
Business Affairs (BA)


[Final Report – June 2008]


Tri-County Technical College’s mission, vision, values and its priorities for 2005-2008 are as follows:


Tri-County Technical College is a public, two-year community college dedicated to serving as a catalyst for the economic and lifelong development of the citizens of Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties through outstanding programs and unparalleled service. An open admissions institution with primary focus on teaching and learning, the College serves approximately 6,000 to 7,000 students through both on-campus and distance learning courses. The College grants certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees in technical, career, and transfer programs. The College also offers certificates in continuing education programs.


Tri-County Technical College will be the role model for community college education through dedication to high standards, a nurturing environment, community alliances, and innovative leadership.


Integrity: Respect for the dignity, equality, and potential of self and others in personal and professional


Responsibility: Accountability in personal, professional, community, and fiscal affairs

Accessibility: Equal opportunity to advance professionally and personally in a clean, safe, stimulating,

and aesthetically pleasing environment

Collaboration: Partnerships among students, faculty, staff, and community to promote open and

effective communication, decision-making, and implementation of ideas and processes

Learning: Facilitation of intellectual and technical growth through commitment to continuous

improvement and innovation


Enhance Opportunities for Student Success

Promote a Collegial and Diverse Environment*

Promote Professional Development and Personal Enrichment of Employees*

Promote Economic and Community Development*

Optimize Use of Resources*

Improve the Physical Environment

Expand Educational Opportunities

*Priorities modified or added for 2006-07 and 2007-08



Howie Roesch, Vice President for Business Affairs

Table of Contents

SECTION I: COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN – Division-related Activities

CSP Priority 1: Enhance Opportunities for Student Success Page 4

CSP Priority 2: Promote a Collegial and Diverse Environment Page 6

CSP Priority 3: Promote Professional Development and Personal Enrichment of Employees Page 8

CSP Priority 4: Promote Economic and Community Development Page 9

CSP Priority 5: Optimize Use of Resources Page 10

CSP Priority 6: Improve the Physical Environment Page13

CSP Priority 7: Expand Educational Opportunities Page 15

SECTION II: DIVISION SPECIFIC Priorities, Initiatives, and Activities

(N/A for 2007-2008)

SECTION I: COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN – Division-related Activities

CSP Priority 1: Enhance Opportunities for Student Success

1AStudent Learning Initiative: Establish the essential foundation elements for becoming a Learning College.


1A.1 Implement the first phase of the Learning Excellence Initiative. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

1A.2 Establish the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and appropriate work mechanisms to support Learning College principles. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

1A.3 Continue and expand communications with the campus community regarding Learning College initiatives and accomplishments.

1A.3.1 Send teams of faculty and staff to at least one key learning conference; present summaries of experience during Coffee Talks or other
college-wide forums. (VPs)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
1A.3.1.a / Conduct a Technology Lunch & Learn to address technical needs for faculty/staff and to meet student learning needs / IT Operations / 6/08 / P / A Lunch & Learn session addressing standardization of multi-media classrooms to provide instructional support and enhance student learning is scheduled for July.
1A.3.1.b / Continue IDEAS lunch series focusing on administrative functions / BA Staff / Ongoing / P / The first IDEAS cycle on administrative functions has been completed. Feasibility of a new series covering additional topics is being explored for possible rollout Fall ’08.
1A.3.1.c / Participate in the League for Innovation’s Conference on Information Technology; attend sessions related to the Learning College as it relates to IT. / VPBA, IT Director / 11/08 / D / Attended the following League for Innovations Conferences: Information Technology (11/07), Innovations 2008 (3/08), and Learning College Summit (6/08). Dialogue for TCTC “learning college” rollout plan is in progress.

*Type = [D]evelopment (new) or [P]rocess Improvement (result of outcomes assessment) or [B]oth

**Funding = Amount of institutional funding required beyond current budget allotments

***Results = Measurable outcome (information provided at the end of the planning period)

****Comments = Additional information regarding outcomes or conditions affecting outcomes. (Information provided at the end of the planning period.)

1A.4 Establish mechanisms to more specifically tie a “Culture of Evidence” approach to student learning outcomes. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

1B Student Retention Initiative: Improve the programming and services that impact student retention.


1B.1 Conduct a study of student perception regarding the “Tri-County Technical College student experience” (students enrolled full-time in day classes on the Pendleton Campus) and identify gaps in relation to the model designed by the Student Experience Task Force in 2006. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

1B.2 Complete an analysis of changes needed in order to support an effective transition to mandatory placement process. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

1B.3 Review and improve the “admitted-to-advised-to-registered” process for new and/or continuing students. (VPAA, VPBA, VPSA, VPIA)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
1B.3.a / Provide information necessary to facilitate registration process for new and/or continuing students. / IT Tech Services / Ongoing / P / Completed a new process (sleep/wake) to update online calculation for financial aid to improve the registration process.
1B3.b / Provide information to facilitate analysis of efforts to improve admissions process. Work with Student Affairs to assess Banner Admissions module. / IT Applications / Ongoing / P / Online application module for Banner scheduled to be in place by the end of the year.

1B.3.1 Improve student ratings on the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey for item 63 (“I seldom get the ‘run-around’ when seeking information
on this campus”) from a gap score of 1.14 in 2006 to a gap of .55 or less in 2007-2008 through an increase in student satisfaction ratings.
(Executive Staff)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
1B.3.1.a / Monitor effectiveness and convenience of TouchNet on-line payment gateway. / Dir of Fiscal Affairs / Ongoing / P / Increase in students participating in the full-pay on-line payment system: 26 in Fall 2005 to 752 in Fall 2007; 80 in Spring 2006 to 1,209 in Spring 2007.
Increase in students participating in the on-line payment plan: 118 in Fall 2005 to 438 in Fall 2007; 166 in Spring 2006 to 338 in Spring 2008.
1B.3.1.b / Implement additional on-line payment opportunities for application fees and transcript fees. / Dir of Fiscal Affairs / Ongoing / B / On-line payment for transcript charges was implemented mid-November 2007. These payments have increased from 2 in November to 168 in May.
Implementation of on-line payment of application fees is in progress. Finance department is on hold until on-line application is developed by Admissions.

1B.4 Improve student retention of first-time postsecondary students for Fall 2007 to Fall 2008 from baseline of 47.7 percent (fall 2004 to fall 2005 graduated or retained) to 53 percent. (VPs)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
1B.4.1 / Enhance student services by implementing student copy shop. / Mgr of Admin Svcs, Print Shop Mgr / 7/08 / D / Student survey for the Fall of 2007 indicated a student UPS drop-off center is needed instead of a copy shop; therefore, during expansion of the Bookstore, a UPS function will be added to enable students to complete an entire UPS transaction.
1B.4.2 / Redesign Bookstore website to improve service and “look” of website for students / Mgr of Admin Svcs, Web Designer, Bookstore Mgr / 12/07 / D / Website redesign is complete, with over 3,000 “hits” each month. 1900 orders ($273,000 in sales) were processed through the website. Enhancements for Fall 2008 include Financial Aid usage opportunities for students.
1B.4.3 / Add general merchandise to Bookstore website to improve services for students. / Mgr of Admin Svcs,, Bookstore Mgr / 5/08 / D / General merchandise goes live on the website August 4, 2008.
1B.4.4 / Expand Bookstore retail space to improve customer service for students—more options, shorter lines, faster service / Mgr of Admin Svcs / 3/08 / D / Bookstore retail space will be expanded in two phases beginning in June 2008. The first phase will include expanding Internet storage and POS experience, location of entry and exit to assist flow of customers, addition of 4th register, and increased sales area for electronics.

CSP Priority 2: Promote a Collegial and Diverse Environment

2A Organizational Culture Initiative: Foster an organizational culture that encourages open and full participation of all employees and students in the life of the College.


2A.1 Use results of organizational culture survey administered in April 2007 to identify two strategies for improvement and begin implementation of those strategies. (Executive Staff)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results*** /
2A.1.1 / Develop and present to Executive Staff proposal for a one-day faculty/staff retreat. / Director of HR / 12/07 / D / The concept of a one-day retreat was presented to the President with the idea of holding it on Election Day (since the College is required to be closed on that day but employees do not get that day as a holiday), which would allow all employees to attend without disrupting service to our customers. Given this timeline, the proposal has been pushed out to August 1, 2008.
2A.1.2 / Submit Foundation funding proposal for one-day retreat. / Director of HR / 12/07 / D / Funding proposal has been carried forward
2A.1.3 / Partner with Academic Deans to more effectively utilize the new on-line employee application system to secure a larger pool of available adjuncts. / Director of HR / Ongoing / P / On-line system completed with dramatic increase in number of adjunct applicants. Have worked with Department Heads and Deans to review applications every two weeks and follow up with adjunct applicants in an ongoing process.

2A.2 Publish an Employee Resource Guide. (VPBA)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
2A.2.1 / Develop an Employee Resource Guide for new employees; make available for current employees. / Director of HR / 11/07 / D / A 25-page Employee Resource Guide covering a variety of topics, from employment and benefits to College services, was completed and posted on eTC in November 2007. Future plans include addition of a Faculty section to address faculty-specific issues.

2B Diversity Initiative: Increase diversity of the campus community.


2B.1 Develop a diversity recruitment plan.

2B.1.1 Analyze strengths/weaknesses of current marketing and outreach initiatives. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

2B.1.2 Identify data/reports available to analyze minority recruitment and hiring processes; identify benchmarks for minority recruitment and hiring.

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
2B.1.2.a / Develop reports needed to analyze minority recruitment and hiring practices. / IT Applications, Director of HR / 6/08 / D / Completed service request to provide minority data extracts 12/1/07.
Reports are being generated manually at present. Training scheduled for Director of Personnel and Programmer to extract reports from new system.

2B.2 Research ‘best practices” in promoting diversity on college campuses; identify strategies appropriate to Tri-County’s needs. N/A for 2007-2008 (BA Division)

2B.3 Achieve 100% participation of full-time employees in the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) training and implement procedures in each institutional division to ensure that new full-time employees also complete NCBI training. (Executive Stafff)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
2B.3.1 / Ensure all new hires complete NCBI diversity training. / VPBA / Ongoing / P / Most recent NCBI session was completed 3/08. New employees will attend when next session is scheduled.

CSP Priority 3: Promote Professional Development and Personal Enrichment of Employees

3A Professional Development Initiative: Provide mechanisms to build awareness, develop skills, and expand perspectives of employees through professional development.


3A.1 Document and publish procedures for a coordinated system to promote and offer professional development activities that support the College mission, vision, values, and priorities. (VPAA, VPBA)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
3A.1.1 / Provide a minimum of two new professional development activities for this year. / Director of HR / Ongoing / P / The following activities have been offered this year: Debt Management, (4/3) Credit Score (3/12), Managing Moneyplus Online (2/5 and 2/20), How to Apply for Financial Aid (2/6 and 2/7), How to Find Scholarships (2/25 and 2/27), Finances 101 (2/13), Data Security (3/10), employee development plans ((2/20), and a health database (4/29).

3A.2 Provide appropriate support for professional development. (Executive Staff)

Task # / Description / Responsibility / Expected Completion Date / Type* / Amount of New
Funding Required** / Results***
3A.2.1 / Enlist support of Faculty Senate and Staff Advisory Board to build awareness of FSD offerings and gather feedback regarding needed activities. / Director of HR / Ongoing / P / Solicited and received input for offerings from Staff Advisory Board. A formal request for input for the upcoming year has been made to the chairs.

3B Personal Enrichment Initiative: Encourage employee participation in personal enrichment experiences.


3B.1 Define processes and conditions needed to support employee participation in personal enrichment experiences. (Executive Staff)