United States History, 3rd Edition

Lesson Plan Overview

Day(s) / Topic / Pages / Support Materials / Bible Integration /
Chapter 1: Winds and Wilderness
1 / Discovery and Rediscovery / 3–9 / Activity 1: Think About It!
Activity 2: Map Study: Explorations of the New World / Authority of Scripture and priesthood of believers
“Martin Luther’s Spiritual Struggle”
“Menno Simons”
2–3 / In the Wilderness / 9–16 / Activity 3: Read and Heed
Activity 4: Who Am I?
Activity 5: The New World
Activity 6: What Comes Next? / John Smith and 2 Thessalonians 3:10
4 / Chapter 1 Review
5 / Chapter 1 Test
Chapter 2: Thirteen Colonies
6 / New England / 19–27 / Activity 1: Providence Praised
Activity 2: Mayflower Compact Impact / Tyndale’s translation in England
“Christians and Business”
7 / Middle Colonies / 28–30
8 / Southern Colonies / 30–35 / Activity 3: Map Study: Settlement of the Colonies
Activity 4: Choices, Choices
9 / The Emerging American / 35 / Activity 5: Colonial Order
10 / Chapter 2 Review
11 / Chapter 2 Test
Chapter 3: Colonial Life
12 / The Rhythms of Life / 47–52
13 / At Home / 52–54 / Activity 1: Who and What
14 / At Work / 55–58 / Activity 2: The Servant and the Slave
15 / At Play / 59–61 / Activity 3: False Alarms
Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle
16 / Chapter 3 Review / “Application Questions” #2
17 / Chapter 3 Test
Chapter 4: Religion in the American Colonies
18–19 / Denominational Beginnings in America / 63–71 / Activity 1: Map Study: Religion in the Colonies
Activity 2: Early Denominations and Their Leaders / “Outward Morality”
20 / Colonial Worship / 72–74 / Activity 3: Colonial Sunday
21 / Indian Missions / 75–76 / “Colonial Missions”
22–23 / The Great Awakening / 77–82 / Activity 4: What Is Missing?
24 / Chapter 4 Review
25 / Chapter 4 Test
Chapter 5: The Rising Storm (1689–1770)
26 / Frontier Feuds / 87–91 / “John 8:36” and true freedom (introduction to Unit II)
27 / The French and Indian War / 92–96 / Activity 1: French and Indian Questions
Activity 2: Map Study: French and Indian Wars
28 / The Growing Rift / 96–102 / Activity 3: Ordering
Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle
29 / Chapter 5 Review
30 / Chapter 5 Test
Chapter 6: Independence (1770–1783)
31 / The Eve of War / 105–11 / Activity 1: Explosive Events / “The Heart”
“Secular or Sacred?”
“The Founding Fathers and Religion”
“Biblical Perspectives on Revolution”
32 / Declaring Independence / 112–15 / “Common Sense” (comparing Paine’s arguments with biblical principles)
33–34 / Early Campaigns / 115–23 / Activity 2: Conflict Conclusions
Activity 3: Map Study: The Revolution / “Traitors” and Prov. 24:19–20
35 / War in the South / 124–29 / Activity 4: Military Melee
Activity 5: Treaty of Paris, 1783 / “The Fighting Quaker” (what the Bible has to say about war)
36 / Chapter 6 Review
37 / Chapter 6 Test
Chapter 7: The Critical Period (1781–1789)
38–39 / Government by Confederation / 133–41 / Activity 1: Map Study: Northwest Territory
40 / A New Charter / 141–46 / Activity 2: Separate Powers / Constitutional principles
“Seeking God’s Help”
41 / The Struggle for Ratification / 146–50 / Activity 3: Who Am I?
Activity 4: What’s the Question? / “The Constitution—Religious or Secular?”
42 / Chapter 7 Review / “Content Questions” #5
43 / Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 8: The Federalist Years (1789–1801)
44 / Launching the New Government / 153–57 / Activity 1: Cabinet Confusion / Mrs. Washington’s quote and Phil. 4:11
“Rising Above Hardship”
45 / Emerging Political Parties / 158–62 / “Servant/Leader”
46 / Declining Federalist Influence / 162–66 / Activity 2: The Second President of the United States
Activity 3: False Impressions
Activity 4: Early Political Parties
47 / Chapter 8 Review
48 / Chapter 8 Test
Chapter 9: The Jeffersonian Era (1801–1825)
49 / “The Revolution of 1800” / 171–75 / “Exodus 20:17” (Introduction to Unit III)
“Thomas Jefferson’s Religious Views”
“I Am a Real Christian”
“Politicians and the Bible”
“Jefferson’s View of Christ”
50 / Jefferson’s Triumphs Abroad / 175–78 / Activity 1: Explore It Further
Activity 2: Map Study: Lewis and Clark Expedition / God’s hand in the Louisiana Purchase
Aaron Burr and Prov. 26:27
51 / Indians and the Northwest Territory / 179–83 / Activity 3: Questions and Profiles
52 / The War of 1812 / 183–88 / Activity 4: Map Study: The War of 1812
Activity 5: The Capitol Gazette
Activity 6: Headlines! / “War Plans” and the Lord’s direction
53 / “The Era of Good Feelings” / 189–90
54 / Chapter 9 Review
55 / Chapter 9 Test
Chapter 10: The Age of Jackson (1820–1840)
56 / Crosscurrents / 193–99 / Activity 1: Map Study: The Missouri Compromise
57 / The Jackson Years / 199–207
58 / Party Politics / 207–10 / Activity 2: Time Travels
Activity 3: Presidential Powers
Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle
59 / Chapter 10 Review
60 / Chapter 10 Test
Chapter 11: The Growth of American Society (1789–1861)
61–62 / American Technology / 213–23 / Activity 1: Map Study: The Growth of Transportation
Activity 2: Think About It! / “Menstealers”
“Sin’s Consequences”
“Samuel F. B. Morse” and Christian friendships
63 / American Culture / 224–31 / Activity 3: Who Am I? / “Moral Education”
“Noah Webster” and II Tim. 4:7
Horace Mann and Titus 1:15
“Biblical Rights of Women”
“Utopia and the Bible”
64 / American Religion / 232–38 / Activity 4: Reform and Religion / “Deism” compared and contrasted with Scripture
“Edwards’s Grandsons”
“Finney’s Theology”
“Edwards vs. Finney”
“Unorthodox Religion”
65 / Chapter 11 Review / “Application Questions” #4
66 / Chapter 11 Test
Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny (1840–1848)
67 / Across the Wide Missouri / 241–47 / Activity 1: Remembering the Alamo! / “Testimony Does Matter!”
“The Spaldings and the Whitmans”
68 / Politics and Protocol / 248–50
69 / War with Mexico / 250–56 / Activity 2: From Sea to Shining Sea
Activity 3: Mexican-American Relations
Activity 4: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848
Activity 5: Map Study: Manifest Destiny / “Morality of the Mexican War”
“The Defeated Foe”
70 / Chapter 12 Review / “Application Questions” #1
71 / Chapter 12 Test
Chapter 13: A House Dividing (1848–1861)
72 / Controversy / 261–69 / Activity 1: Viewpoint / “Chapter Motivation” (Prov. 13:10)
73 / Conflict / 269–77 / Activity 2: Party Lines / “Ignorance and Fear”
“Avenging Angel”
74 / Crisis / 278–82 / Activity 3: Fanning the Fire
Activity 4: Crossword Puzzle
75 / Chapter 13 Review
76 / Chapter 13 Test
Chapter 14: War Between the States (1861–1865)
77 / War of Brothers / 285–90 / Activity 1: Flag Day!
Activity 2: Who Am I?
78–79 / War in the East / 291–97 / “People of Prayer”
80 / War in the West / 298–304
81 / On the Home Front / 304–8 / Activity 3: Change in Southern Lifestyle
82 / Road to Appomattox / 309–15 / Activity 4: Battle Cry!
Activity 5: Terms of Surrender / “Why the War?”
83 / Chapter 14 Review / “Application Questions” #2
84 / Chapter 14 Test
Chapter 15: Reconstruction (1865–1877)
85 / Struggle over Reconstruction / 331–36 / Activity 1: Presidential Assassinations
Activity 2: Checking Up on Reconstruction / “Chapter Motivation” (reconciliation)
“Love Your Enemies“
86 / Reconstruction in the South / 336–41
87 / Reconstruction in the North / 341–47 / Activity 3: Jests and Jabs
Activity 4: Exposé
Activity 5: Presidential Insights / “Nothing Is Lost Save Honor”
“What Should Grant Have Done?”
“Corrupt Governments”
88 / A Reconstructed Nation / 347–48
89 / Chapter 15 Review
90 / Chapter 15 Test
Chapter 16: The Gilded Age (1877–1896)
91–92 / Industry and Invention / 353–60 / Activity 1: Building a Monopoly
Activity 2: Men Who Made a Difference / “Romans 3:10–12” and Progressivism (Introduction to Unit V)
“The Lord Is Still in Control”
“Good and Bad Influences”
“Who Is ‘the Fittest’?”
“H. J. Heinz” and Christian business management
93 / Reform and Reaction / 360–68 / “Servants and Masters”
94–95 / Change and Challenge / 368–78 / Activity 3: Charting America’s Growth
Activity 4: The Gilded Age / “The Flood of Darwinism”
“Social Gospel”
“Pursuit of Happiness”
Lk. 12:15 and “Acres of Diamonds”
96 / Chapter 16 Review / “Application Questions” #4
97 / Chapter 16 Test
Chapter 17: America Expands (1850–1900)
98–99 / Western Expansion / 381–93 / Activity 1: Map Study: Routes and Riches
Activity 2: Farming Fluctuations
Activity 3: Agricultural Assimilation / “Limitless Resources?”
“Get-Rich-Quick Schemes”
“Cultural Awareness”
100–101 / International Expansion / 393–401 / Activity 4: Cartoon Comments
Activity 5: Time Tells All / “God’s Protecting Hand”
“Missionaries and Culture”
“My Pressure Gauge!”
102 / Chapter 17 Review
103 / Chapter 17 Test
Chapter 18: The Progressive Era (1900–1920)
104 / Progressive Movement / 417–22 / Activity 1: Progressive Terms
Activity 2: Think About It! / “True Progress?”
Christians and reform Darwinism
“Good Heart, Wrong Method”
“Whatever Works Is Right”
“Reliance on Government”
“Nature of Man”
105–106 / Progressive Politics / 423–32 / Activity 3: Cryptograms
Activity 4: Map Study: Roosevelt Corollary
Activity 5: Presidential Programs
107 / Progressive Society / 432–39 / Activity 6: Fundamentalists vs. Progressives / “God Gave Them to Me”
Modernists and the social gospel
“One Made a Difference”
108 / Progressivism Evaluated / 439–42 / “Progressivism Evaluated”
“The Inevitability of Progress”
109 / Chapter 18 Review / “Content Questions” #10
“Application Questions” #3
110 / Chapter 18 Test
Chapter 19: The Great War (1913–1920)
111 / Idealism / 445–51 / “Moral Leadership”
“No Lies”
112–113 / Intervention / 452–59 / Activity 1: Diary of a Soldier
Activity 2:Postwar Propaganda
Activity 3: Map Study: The World at War
Activity 4: Weapons of War / “Biblical View of the Home”
114 / Isolation / 460–62 / Activity 5: What’s the Question? / “Idealism Is Going to Change the World”
115 / Chapter 19 Review / “Application Questions” #3
116 / Chapter 19 Test
Chapter 20: The Twenties (1920-1929)
117 / Normalcy and Naiveté / 467–73 / Activity 1: Cartoon Capers
Activity 2: Who’s Who? / Impossibility of satisfaction outside Jesus
God’s control of history
“Jer. 17:5” and the prosperous twenties (introduction to Unit VI)
“Normalcy” and Ps. 34:4
Source of war
“Effects of Friends”
“Silent Cal” and Prov. 25:11
118–119 / The Mind of the Twenties / 473–82 / Activity 3: Positive or Negative Influence? / “Decline in Morals”
“Morality Legislation Debate”
“Fundamentalist vs. Modernist”
“Positive Results”
“William Jennings Bryan: ‘He Kept the Faith’”
120 / From Roar to Ruin / 482–86 / Activity 4: Scripture Search
Activity 5: Make It Right!
Activity 6: Twenties Tangle
121 / Chapter 20 Review / “Application Questions” #3
122 / Chapter 20 Test
Chapter 21: The Thirties (1929-1939)
123–124 / Hoover Gets the Blame / 489–95 / Activity 1: Deep Depression / “Government, Not God”
125–126 / FDR and the New Deal / 495–502 / Activity 2: The ABCs of Economic Recovery
127 / Worst of Times, Best of Times / 502–8 / Activity 3: Dust Bowl Disaster
Activity 4: Forget Your Troubles / “Escaping One’s Cares” and I Pet. 5:7
128 / Chapter 21 Review
129 / Chapter 21 Test
Chapter 22: The World at War (1939–1945)
130–131 / A Time of Tyrants / 511–16 / Activity 1: A Time of Tyrants / “Preserve the Peace”
“Divine Intervention”
132 / Isolation and Infamy / 517–23 / “A False Sense of Security”
133–134 / Fight for Fortress Europe / 524–27 / Activity 2: Map Study: The European Theater
135–136 / War in the Pacific / 527–34 / Activity 3: Map Study: The Pacific Theater
Activity 4: Who, What, When, Where
137 / Chapter 22 Review
138 / Chapter 22 Test
Chapter 23: The Postwar Era (1945–1963)
139–140 / Cold War / 539–47 / Activity 1: To Win or Not to Win
Activity 2: Map Study: The Korean War / “Revelation 2:5” and the challenge to America (introduction to Unit 7)
“The UN”
“Peace on Earth”
141 / Domestic Reform / 547–54
142 / Life in Postwar America / 555–60 / Activity 3: Advertising Anomalies
Activity 4: “Red and Yellow, Black and White”
Activity 5: Postwar Events
Activity 6: Who Am I? / “Owe No Man Anything”
“Postwar Families”
“Civil Disobedience”
“Ecumenical Movement”
143 / Chapter 23 Review / “Application Questions” #3
144 / Chapter 23 Test
Chapter 24: The Shattered Society (1963–1973)
145–146 / Johnson and the Great Society / 563–71 / Activity 1: The Johnson Years—Salving Society’s Ills
Activity 2: Map Study: War in Vietnam / “Chaos”
“Civil Rights”
“Helping the Poor and Needy”
“Promises, Promises”
“Christian Vietnam Veteran”
147 / Upheaval / 572–76 / Activity 3: The Bible as a Guidebook / “Knowledge Without Wisdom”
“Captured Youth”
“Counterculture Creeds”
“Genuine Love”
Ungodliness of counterculture
148 / 1968 / 577–79
149 / Nixon and the Silent Majority / 580–84
150 / Chapter 24 Review / “Application Questions” #2
151 / Chapter 24 Test
Chapter 25: A Nation Adrift (1973–1980)
152 / The Embattled Presidency / 599–602 / “A Good Name”
153 / Domestic Difficulties / 602–6 / Activity 1: A Woman’s Place / “Environmental Concerns” and stewardship