Volunteer Registration Job Descriptions
Allergies. Works closely with snack team to ensure allergy needs are met.
Crafts.In charge of a table during craft time and engage campers while they complete their crafts. Assist with the set-up and clean-up of the crafts each day.
Craft Prep. Packets will be available at the GKCamp kiosk in the campus Lobbies beginning May 5/6th. Work may be completed at home and returned to church. Work may include cutting, stapling, hole punching, etc.
Data Entry. Must be available on Thursday, June 7at 11:00 a.m. Will gather at the church to enter all small group assignments into the church database (Rock RMS).
Decorations. Mostly pre-camp work. Help to create an interactive theme-based play area for the campers.
Drama.This team begins rehearsals ahead of time and is pre-selected to fill specific roles.
Floater. Be available to volunteer where needed. Willing to help out where you are needed for that day of camp and may change each day. Most often, we need floaters as small group leaders.
Hospitality. Set up and stock volunteer hospitality room (adult volunteersonly).
Infant/Toddler (Little One’s Way). Care for needs of infant/toddler children of volunteers. (must be at least 12 years or older)
Large Group Communicator.Creatively teaches the daily Bible story in fun and engaging ways. Scripts will be provided prior to camp.
LIFT.Works with students with disabilities and guides them to all the activities on their schedule (recreation, worship, etc.)
Outreach. Manage, sort and count outreach supplies and material donations. (adult volunteersonly)
Photography. Take photos during camp of events and participants. Must have own camera. (adult volunteers only)
Production. Run sound/lights/camera for worship and other camp activities. Will undergo training prior to GKCamp.
Puppet Team. Assists teaching the Large Group Bible story with puppets.
Recreation.Engage with campers as they participate in the games/activities. Assist with set-up and clean-up of the games each day.
Registration/Welcome Center. Arrive prior to camp start time to greet and assist check-in of campers and volunteers. Will undergo training on The Rock prior to GKCamp. (adult volunteersonly)
Small Group Leader. Work directly with campers by guiding their group to all the activities on their schedule (recreation, worship, etc.). Leaders will facilitate the small group time and Bible verse game with their small group. Student volunteers will be paired with an adult or older student volunteer.
Snacks. Set up/organize/stock snack time for kids (adult volunteersonly).
Tie-Dye. Volunteer to help 5th grade campers with tie-dye on M/W/F at 146th street OR W/F at Fishers, depending on the campus at which you choose to serve. Assist with the set-up and clean-up of the Tie Dye area.Student volunteers must be entering high school or above to help in this area. Will be assigned as a “floater” on other days, helping where you are needed.
Vocal Team. This team leads worship by singing and doing choreography. Rehearsals begin prior to GKCamp.