Maths on Track

What Makes for Success?

Team Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(Circle your team number)

Team member names:______

Note: for team tasks you should appoint a coordinator whose job is to a) make progress reports to the teacher in behalf of their team, b) make sure everyone is on task to meet timelines and c) to care for the information gathered by their team members. Each team task should be assigned a different coordinator (a task may have two coordinators working as a team within a team if you wish).

Questions for you to investigate / Which task/s investigate or respond to these questions? / Investigate as a team or individually? / Team member responsibilities (list coordinators or other key roles) / Due date
Essential Question
What Makes for Success? / Class discussion (at end of unit) / Team individual
Video interview(after above discussion) / Individual / You are solely responsible.
Unit Questions
What skills are important?
Why are teams important? / Blog posts(throughout unit)
(see also under Content Questions) / Team individual
Final Causal Map
(using Seeing Reason Tool based upon your other map edits) / Team
Blog posts*(at end of unit)
*when you post to the blog in responding to the unit questions your responses will be informed by the other activities you have been doing. / Individual / You are solelyresponsible.
Content Questions
(For Teams 1 to 4 only)
Questions of the Australian Grand Prix circuit
  • What is the average speed around the Australian Grand Prix track?
  • What is the fastest part of the track? … the slowest?
  • How do the turns 1 to 16 compare as to speed? (Rate them fastest to slowest and estimate the speed for each corner.)
  • What could an Australian Grand Prix circuit speed- time graph look like for an F1* car?
  • How would an “acceleration” pattern look like for an F1 car on the Australian Grand Prix circuit?
/ Blog posts (throughout unit)
(These posts are so your team, or you, can let others know about what you have found out, or post resources that you have found, or ask questions or seek feedback on your work) / Team individual
Causal Map
(using Seeing Reason Tool with a min. of 5 edits throughout unit. 1 edit at the start, and at least one per week until the final map which will be made in the last week of the unit.) / Team
Problem Solving Analysis task / Individual / You are soley responsible.
Content Questions
(For Team5 only)
Questions on the F1 Team
  • What maths calculations does the team need to make?
  • Who is the most important person in an F1 racing team?
  • What does the driver think about during the race?
  • What does the driver think about before the race?
  • How many people are in a pitstop team? What do they do?
  • Who designs the car? What influences their design choices?
  • How do these teams rely upon each other?
/ Blog posts (throughout unit)
(These posts are so your team, or you, can let others know about what you have found out, or post resources that you have found, or ask questions or seek feedback on your work) / Team individual
Causal Map
(using Seeing Reason Tool with a min. of 5 edits throughout unit. 1 edit at the start, and at least one per week until the final map which will be made in the last week of the unit.) / Team
Problem Solving Analysis task / Individual / You are solely responsible.
Content Questions
(For Team 6 only)
Questions on F1 racing teams to be negotiated with teacher / Blog posts throughout unit
(These posts are so your team, or you, can let others know about what you have found out, or post resources that you have found, or ask questions or seek feedback on your work) / Team individual
Causal Map
(Using Seeing Reason Tool with a min. of 5 edits throughout unit. 1 edit at the start, and at least one per week until the final map which will be made in the last week of the unit.) / Team
Problem Solving Analysis task / Individual / You are solely responsible.
Content Questions
(For Team 7 only)
Questions on Acceleration and Weight
  • What is acceleration?
  • What is “g” force? What are the “g” forces on the driver?
  • What is “downforce”?
  • What is the “braking zone”?
  • How fast are cars coming up behind the cars in the braking zone?
  • Is there an ideal height and weight for a driver?
  • What does the fuel weigh and how much is needed?
  • What is the balance between the amount of fuel needed to complete a race and the need to stop to refuel? (Why not just install a fuel tank large enough to carry sufficient fuel to complete the race and avoid pitstops?)
/ Blog posts throughout unit
(These posts areso your team, or you, can let others know about what you have found out, or post resources that you have found, or ask questions or seek feedback on your work) / Team individual
Causal Map
(using Seeing Reason Tool with a min. of 5 edits throughout unit. 1 edit at the start, and at least one per week until the final map which will be made in the last week of the unit.) / Team
Problem Solving Analysis task / Individual / You are solely responsible.

Image by Alan Thwaites

© State of Victoria2008

Alan Thwaites is involved in the Intel Teach Program and developed this portfolio, in collaboration with other teachers.

Copyright is owned by the Crown in right of the State of Victoria. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for the purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to the Liability Management Manager, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2 Treasury Place, Melbourne, VIC, 3002

The State of Victoria accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any part of this material and bears no responsibility for any modifications made.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.