United States History- A Syllabus

Mrs. Hanks

Course Description: Unites States History Part A focuses on the political, social, and economic history of the United States prior to 1929. This class will begin with a review unit on the Foundations of the United States, from colonization to the Civil War. Then students will take a more in-depth historical look at United States history from Reconstruction after the Civil War to the 1920s. In this class, students will become historians as they will be asked to examine multiple perspectives and analyze the major events that led to our country today.

Brief Course Outline:

Unit One (2-3 weeks): Foundations (Colonization- Civil War)

Unit Two (2-3 weeks): Reconstruction of a Nation (Civil War-Reconstruction)

Unit Three (3-4 weeks): Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, and Progressivism- Creation of Modern America.

Unit Four (2 weeks): Imperialism, American Foreign Policy, and WWI

The unit outline is subject to change depending on weather, days off, and other uncontrollable circumstances, but we will try to stick as closely to the schedule as possible to ensure all content is covered!

Grading: Students will gain a grade in this course from several means, all of which provide ample opportunity for student success if completed and turned in on time.


Daily Work (In-class, Homework, etc)


·  Binder Checks: Students are responsible for keeping a well-organized binder (I promise, it will make you more successful.) These binders are to be brought to class everyday. At the end of each unit, students will turn in their binders for a binder check. Students will be made aware of what materials will need to be in the binder at the beginning of each unit in the form of a unit assignment sheet that must be kept in the binder.

·  Course Assessments: There will be a variety of assessment tools used in this course. These will include in class work, homework, quizzes, projects, and unit exams. There will be a unit test at the end of each unit. These will follow closely to the format of the EOC assessment which will include multiple choice questions and a constructed response. Students will also have weekly ‘quiz’ reviews that will assess student understanding of the week’s content. The majority of the questions on the quizzes will follow the daily “I Can” statements. This will allow students to self-assess how well they mastered each day’s “I Can”. Students can expect these on Fridays, or the last day of the school week. Bell Ringers, exit slips, and a post-it activity will also be used as formative assessments. These will be done daily by students and taken up so I can determine the progress of each student.

·  Homework: There will be nights when you will have homework in this class. Some of that homework may be planned and students will know of it in advance on their assignment sheets. Other days, homework may include work that was not completed or finished in class. Homework may also be used if the class as a whole was not cooperative in that day’s lesson. Keep that in mind….

Homework will fall under the daily work percentage of your grade.

·  Extra Credit: Extra Credit will not be given on an individual basis. The whole class will be given several opportunities throughout the trimester, including vocabulary for each unit. Take advantage!

·  Final Exam: The trimester will end with a cumulative final exam. This exam will be worth 20% of your final grade, per SBDM policy. You may use an exemption on the final.

·  End of Course Assessment: Any student who completes the United States History course in Kentucky has to take an exam that is created by the state and ACT. For you, this will be taken when you complete U.S. History B. However, your course work in U.S. History A is still extremely important, as that material WILL be on the EOC. The EOC will consist of multiple choice and constructed responses (essays). We will work with these types of questions very often. Please be aware that as a school we have decided to place great importance on this exam (it will count as your final exam grade in U.S. B), so take ownership of your learning process and stay focused.

Make-Up Work and Late Work Policy:

-  If you are absent from class, you will have exactly 1 week to turn in a missed assignment for full credit. If a missed assignment is turned in a week after the absence, only half-credit will be given. (This is an extension of ACHS policy). You are responsible for ALL work missed because of an absence. I understand that often being absent cannot be helped, but that does not mean you get to skip the work. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed, complete it, and turn it in!

-  To find out what was missed after an absence, look in the absent folders found in the front of the classroom. You will find a copy of all work missed that day with your name on it. Complete on your own time and turn in directly to Ms. Vasser.

-  ANY and ALL work not turned in the day it is due is considered late. You will have ONE day after the due date to turn in late work. After that one day extension, the assignment will only receive half-credit. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, but were here when it was assigned, it MUST be turned in the day you return to receive full credit.

-  If done correctly, completely, and is only the work of the student, I will always take late work or missing assignments. However, only half-credit will be given. The only way to ensure you receive full-credit for an assignment is to TURN IT IN ON TIME.

Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating in any form will NOT be tolerated in this class. You will be tested on the material learned in this class on the End of Course Assessment. If you cheat, you will not learn the material. So do not do it. If found cheating or cheating can be proven, students will receive a permanent zero for the assignment. No expectations. This also applies to plagiarizing the work of another student or individual.

ESS- There is tutoring after school every Tuesday-Thursday in the media center. If you ever need help or would like to do test corrections, test make-ups, etc, please stop in!! Please let me know when you plan to attend so I can ensure the necessary materials are there for you, if I’m not working ESS that day.

Class Website: I have a teacher page on the school website. On this page you can find an additional copy of the syllabus, weekly snapshots (a synopsis of what we will do each day), and other important information (such as study guides, extra credit, etc).

The website is: http://www.acschools.net/JerilynHanks.aspx

Behavior Syllabus

Mrs. Hanks

To be successful in this class, you must:

1) Give 100% each and every day.

2) Be Responsible.

3) Follow all Class Rules.

4) Never be afraid to ask questions!!

Class Rules (aka Vasser’s Values):

1) Come to class prepared and ready to learn.

2) Bring class materials everyday!

3) Be respectful of all classmates and Ms. Vasser.

4) Do not disrupt the learning of your classmates.

5) No electronic devices out without permission.

6) Listen and follow all directions.

7) Ask Questions!

Behavior Expectations:

I expect students to enter class on time and come prepared to learn. While I want you to enjoy yourself during class, that will occur through learning, not through chatting with friends, playing with a cell phone, sleeping, etc. I also expect you to give your classmates the opportunity to learn while in the room. Do not distract your classmates from learning. You are each in this room to learn and I want each of you to reach your highest potential!

If expectations are not met, the following will occur:

First Offense: I will give you a verbal warning. Behavior is to be corrected immediately.

Second Offense: I will call home.

Third Offense: No behavior should reach this point. If it does, a referral will be sent to the office.

Daily Procedures:

·  Be on time to class, every day. If you are tardy, a tardy referral will be written. Remember, you only get one freebie by the administration!

·  If you are in first period or fifth period, I expect silence during morning and afternoon announcements.

·  Come to class with all class materials. Yes, that means a writing utensil. If for some odd reason that you have lost your one and only writing utensil please ask your classmates if you can borrow one. If everyone is without, you may approach me for a loan. It is expected that loans are returned at the end of that class period!

·  As soon as you enter class, get out your class notebook and begin on the daily bell ringer. It will be posted when you enter.

·  Most days we will take notes. It is crucial to take appropriate and accurate notes. You can not take the textbooks home so these notes will be your resource when homework is given. These will also be checked during notebook checks for a grade!

·  Group work will be common during this course. I will often let you choose a group of peers that you feel most comfortable working with. However, if I notice that students are taking advantage of this and not working with their selected groups, I will begin creating the groups. Also, group work means exactly that, GROUP work. All students must participate and contribute to the assignment.

·  When doing independent work, students are expected to remain in their desks to complete the work. All independent work will be collected at one time (unless stated differently). If you finish earlier than others in the room, find something to occupy your time. This may include working on your unit vocabulary, reading your book, catching up on notes or other missed assignments, completing work for another class, etc. This may not include talking and distracting others, playing games on an electronic device, or sleeping.

·  Classes will end with either an exit slip or a post-it activity. These will also be completed independently and are to be taken seriously as I will use these to formative assess your understanding.

·  I will dismiss class, not the bell. Do NOT pack up your materials and get out of your seat. Absolutely do not attempt to line up at the door.

Other Important Behavior Expectations:

·  You will always use the red clipboard hall pass located in the front of the room when you need to leave the room. Unless it is an emergency, do NOT ask to use the restroom in the middle of notes or during the first and last 10 minutes of class. Appropriate time to ask would be during independent work time. There will be no limit on hall pass use until you make it a problem.

·  There may be times that I ask you to get out your electronic device (yes, I said it!) to do an activity for me or to help with research. The key word in that phrase is that I will ASK you. It is never acceptable to use your phone or other device during class time without permission. If a device is seen out without permission, I will follow school policy and confiscate that device.

·  Food and drinks are acceptable until it becomes a problem. If ANY trash is left on the floor or a drink is spilled the privilege will be revoked.

·  If there is ever a substitute for me, I expect behavior to be even better than how you behave for me. I take this very seriously!!

·  Lastly, Respect my property and my classroom. Do NOT write on the desks or walls. Do NOT leave your trash on the floor. Do NOT destroy any property in my room (including books, posters, etc). Do NOT sit at my desk or take anything from my desk.

Signature Sheet for US History A

Mrs. Hanks

Trimester 1 2013-2014

Student Name (print): ______

Class Period: ______

By signing, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to follow the above Syllabus for the duration of the course.


(student signature)


Please read through the syllabus. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the above Syllabus.

______(parent/guardian signature)

What is the best way to contact you? Please indicate your preference below, by simply placing an X in the appropriate location. If your phone or email are not in Infinite Campus, you may include those below as well.

Phone ______Email______