Abridged Curriculum Vitae

NAME:André Francisco Pilon TITLE: Ph.D.NATIONALITY:1,Brazilian; 2, Italian

POSITION:Associate ProfessorFAX: + 55 11 3083-3501E-MAIL:

ADDRESS:Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715São Paulo, S.P.Brazil 01246-904

Academic Background

1) Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, University of São Paulo (Graduation in Education).

2) School of Tropical Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, P.R. (Master in Health Education)

3) School of Public Health, University of São Paulo (Ph. D. / Doctorate in Health Promotion)

4) University of São Paulo (Post-Doctorate / Professorship in Environmental Education)

Professional Experience

1)Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo

Development and evaluation of public policies and teaching and research programmes, at national and international levels, encompassing physical, social and mental wellbeing, natural and man-made environments, education, health and quality of life, integrating different scientific domains: social sciences, anthropology, psychology, education, ethics, public health, economics and politics. Responsible for academic disciplines, authoring scholarly articles and essays for scientific journals, books and other media, oral and written presentations, official reports, conferences papers, encompassing governance, economics, politics, ethics, environment, culture, education, resilience and existential control.

2)Psychologist, Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo

Research, development and planning of public policies for youngsters’ better quality of life, encompassing education, culture, mental, social and physical well-being; the influence of parents, peers, mass-media models and cultural environments on behaviour and values. Investigation of young people's perception concerning their relationships with parents, peer group, members of the opposite sex, sexuality and other related issues.

3)Director, Health Education Department, Ministry of Health, Brazil.

Serving the public interest by providing quality health care, research programs, and public education in accordance with the health, concerns and overall needs of the society, providing scientific and management oversight and ensuring that the program activities are strategically conceived, executed and integrated across the different governmental offices and agencies.

4)Editor-in-Chief, journal Academus (BLISSN 0001-4230)

Responsible for editing a scientific journal delivered to all the teachers and students of Brazilian universities, encompassing studies on social sciences, psychology, education, culture, governance, politics, economics, public health, environment and overall quality of life. Editorial line: The conceptual direction and the legitimacy of development strategies are examined in view of a comprehensive ecosystemic approach considering the multiple problems of difficult settlement or solution in the contemporary world.


1)World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, San Diego, U.S.A. Website:

2)International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Paris, France. Website:

3) Inter-American Consortium of Universities in Health Promotion and Education, University of Puerto Rico-Pan American Health Organisation,San Juan, P.R. Website:

4) Centre for Research on Healthy Cities, São Paulo, Website:

5) International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology. Website:

Areas of Expertise: Social Sciences; Anthropology; Psychology; Education; Public Health; Health Education; Health Promotion; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Education; Ecosystems; Urban Studies, Quality of Life; Journalism.

Languages: Portuguese (native), English, Spanish, French, Italian

Selected Publications:

PILON, A. F. Building a New World: An Ecosystemic Approach for Global Change & Development Design, University Library of Munich, MPRA Paper No. 45360; 2013 [online]:

PILON, A. F., Living Better in a Better World: Development and Sustainability in the Ecosystemic Model of Culture. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2 (4): 25-36, 2010 [on line]:

PILON, A. F. “The Right to the City” An Ecosystemic Approach to Better Cities, Better Life. University Library of Munich, MPRA Paper No. 25572, 2010 [online]:

PILON, A. F. Living on the Edge: An Ecosystemic Approach to the Problems of Difficult Settlement in our Times. The Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, 2011 [on line]:

PILON, A. F., The Bubbles or the Boiling Water? An Ecosystemic Approach to Globalisation, Complexity and Sustainability. The Bellagio Initiative, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 2011 [online]:

PILON, A. F. Civil Society, Economic Powers and Quality of Life: An Ecosystemic Approach to Live Better in a Better World, World Urban Forum 6, UN-HABITAT, Naples, 2012 [on line]:

PILON, A. F. Living Better in a Better World: Guidance and Counselling in an Ecosystemic Model of Culture. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, v. 5, 2010: 570-578 [on line]:

PILON, A. F. Living Better in a Better World: An Ecosystemic Approach to the Problems of Difficult Settlement or Solution in our Times. Third OECD World Forum on “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy” Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life, Busan, 2009 [on line]:

PILON, A. F. The Bubbles or the Boiling Pot? An Ecosystemic Approach to Culture, Environment and Quality of Life. Environmental Geology, (57) 2, 2007: 337-345 [online]:

PILON, A. F. Vivre Mieux dans un Monde Meilleur: Une Approche Multidimensionnelle pour Dynamiser la Qualité de Vie UNSpecial N° 688 • Octobre 2009 [on line]:

PILON, A. F. An Ecosystemic Approach for a New World Governance [on line]:

PILON, A. F. The Bubbles or the Boiling Pot? An Ecosystemic Approach to Culture, Environment and Quality of Life, Science Without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E (v. 3), Innsbruck: 171-193, 2007/2008. [on line]

PILON, A. F. Experience and Learning in the Ecosystemic Model of Culture: A Critical Approach to Education, Culture and the Environmental Crisis. The Communication Initiative Network, 2008 [online]:

PILON, A. F. A New Deal for the Challenges of the Millennium: An Ecosystemic Approach to the Problems of Difficult Settlement or Solution in the World. [online]:

PILON, A. F. The Bubbles or the Boiling Water? An Ecosystemic Approach to Culture, Environment and Quality of Life. Herald of the International Academy of Science (Russian Section), Moscow, 1, 2007: 31-38 [online]:

PILON, A. F. An Ecosystemic Approach for a New World Governance The Future we Want[online]:

PILON, A. F. Beyond Contemporary Horizons: An Ecosystemic Approach for the Problems of our Times, Sustainable Development: Education, Society, Technologies, Economy, Ecology, Belarus, Minsk, March: 90-93, 2011. [online]:

PILON, A. F. “Vejo uma viagem em seu futuro”. Jornal da USP, XVIII (998) 2013: 2 [online]: “I see a trip in your future" [English translation] [online]:

PILON, A. F. Vivendo à beira do abismo. Jornal da USP, XXVI (944), 2011: 2 [online]:

em EcoDebate [online]:

PILON, A. F. Uma abordagem ecossistêmica da qualidade de vida. Jornal da USP, XXVI (915), 2011: 2 [online]: Reproduzido em Mercado Ético [online]:

PILON, A. F. Construindo novos paradigmas para os desafios do milênio. Jornal da USP, XXIV (876), 2009: 2 [online]:

PILON, A. F. 2008, o Ano da Terra. Jornal da USP, XXIII (830), 2008: 2 [online]:

PILON, A. F. A visão profética da ecologia social. Jornal da USP [online].

PILON, A. F. As universidades de João Paulo II e a Crise do Mundo Atual. Jornal da USP [online].

PILON, A. F. Construindo um Mundo Melhor: A Abordagem Ecossistêmica da Qualidade de Vida Daena: International Journal of Good Conscience, Spenta University México1 (1): 52-72, 2006 [on-line]:

PILON, A. F. Construindo um mundo melhor: A abordagem ecossistêmica da qualidade de vida. Contribuciones a la Economía, julio 2006. [on-line]:

PILON, A. F. O partido dos mortos, uma estória que se repete. Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios Universidad Complutense de Madrid [online], marzo-junio 2006 vol. XI, nº 32 [on-line]:

PILON, A. F. As bolhas ou o caldeirão efervescente?Uma Abordagem Ecossistêmica da Qualidade de Vida.Revista de Cultura Pensar Iberoamérica. Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI), 9, julio-octubre 2006.

PILON, A. F. Construindo um Mundo Melhor. Abordagem Ecossistêmica da Qualidade de Vida Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde (19) 2, 2006: 100-112. [on-line]:

PILON, A. F. A Ótica do Guarda-Livros e a Fazenda de Dona Nonoca. Storm Magazine, 2005 [online]:

PILON, A. F. Nem Tudo Que Dói Cura. Jornal da USP [online].

PILON, A. F. A Cobra Que Morde A Cauda. Jornal da USP [online].

PILON, A. F. A Liberdade para Tocar Piano. Jornal da USP, São Paulo, 18 out. 1999. p. 2

PILON, A. F. Nem Pedro, nem Pedra. Jornal da USP, São Paulo, 04 out. 1999. p. 4

PILON, A. F. O Pulo do Gato. Jornal da Usp, Sao Paulo, p.2, 01 jan. 1997

PILON, A. F. Consorcio Fortalece Promoção da Saude. Jornal da Usp, Sao Paulo, p.2, 01 jul. 1996

PILON, A. F. Violencia : A Busca dos Responsaveis. Jornal da Usp, Sao Paulo, p.2, 01 set. 1996

PILON, A. F. Educação Ambiental : Uma Nova Forma de Estar no Mundo. Jornal da Usp, Sao Paulo, p.2, 01 set. 1995

PILON, A. F. Cidadania e Qualidade de Vida. Jornal da Usp, São Paulo, p.2-3, 27 jun. 1993

PILON, A. F. Qualidade de Vida e Formas de Relacionamento Homem / Mundo. Revista Brasileira de Saude Escolar, Porto Alegre, v.2 , n.3-4, p.117-25, jul./dez. 1992

PILON, A. F. Muito Alem da Problematização: Visão Conceitual e Proposta Metodologica. Revista Brasileira de Saude Escolar, Porto Alegre, v.1, n.3-4, p.41-9, jul./out. 1990

PILON, A. F. O Jovem em um Mundo de Crise. Revista Brasileira de Saude Escolar, Porto Alegre, v.1, n.3-4, p.14-20, jul./out. 1990

PILON, A. F. Health for all by the year 2000: cultural handicaps and possible solutions. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, v.11, n.1, p.63-7, 1990/91

PILON, A. F. Twenty steps for developing a healthy cities project. Revista de Saude Publica, Sao Paulo, v.27, n.4 , p.308-10, ago. 1993

PILON, A. F. Formado consórcio interamericano de universidade e centros de formação de pessoal em educação e promoção da saúde. Hygéia, São Paulo, dez. 1999, p. 7

PILON, A. F. Education , man and his horizons. Man-Environmental Systems, New York, v.16, n.1 , p.17-24, jan. 1986

PILON, A. F. Desenvolvimento na adolescencia: sexualidade, interação com os pais, companheiros e sexo oposto. Faculdade de Saúde Pública, USP (Doctorate Thesis), São Paulo, 1984.

PILON, A. F. Educação Ambiental em Quatro Dimensões de Mundo: uma Proposta Ecossistêmica [Environmental Education in the Four Dimensions of the World: An Ecosystemic Approach]. Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.

PILON, A. F. A Ocupação existencial do mundo,uma proposta ecossistêmica. In: Philippi Jr., A. e Pelicioni, M. C. F. Educação Ambiental e Sustentabilidade. Editora Manole, Barueri, SP, 2005: 305-352.

PILON, A. F. Youth and its project of life.Rev. Saúde Pública, (20), 3, 1986: 246-252. [online].

PILON, A. F. The development of health education: an updating of concepts.Rev. Saúde Pública. [online]. Oct. 1986, vol. 20, no. 5 p.391-396.

PILON, A. F. Relações humanas com base em dinâmica de grupo em uma instituição de prestação de serviços (Human relations based on group dynamics in an institution providing public services). Rev. Saúde Pública, (21), 4, Aug. 1987: 348-352. [online].

PILON, A. F. Literature News.Rev. Saúde Pública. [online]. Aug. 1993, vol.27,. nº 4, p.308-310.

PILON, A. F. Condiciones multifactoriales de salud y calidad de vida: el modelo ecosistémico de cultura. Proceedings XVII Conferencia Mundial de Promoción de la Salud y Educación para la Salud, S. Paulo, 2002.

PILON, A. F. How to live better in a better world. A proposal for an ecosystemic model of culture. Proceedings Global Conference Building a Sustainable World, S. Paulo, 23-25 october 2002.

PILON, A. F. Promoting ethics in a ecosystemic model of culture. In: Book of Abstracts XVIIInternational Union for Health Promotion and Education Conference, Paris, 2001: 6.

PILON, A. F. Human Ecology on a Four-Dimension Approach: Framework for Planning In: Lertchalolarn, C. et allii.(ed.) Educating for balance: integrating technology and the human spirit on a global scale. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University, 2000: 483-489

PILON, A. F. Professional Empowerment as a Health Promotion Learning Experience. In: Jávor, A. & Eimeren, W. van (ed.) Sustainable Structure for Better Health. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on System Science in Health Care, Budapest, 2000: 452-464.

PILON, A. F. A Formação de Recursos Humanos em Promoção e Educação em Saúde. In: Acevedo, H. V. Modelos y Prácticas en las Américas. Consorcio Interamericano de Universidades y Centros de Formación de Personal en Educación y Promoción de la Salud / Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, 2000: 30-34.

PILON, A. F. The Construction of the Quality of Life. In: Hoyer, H. The New Education Frontier: Teaching and Learning in a Networked World. (Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education), Vienna, 20-24/06/1999). ICDE International Council for Open and Distance Education CD-Rom, Oslo, 1999.

PILON, A. F. A Construção da Qualidade de Vida. In: Da Mata, S. F. et allii. Educação Ambiental. Desafio do Século: um Apelo Ético. Edit. Terceiro Milênio, Rio de Janeiro, 1998.331-334.

PILON, A. F. I Conferência Panamericana de Educación en Salud Pública / XVI Conferencia de ALAESP. Rev. Saúde Pública (31) 1 1997

PILON, A. F Educação, Cidadania e Qualidade de Vida: Dimensões do Projeto de Vida. In: Anais do Seminário Educação Ambiental e a Nova Ordem Mundial, Rio de Janeiro, GEEA/FE/UFRJ, 1996:146-153.

PILON, A. F. Social Participation and Health Education for the Promotion of Health: How to Promote Strong Events. In: Wilkinson, M.J., ed. Proceedings of the International Health Promotion Conference. Where Social Values & Personal Worth Meet. Brunel University, London, 1995: 162-174.

PILON, A. F. Bubbles or the Boiling Pot: a New Focus on Health Education. In: Chytil, M.K. et allii. Health System; the Challenge of Change, 5th Int’l Conf. on System Science in Health Care, Prague, Omnnipress Publisher, 1992: 1436-1438.

PILON, A. F. Qualidade de Vida e Formas de Relacionamento Homem-Mundo [Quality of Life and Way of Man-World Relationship]. Rev. Bras. Saúde Esc. 2 (3/4), 1992: 117-125.

PILON, A. F. Muito além da problematizaçäo: visão conceitual e proposta metodológica / Beyond the problem: conceptual view and methodological proposal. Rev. Bras. Saúde Esc. 1(3/4): 41-9, 1990.

PILON, A. F. Education, man and his horizons. Man-Environment Systems; 16: p.17-24, Jan. 1986.

PILON, A. F. Vivendo Juntos. In: Marcondes, R. S. et al. Saúde na Escola, IBRASA, São Paulo: 289-348, 1980

PILON, A. F. O problema metodológico em educação sanitária. Rev. Saúde Pública (2) 2, 1968 [online]:

Professional and Academic Summing-Up

André Francisco Pilon has an extensive career as an Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, Brazil, as a psychologist, for the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, as a Director for the Health Education Department, Ministry of Health, Brazil, as the Editor-in-Chief, for the cultural and scientific journal Academus (BLISSN 0001-4230), delivered to the faculty, staff and students of the Brazilian universities. His professional activities include the development and evaluation of public policies and teaching and research programmes in view of the many problems of difficult settlement or solution in the contemporary world, encompassing education, culture, environment, sustainability, physical, social and mental well-being and quality of life, integrating different scientific domains: social sciences, anthropology, psychology, education, ethics, economics and politics. He has to his credit several presentations in scientific events in the capacity of a speaker and discussant, authoring scientific articles in refereed journals, books and other media in view of a four-dimensional ecosystemic approach to quality of life integrating different dimensions of being-in-the-world. His affiliations include the World Council for Curriculum and Instruction; the International Union for Health Promotion and Education; the Inter-American Consortium of Universities in Health Promotion and Health Education; the Centre for Research, Documentation and Development on Healthy Cities.

For public profile and selected publications please see:

For full Curriculum Vitae at the Brazilian Research Council please see:

Referees and Contact Details:
