Request for Proposals
United States Institute of Peace – Radio Drama Evaluation
Project Name: Radio Drama Evaluation
Response Deadline: May 1, 2016
I. General Instructions
- The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) requests proposals for a project to evaluate an ongoing radio drama series.
- USIP is not responsible for any costs incurred by the responding firms prior to issuance of an executed agreement with USIP.
- Submissions must be typed and submitted in Microsoft Word or Excel files, and must follow the organization of the requests for information in the Submission Requirements section below. No changes or corrections to a response will be allowed after the deadline.
- USIP has not at this time specified a total budget amount for this project.
- Any questions concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed ; pertinent responses will be made available to all proposers by e-mail to the extent practicable. Applicants should submit all questions by April 21, 2016. USIP will then compile all answers and make them publicly available.
- Applicants should submit proposals and supporting documents to by 1 May 2016, 5pm Kabul time.
II. Scope of Work
USIP is working with the US State Department’sBureauofInternationalNarcoticsandLawEnforcementAffairs (INL) toidentifygapsinAfghanistan’sRule of Law (RoL)frameworkandproposesolutionstoaddressthosegaps. USIPidentified the lack of youth access to and involvement in traditional and formal avenues of justice as both a major gap, and potential solution to problems with RoL in Afghanistan.
Following in a long tradition of using media to help resolve complex social problems through changing the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of the audience, USIP created a radio drama series aimed at increasing youth involvement in community justice processes. We are now seeking an organization to perform an evaluation of this radio drama. Proposals should address the following research questions, at a minimum:
1-To what extent did the radio drama lead to the desired behavior change?
2-To what extent did the radio drama affect the level of knowledge,as well as attitudes,of listeners?
3-What is the audience size of the radio drama?
Below you may find an overview of evaluation requirements. Applicants are strongly encouraged to propose additional innovative evaluation elements, or additional evaluation locations.
Overview of Requirements:
- Evaluation Locations (minimum): Balkh, Badakhshan, Nangarhar, and Kunar.
- Evaluation Methodology (minimum): desk review followed by focus group discussions and quantitative surveying in the aforementioned areas.
- Key Outputs: one comprehensive final report; and one data set.
Data Analysis and Reporting
- Data will be anonymized, shipped, cleaned, coded, and then analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques to evaluate the outcomes of the radio drama and its reach and reception across the radio audience.
- The partner organizationshall synthesize the data collected and use it to prepare a comprehensive final report. The report will provide quantitative evidence of project impacts, beneficiary narratives of change in attitudes to, and knowledge of, the rule of law, and actionable recommendations geared toward future rule of law programming.
III. Submission Requirements
Technical Proposal
The narrative proposal should be no more than 8 pagesin length must address all the criteria below. Proposals that do not adequately address the selection criteria may not be considered.
Your proposal will be scored out of 100 marks based on the following criteria:
- Description of Project, Methodology, and Rationale:Describe how you would seek to evaluate the RoL radio drama. Describe the various evaluation tools you plan to use; why you have chosen them; how they contribute to the overall goal of the evaluation; and the limitations of the methodology you have chosen.
[Total 40available marks]
- Past Experience: Describe at least two projects of similar scope and complexity on which you have worked previously. Provide a point of contact with telephone number and email address at the client of each of described projects.
[Total 10 available marks]
- Current Capacity to Successfully Implement Project: What is your current level of knowledge on the proposed subject matter? Where do you currently have field staff, offices, or personnel? What relationships do you currently have with local communities, the Afghan government, and other NGOs in the areas in which you are proposing to work? What evaluations, media-related projects, or similar, do you have ongoing?
[Total 10 available marks]
- Monitoring and Evaluation: How will you achieve understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your implementation, and respond accordingly? Especially, how will you monitor data quality, and, if needed, what ameliorative actions could you take?
[Total 10 available marks]
- Key Personnel and Staffing Describe the key personnel as well as information on the proposed staffing plan for the project.
[Total 15 available marks]
- Implementation schedule: The project duration is between 4 and 6 months. Please provide implementation timeframe for delivery of all activities over the implementation period. Workplan/Timeline: A simple graph representation that depicts the activities (as listed in the Outputs section) and the month by month implementation plan in the format below:
Month 1 / Month 2 / Month 3 / Month 4 / Etc.Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
[Total 5 available marks]
- Curriculum Vitae (not counted against page total):For each of the key personnel, please provide a CV of no more than two pages.
- Budget (separate Excel sheet not counted against page total): Provide an itemized budget with cost estimates for project activities, personnel and overhead/admin rate; also include a budget narrative. USIP has not at this time specified a total budget amount for this project.
[Total 10 available marks]
IV. General Terms and Selection Process
- Only licensed organizations are eligible for this contract. USIP will not consider bids from unlicensed organizations.
- Notifications will be sent only to short-listed bidders regarding USIP’s decision. USIP will not provide written or oral feedback to unsuccessful bidders.
- The Selection Committee will review all submissions received on time using the selection criteria established for the project. The successful service provider will be selected on the basis of best value to the Institute.
- The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject any submission or to reject all submissions in the best interests of the Institute. The Institute may cancel this Solicitation at any time prior to contract award if it is in the best interests of the Institute.
- The submission of any materials to USIP in response to this RFP will constitute (i) a representation that the submitting party owns or has unrestricted license to use and license such materials and all intellectual property expressed therein; and (ii) the grant of a non- exclusive license to USIP to use such materials and intellectual property for any purpose, including specifically the evaluation, negotiation and documentation of an agreement with any party.
- The successful firm shall not discriminate against any person in accordance with Federal, state, or local law.
- TheInstitutereservesthe right to make anawardwithoutfurtherdiscussion oftheproposalsubmitted.Therefore,the proposalshould besubmittedinitiallywith themostfavorabletermswhichtheconsultantcan propose.Therewill benobestand finalofferprocedure. TheInstitutedoesreservetheright to contact abidderforclarificationof itsproposal. Thebiddershouldbepreparedto acceptthisRFPforincorporation intoacontractresulting fromthisRFP. Contractnegotiationsmay incorporatesomeorthebidder’sentireproposal. It is understood thattheproposalwillbecome apart oftheofficial procurementfileon thismatterwithoutobligationtothe Institute. In addition, if thebidder isselected asthe apparentsuccessfulContractor,theInstitutereservestherightto enterintocontractnegotiationswiththe apparent successfulContractor,whichmayincludediscussion regardingthe termsoftheproposaland remuneration.
Terms and Conditions:
Independent Contractor
The Contractors shallbeanindependent contractorwithrespect toperformance ofallworkperformedunder thisagreement,andneitherContractornor anyone employed by Contactor shall bedeemedforanypurposetobetheemployee, agent, servant,or representative ofUSIP nor shallitor theyhaveanyauthorityto speakfororotherwisetobindUSIP inanymanner.
USIPnameandlogo arethe propertyof USIP.Neither shall be usedbyContractor for anypurpose(s)exceptwiththe express,priorwrittenauthorization of USIP.
Confidentialityand Non-Disclosure
"Confidential Information"meansallinformationinwhatever form orinwhatevermedium recorded, relatingtotheWorkdisclosed in writing,orally,orinanyother form toContractorbyUSIP,eitherdirectlyorindirectly,and allinformationcompiled ordevelopedduringthecourse oftheWork,except for thefollowing:
(1)Information inthe publicdomainthroughno actionof Contractorinbreachof thisAgreement;or
(2)Information independentlydevelopedbyContractor;or
(3)Informationacquired by Contractor from athird partynotdeliveredtoContractorinbreachof confidentialityagreementswhichsaidthirdpartymay havewithUSIP, the Government,USIP'sother contractorsoraffiliates,or anyother thirdparty.
Bothduringtheterm of thisAgreement andfollowingcompletion of theworkor termination of theAgreement,Contractorwill retaininstrictconfidence,andnot disclosetothirdpartiesorusefor thebenefitofanyone other thanUSIPany Confidential Information,without the priorwrittenconsentof USIP.
AllConfidentialInformationobtained or developedpursuant totheAgreement shallbesubject tothis Agreement unlessexpresslyexceptedin writing bythe
Nothingcontainedhereinshallbedeemedto preventdisclosure of any ConfidentialInformationbyContractorif,inthewrittenopinionofContractor'scounsel, such disclosureisrequired byanyapplicablefederalor statelaw, rule,or regulation,orbyanyapplicableorder, subpoena,judgment,or decree;provided, however, thatContractor shallgiveUSIPatleast ten(10) dayspriorwrittennotice before disclosinganyConfidential Informationand,in makingsuch disclosure,Contractor shall take all reasonablestepsto preservetheconfidentialityof theConfidential Informationtothegreatestextent possible.
Ifandwhenrequestedin writing,Contractor shall, and shall causeitslower tier subcontractorsto executeanysuchconfidentialityagreementsasaredeemed necessaryfor the protectionof USIP,theGovernmentand/or anyof their respective other contractors.
Indemnity – Intellectual Property
USIP and the Contractor shall jointly own the copyright of all publications described in this contract. In addition to the terms stipulated elsewhere in the contract, the rights of each party include, but are not limited to, independent dissemination, including online dissemination, of publications described in this contract. Upon USIP’s request, the Contractor shall remove all logos and/or mentions of USIP’s involvement from publications described in this contract, including, but not limited to, USIP’s holding joint copyright of publications described in this contract. Removal of indications of USIP involvement from publications described in this contract shall not affect USIP’s intellectual property rights under this contract.
The Contractor representsandwarrantsthat allintellectualpropertyof anynatureincludedinanydeliverabletoUSIP(or anyotherpartyunder theContract) shall bepublicdomain property,or the originalworkofContractor,or shall be used withallapplicableconsentsorlicensesfromtheowner, copyright holderor patent owner.
The Contractor shallindemnify,defendandhold harmlessUSIPfrom andagainstanyandall claims,actions,anddamages whichUSIPmaysufferorpayby reason of anyclaimsor suitsarisingoutofclaimsofinfringementofanypatent rights, copyrightsorotherintellectualproperty,proprietaryor confidentialityrights relatingtotheworkperformed bycontractoror anyofitssubcontractorsunderorinconnection withtheAgreement.Anysuchsuitor claim shallbedefendedat Contractor’sexpensebycounsel satisfactorytoUSIP.If,in anysuchsuitor claim,atemporaryrestraining orderorpreliminaryinjunctionisgranted, Contractor shallmakeeveryreasonableeffort,bygivingasatisfactorybondorotherwise, tosecurethesuspensionof theinjunction or restraining order.If,in anysuchsuitor claim, thework,oranypart, combinationorprocessthereof,isheldtoconstituteaninfringement anditsuseispermanentlyenjoined,Contractor shallpromptly make everyreasonableeffort tosecurefor USIPor,atnocost toUSIP,alicenseauthorizingcontinueduse of theinfringingitem.IfContractorisunabletosecuresuchsuspensionor suchlicensewithinareasonabletime,Contractor shall,atitsown expenseand withoutimpairingUSIP's'use of thework,either replacetheaffectedwork,orpart, combinationorprocessthereof,withnon-infringingcomponentsor partsormodifythesamesothat samebecomesnoninfringing.
Contractor shallnotdisclosethenature ofitsworkunder theAgreement,or engagein anyotherpublicityorpublic media disclosureswithrespect tothework without the priorwrittenconsentofUSIP.
Acceptance and Inspection
USIPshallhavetheright toinspectallworkperformedunder thisAgreement upondeliveryor pursuant tosuchother termsasmaybeagreeduponin writing.Acceptanceshall notoccur until after completionofinspection.AcceptanceshallnotabsolveContractor from correctingerrors,omissions, andother defectsin workmanshipunder theWarrantyprovisionsof theAgreement totheextent that theyarenot patentlyapparentanddiscoverableuponreasonable inspection at timeof deliveryorasotherwise agreedupon.Payment shallbeconditioneduponUSIP'sacceptance of theworkunder thisAgreement.
Representation and Warranty ofWork
No principal, employee or subcontractor of Contractor (1) is an employee of or personal services contractor to the Institute; or (2) has a familial or other relationship with a USIP employee participating in the contracting for or receipt of the Services under this Agreement except as specifically acknowledged and consented to by USIP in a writing attached to this Agreement. Contractorwarrantsthatallwork(i) shall, asapplicable, befreeofdefectsin workmanship, (ii) shallbeperformedin accordance withthe acceptedprofessional standardsandindustrycodesapplicabletotheworkin effectasof theaward of theAgreement, (iii) shallbeperformedinagoodandworkmanlikemannerand (iv) shall strictlyconform totheAgreement.Uponreceiptofwrittennoticeofadefectordeficiencyinthework,Contractor shallat USIP'ssoleoptionandat nocost toUSIP,promptlyre-perform,repair,or replace, suchdefective or deficientworksothatit conformswiththerequirementsof theAgreement.IfUSIPdeemsitinexpedient forContractortocorrectdefective ordeficientwork, USIPmay makeadeductionfrom theContractpriceinlieuof suchcorrection, asdetermined byUSIP.
Compliancewith Laws
Intheperformance ofworkunder thisAgreement,Contractor shallcomply, andshall requireitssubcontractors, agents,and other representativestocomplywith allapplicablelaws, treaties,ordinances,judgments,decrees,injunctions,writsandordersof anycourtor governmentalagencyorauthority,andrules, regulations, codes,orders,interpretationsofanyFederal,DistrictofColumbia,orother governmentalentityorother bodyhavingjurisdiction over theAgreement oranyactivityconductedatorinconnectionwiththe Agreement (collectively"Laws").Contractor agreestoindemnifyandhold USIP harmlessfor,of,andfrom anyloss,includingbut notlimitedtofines,penalties, andcorrective measures,USIPmaysustain byreason ofContractor'sfailuretocomplywithanysuchLaws inconnection withtheperformance ofitsworkforUSIP under thisAgreement.Contractor shallobtainandmaintain all permits, licenses,andconsentsrequired bygovernmental authoritiesforperformance ofany worktobeperformedunder thisAgreement. At no time during the term of this Agreement shall Contractor be debarred from contracting with the U.S. Government, subject to sanctions promulgated or supervised by any U.S. Government agency, or otherwise ineligible to contract with the U.S. Government for any reason. Such debarment, sanction status or exclusion at any time shall be a material breach of the Agreement. Contractor’s subcontracting under this Agreement with any person debarred, subject to sanctions, or ineligible to contract with the U.S. Government shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement at the sole discretion of USIP.
Section 508Compliance
BecauseUSIPreceivesFederal fundsitswork, tothe extentContractor's workwillinvolvecreating ormodificationof InformationTechnologyhardware or software,Contractor shall ensurethatitisincompliance withtherequirementssection508 of theRehabilitationActof1973,asamended,asthey maybe applicable.
Compliancewith Workplace Rules
Contractor, tothe extentworkisto beperformedonthe premisesof USIP, shallconform itsactivitiesto allprocedures,workhours,andsafetyrules and regulationsasmaybeinforce at USIP.Contractor shallalsoundergosuchsafetyand other trainingasmaybe offeredbyUSIPwithregardtoitssite.
Contractor Personnel,Access toUSIP Facilities
USIPalsoshall havetherightinitssole discretiontorequest thatContractor removeandreplaceanyone ormore ofitsstaffworkingat USIP if such personisdeemedbyUSIPtobeincompetent,disorderly,orotherwiseunsatisfactory.Contractor shallpromptlycomplywithsuchrequest.USIPshall havetherightinitssoletorevokeaccesstoitspremisesforanyone ofmoreofContractor'spersonnel.
Equal Opportunity
TheContractoragreesthatitwillnotdiscriminateagainstanyemployee or applicantforemployment tobeemployedintheperformance ofworkunder this Agreementwithrespect to hire, tenure, terms, conditionsorprivilegesof employment,ormattersdirectlyorindirectlyrelatedtoemployment because ofage, sex, height,weight,marital status, race, color,religion, sexual orientation, nationalorigin, ancestry,disabilityor veteranstatus.Contractoralsoagreestocomplywith allapplicable provisionsofExecutive Order 11246 ofSeptember 24, 1965,asamended.Breachof thiscovenantmayberegardedasamaterialbreachofthisAgreement.
Record Retentionand Audits
Contractor anditssubcontractorsof anytier shallmaintaintrueandcorrect setsof costand other recordsrelatingtotheworkand all transactionsrelatedtothe Workandshall retainall suchrecordsforatleast threeyearsafter final payment under this Agreement.
USIP,itselfor throughitsdesignatedagent,mayfrom timetotime atanytimeafter thedateof thisAgreementuntil threeyearsafter finalpaymentunder this Agreement,makeanauditof anyand allrecordsofContractor andanyofitssubcontractorsofanytier that pertaintotheperformanceofworkunder the Agreement.Contractor shallassist USIP inmakingtheaboveaudits.Contractor shallinclude,andshall require allitssubcontractorsof anytier toinclude,in alllower tier subcontractsinconnection withtheworkunder thisAgreement,a provisionmateriallysimilar tothisparagraph.
Neither thisAgreement nor anypart thereofnoranyrightarisingtherefrom shallbetransferred orassigned by Contractor toanyotherindividual, firm, partnership, corporation,institution,orgovernmentagencywithout thepriorwrittenconsentof USIP.
Termination for Convenience
Atanytime,USIPmay,initsdiscretion, terminatethisAgreementinwhole orinpartforitsconvenience,bygivingfive(5)businessdayswrittennoticeto Contractor.Uponreceivingsuchnotice,Contractor shall: (a)StopperformanceofallWorkexcept that reasonablynecessarytocarryout termination; (b)Make nofurthermonetarycommitmentsexceptwiththe writtenconsentofUSIP.
Default by Contractor
USIP shall havetheright,inadditionto allother rightsor remediesitmayhaveunder thisAgreementorbylaworinequity,toterminatethisAgreementinwhole orinpartifContractor (a) fails(i) tocomplywiththematerial termsof thisAgreement; (ii)to makesatisfactoryprogresstowardcompletionof thework;or (iii) to perform itsworkinasatisfactorymannerintermsofquality,provided; (b)makesanyassignment for thebenefitof creditors,or (c)initiatesorhasinitiated againstitbankruptcy,insolvency, receivership,or similarproceeding,bygivingnoticetoContractor. Intheeventofa breachunder subparagraph(a),USIP shall affordContractoraperiod of ten(10) daystocorrect the breachorpresent an acceptableplantoUSIP for correctingthe breach.Thefailure ofUSIP toterminate Contractor for anydefault shallnotbedeemedawaiverofitsright toterminatecontractor for some other related, subsequent,orindependentdefault.Upon receiptof suchnotice,Contractor shall stop allWork.Contractor shallbeentitledtobepaidonlyforWorkpreviouslysubmittedandaccepted by USIP.USIP shall beentitledtorecover from Contractor thecostsof retaining otherstocompletetheWorkagreedtounder this Agreement.
No WaiverOfBreach
Anyfailure by USIP atanytime,or from timetotime, toenforceor requirethestrictcompliancewithandperformancebyContractorofanyof thetermsor conditionsof theAgreement shallnot constitutea waiverbyUSIP orabreach of anysuchtermsorconditionsor anyotherbreaches,or therightofUSIP toavail itselfof theremediesitmayhavefor anysuch breach.
Contractor shallindemnify,defend, holdandsaveUSIP, USIP'saffiliates,andeach ofits/their respective agents,successors,assigns,andanyand all officers, directors, shareholders,employeesor representativesof anyof theforegoing, harmlessfrom andagainstanyloss, claim,liability,judgment, costor expense(inclusiveofattorneyandexpertfees),includingbut notlimitedtoanyandallpropertydamage, delay,businessinterruption,lostbusinesstransactions oropportunities,orlostprofitsto Contractorand/or toanyone ormorethirdpartiesandanyand all personalinjuryto Contractorand/or toanyoneormorethird parties,includingdeath,intheevent suchloss, claim,liability, cost orexpensetoanyextentwhatsoever (evenifanyentityother thanContractoriscontributory thereto)arisesfrom or relatestoanyact oromission ofContractor,itsemployeesoraffiliatesinconnection withtheWork.Contractorwaivesanyright to assert immunityfrom theseobligationsunder anyworkers’ compensationorother employeebenefit statute.
Damages /Limitation ofLiability
In no event shall USIPoranyofitsaffiliates, representativesoranydirectors,officers,oremployeesof anyof the foregoingbeliabletocontractororanyofitslower tier subcontractors,whether basedondelay, contract, tort,negligence,warranty,indemnity, strictliability,error oromissionorotherwise, foranyconsequential, special,incidental,indirect,exemplary,multipleorpunitivedamagesor damagesarisingfrom orinconnection withlossofuseorlossof revenueorprofit,actualor anticipated orotherwise, andcontractorherebyreleasesUSIP,anditsrespective affiliates, representatives,directors,officersandemployeesfrom anysuchliability.
In no event shall USIPbeliabletocontractor, regardlessof cause, foranyamountin excessof thetotalamountof thisagreement.
Contractor shallberesponsiblefor thereportingandpaymentofall taxeswhichbecomepayable byoperation oflaw or contractandshall saveUSIP harmless from allliability,loss,andexpenseresultingfrom Contractor'sfailuretocomplywithall requirementsof suchlawsor contracts.
Disputes, Continuation ofWork
Intheeventa dispute arisesbetweenUSIP andContractor regarding theapplication orinterpretationof anyprovisionof theAgreement,orwithrespect toan alleged breachof theAgreement, theaggrievedpartyshallgivenoticeinwritingtotheotherpartyandthepartiesshall negotiateingoodfaithandattempt to resolvesuch dispute.If the partiesfail toresolvethe dispute withinthirty(30) daysafter deliveryof such notice,orduringsuchlongerperiodtowhichthey may agreeinwriting, eachpartyshall havetheright topursueanyandall remediesavailabletoitunder thelaw.
Notwithstandingthe existence ofadisputebetweenUSIPandtheContractor andregardlessofwhether such disputeisthesubjectofdisputeresolution pursuant tothisparagraph,Contractor shallnot beentitledtosuspend orotherwisedelayitsperformance of thework.
Governing Law, Jurisdiction,and Venue
This Agreement, andanydisputesarisingunderor relatedtothis Agreement, shall begovernedbyandconstruedin accordancewiththelawsof the Districtof Columbia,excludinganyprovisionsorprinciplesthereofwhichwouldrequiretheapplicationof thelawsofadifferentjurisdiction.