United States Government and Citizenship
Disclosure Statement
Instructor:Nancy Peebles
School Phone:801-452-4050
Welcome! Knowing how to be a good citizen is essential to the preservation and improvement of the United States democracy. The goal of this course is to foster informed, responsible participation in public life. Upon completion of this course the student will understand the major ideas, protections, privileges, and structures that affect the life of a citizen in the United States political system.
Requirements of the class:
- One project will be completed per term.
- Classroom assignments and exams.
- A final exam will be given and is part of the final grade.
- A State Civics Exam is also given at the end of the semester. Students must get 70% correct to graduate.
Required Supplies:
- Writing utensil
- Folder for assignments
- Paper for assignments.
*The teacher is not responsible for providing the above materials. Do not come to class unprepared.
Grading Scale:
93-100 / A / 70-73 / C89-92 / A- / 66-69 / C-
86-88 / B+ / 63-65 / D+
81-85 / B / 59-62 / D
77-80 / B- / 55-58 / D-
74-76 / C+ / Below 55 / F
Policies and Procedures:
- Make up work is up to the discretion of the teacher. All projects must be turned in on time or receive a 25% deduction for late work. All other late assignments can be turned in within two weeks. After two weeks an assignment cannot be turned in.
- If absent, the assignment is due the next period after receiving the assignment.
- Retakes-Tests can be retaken within 5 school days of the original test date. Essays may be rewritten for credit within 5 school days of the original due date.
- If a student chooses not to complete an in class assignment, the student will receive a “0” for that assignment, and will be unable to make up said assignment.
- It is expected students will take care of necessities BEFORE class. An abuse of the Hall Pass will result in the forfeiture of the Hall Pass privilege and a phone call to parents will be made.
- Any student coming to class later than 15minutes must check in at the office or they will be marked absent.
- All students will be expected to be prepared for class.
- Profanity, ethnic slurs and vulgar language will not be tolerated in the classroom. Any student engaging in this type of language may be sent to the office, and/or a phone call may be made to the parents. It may affect your citizenship grade.
- All electronic devices will not be tolerated in the classroom unless used as an educational device under the direction of the teacher. These includemusical devices and cell phones. They will be confiscated by the teacher and given to the office. This includes video games.
- All Bell Quizzes will be done in class. They CAN only be made up before or after school.
- The school conduct code will be followed in the classroom.
- If the class has a substitute teacher and a student behaves badly, the parents will be contacted and the student’s citizenship grade may be reduced to an N or U.
- Drinks are allowed with lids only. Students must clean up after themselves or this privilege may be taken away.
- Cheating- If you are caught cheating you will receive a “0” and your parents will be notified, as well as the administration. Cheating is when the assignment is not a group type of assignment. An example is a test, quiz, essay or project.
- Extra Credit- Students will not be given extra credit opportunities unless ALL assignments are completed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or contact me at 801-452-4050or at .
Parental Consent for Class and Grade Disclosure
Dear Parent/Guardian:
With your consent, I will have students in our class correct some of the assignments and quizzes of other students. By doing this, the students are able to review and learn from others. I would also like to post outstanding work occasionally and have students engage in peer collaboration with your permission. Also at times a PG-13 movie may be shown to add to the curriculum. If you are in agreement with the ideas above, please sign the form below.
I am in agreement and give my permission to the above stipulations during the school year 2016-2017.
I have read the above Disclosure Statement and understand the policies of the above mentioned class.
Parent’s Name ______(please print)