United Student of UAS Ketchikan

Meeting Minutes

August 31, 2015

  1. Call to order: 3pm
  2. Roll call: Krystalee Gabbard, Victoria McKoy, Sally Balch, Clare Bennett, Gail Klein, Sarah Fitzgerald, Brandon Chapman, James Buendia
  3. Approval of minutes from last meeting: it was decided that more details need to be made along with some spelling corrections. Minutes for August 14th will be present for next meeting.
  4. Reports: Brandon Chapman who is the advisor for PTK and spoke in support of working together along with the PTK president Mattie Ginter.
  5. Open Issues:
  6. Draft Constitution and Bylaws: everyone looked over the bylaws and discussed some issues that needed to be changed. Prior student government found it difficult to solicit new officers and run election at the start of the school year. Therefore it was agreed that the student Representatives would be appointed by the council each fall with an application/interview and not elected. The proposed constitution will be updated to reflect that change.
  7. Welcome Back Feast: Set up for breakfast will be set up by Clare and Victoria at 8:30am. Gail will talk to Laurie Williams about setting up the coffee for us and she will also be bringing fruit and juice. Clare will be bringing a dish, and Krystalee will be bringing Muffins. Krystalee will take over at 9am and will clean up everything. Lunch will be set up by Krystalee and Sally at noon and served at one. Gail will talk to Mike about the grill and where we can cook at. A shopping list will be made at the next meeting. Krystalee and Victoria will go to A&P/Safeway and pick up everything needed. A sign-up sheet will be set up at the front office for staff members to bring a dish. Victoria will ask Maryann to make cards to hand out during these times to students about student government.
  8. Recruiting New Members: Gail will write out Student Rep application for those who want to apply. We also encouraged student body to invite a new student every time to the meetings and share information about how to become more involved.
  9. New Business: no new business
  10. Anyone interested in being considered for a Student Rep position must fill out an application and turn it in to Gail by 9/11. All applicants will join us at the next meeting for the interview. Victoria and Krystalee will vote. After voting the meeting will conclude with a discussion of the meet and greet.
  11. Action Items: There is a lot of things going on and so for the next meeting we will have two items on the agenda. The items will be interviews for student rep and the welcome back feast finalization.

Next meeting: Monday, September 14th at 3pm in the Student Center

Minutes Approved 8/14/2015Page 1