The Palestinian National Authority

The Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority


PENRA plan to take over the electricity assets in the evacuated settlements and its accomplishments after the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and North of the West Bank

November 13, 2005


PENRA participated in the technical teams that were formed to take over the evacuated areas in the Gaza Strip and north the West bank. Accordingly, PENRA prepared a three-stage plan to deal with the new situation.

Stage 1: Emergency maintenance

This stage constitutes the rehabilitation of the electrical networks in the settlements to its operational status in order to maintain service to these areas.

Stage 2: Inventory and documentation

This stage constitutes executing the inventory of all the fixed assets of the electrical networks in the evacuated settlements. Hence tabulation of all the collected data is carried out.

Stage 3: Development

This stage includes the following:

·  Execute the plan to integrate the electrical network inside the settlements with the main 22kV grid.

·  Secure electricity supply to the evacuated settlements.

·  Prepare single line diagrams to the existing networks.

·  Prepare a technical and a financial plan to further rehabilitate the electrical network.

To execute such plan, PENRA undertook the following actions:

·  Assign technical teams for each geographical location.

·  Reach an agreement with the Israeli Electricity Corporation (IEC) to

o  Keep the electrical networks in the evacuated areas untouched.

o  Maintain electrical supply to these areas.

o  Increase electricity supply by 7MW to the south region and 6.8MW to the north region of the Gaza Strip.

On Monday morning (September 12, 2005) the PENRA technical teams went to the designated areas where:

·  A first inspection took place for the existing network.

·  Prioritize areas to rehabilitate and reconnect power to the evacuated areas especially after local vandalism. These areas are as follows:

Rafah crossing:

The technical teams performed needed repairs to the existing network and reconnected the power partially on 13/9/2005 while the power was restored completely on 15-16/9/2005. An emergency 1MW diesel generator was placed in the crossing at a cost of 100kUSD and was set on automatic mode in order to supply power to the crossing in case of power failure in the main grid.

Industrial zone at ERETZ:

The technical team erected a 22kV network in the area and the power was restored to the said area on 21/9/2005 at a total cost of 20kUSD. This was done after the Israeli side isolated the industrial area into a security buffer zone.

Al-Mawasi area-Khanyounis:

The technical team connected the power to the area the day after the Israeli withdrawal. But due to local vandalism, electricity was cut several times. As a result, a 1MW emergency generator at a cost of 100kUSD was placed in addition to the existing generator to work 12 hours a day. Nevertheless, due to the high cost of generated power from the diesel generators and the air pollution that is caused by the exhaust emissions, Mawasi Khanyounis was fed temporarily from F10 which required building a 2km of overhead network and installing a distribution transformer at a cost of 75kUSD from 11-20/10/2005. For other far suburbs, another distribution transformer was installed at a total cost of 30kUSD. This action secured regulated power to the citizens of al Mawasi after a long time of power outages while under the Israeli occupation. Minister Azzam Shawwa visited the area several times to oversee the progress of work.

Al-Mawasi area – Rafah:

The technical team decided to feed the area from Rafah feeder F11 temporarily via building a 3km link of 22kV network at a total cost of 114kUSD. Work started on 12/10/2005 and ended on 26/10/2005. Additionally, a Pole Mounted Transformer PMT was installed for the first time in many years while under the Israeli occupation. A plan to install another transformer is underway at an estimated cost of 120kUSD. Minister Azzam Shawwa visited the area and shared the local residents their celebrations.

Radiation protection Survey:

PENRA participated in the preliminary radiation protection survey in the evacuated areas. A survey was conducted in MALAKA area east of Gaza after a notification that an area of 15000m2 was previously dug by the Israeli army and was backfilled later on. The results show that the radiation levels are normal.

Other accomplishments:

1.  Double circuit underground cable to the southern region of the Gaza Strip:

This project was previously suspended due to the presence of the Israeli forces along the path of the cables. After the Israeli withdrawal, the project is resumed from Dair El-Balah to Al-Qarara. The cost of the project is estimated at 2.5MUSD financed by the MOF and expected to be finished within three months.

2.  The USAID grant:

The directorate of planning and studies in PENRA was actively engaged with the Ministry of planning, the Ministry of finance, and the USAID where a sum of 10.7MUSD was allocated to finance electricity projects in the Gaza Strip in cooperation with GEDCO. These projects are intended to enhance the quality of supply to the residents of the Gaza Strip. All the documentation was submitted to the USAID office in Gaza through MOF and waiting for the Notice to Proceed.

3.  Gaza Transmission Project:

a) The First Phase-financed by the Swedish Government:

A meeting was held with the Swedish consol to evaluate the status of the project. PENRA proposed that the project is divided to two sections:

·  Completion of the North substation to synchronize with the 161kV transmission line from the IEC

·  Completion of the 220kV transmission line in order to give required time to solve the landowner issues and to purchase the missing parts of the towers

b) The second phase-financed by the Spanish government:

Currently, a re-bidding process is underway with modifications on the line route and the preparations to interconnect the system with the HV Egyptian system.

Electricity Regional Interconnection:

1.  Interconnection with Egypt:

A meeting was held from 25-27/9/2005 between the PENRA staff and the Egyptian Electricity Authority (EEA) staff and it was agreed that:

·  The Egyptian side supports the PENRA in establishing the Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company Limited (PETL)

·  The Egyptian side trains the technical staff of PENRA in the transmission and distribution sectors.

·  For the execution of the interconnection, the Egyptian side builds a 50km of 220kV network from Al-Arish to the Palestinian borders south of the Gaza Strip while the PENRA builds a 6km of 220kV network from the border to the south substation.

For such purpose, PENRA furnished the necessary data and information to the [EEA] such as:

·  Peak load forecast till year 2015 in the Gaza Strip.

·  Transmission and distribution master plan

·  Generation plan.

·  Projected investment in the electricity sector in the Gaza Strip

Note: An understanding was reached with the Egyptians that Palestine is joined with the regional Arab grid to be decided in the next meeting of the electricity Arab ministers.

2.  Interconnection with the Israeli Side:

As a follow up to the 161kV interconnection to the Gaza Strip, PENRA paid a down payment of 5MNIS and another similar payment is underway. The meeting with the IEC concluded that a 6-month estimated period is needed to finish the line.