Presentation(In Spanish) USE THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA:

1st slide contains:

  1. Title of thetext.
  2. Names of the members of the pair with ID Student Number.
  3. Area of study.

The 2nd slide must include:

  1. A short introduction about your experience with this project (The Reading and comprehension in English).

The 3rd slide must include:

  1. Informationfromappendixes3 Y 4.

The 4th slide must include the replica of the cartoon in Spanish.

The last slide must include the terminology list of appendix 1.

  • Save the Power Point Presentation as “ProyectoCAAPPTOurNames” into the folder “PortfolioCAAOurNames”.
  • According to the Calendar, deliver the PortfolioCAA to the Self Access Center.

Proyecto Editado por: Nínive del Carmen Alvarado Ortiz Nov. 2015