Thursday 5 July 2012 at 7.30 p.m.

1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel

1. Attendance / Cllr IM Mackenzie (Chairman)
Cllr S Ranger
Mr DR Cowgill Clerk
2. Apologies / Noted to receive apologies from Cllrs Gilbert, Guthrie, Parry & Savage
3. Declarations of Interest / None
4. Minutes / RECOMMENED to approve the minutes of the Committee meetings held on 17 May 2012 and 24 May 2012.
5. Matters arising / None
6. Planning applications / The members considered the application listed below and agreed to comment as follows:
12/2217C / Former Fisons Site, London Road
Reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 11/1682C for residential development
1.  There is no objection to this application in principle, but it would be helpful if representatives from Bluemantle and Bellway could attend a meeting to explain the proposals in more detail.
2.  The access and proposed roundabout need further consideration.
12/2240C / Land to rear of 2 Chester Road, CW4 7BH
Proposed erection of a pair of semi-detached dormer bungalows
No objection
7. Local Plan and Vision / Cllr Ranger reported that he was working on the plans to enable further discussion.
8. Blue sky thinking group / The members noted that the report prepared by this group will be available in the near future and will be referred to this committee for consideration.
9. Partnership / 1.  It was noted that HCP were undertaking the following projects:
·  Dane Valley
·  Play Area
·  Cycle ways
·  Christmas markets
2.  Agreed that discussions about funding be deferred until more members present.
3.  Consideration should be given to better materials for the shelter before the Council considered making any contribution.
4.  The Clerk had investigated the insurance position and the excess and loss of no-claims discount made a claim unrealistic
10. Diamond Jubilee review / Cllr S Ranger gave a verbal report on the conclusions from event. It was noted that there are a lot of photographs now available for an exhibition.
11. Computer software for Parish and Town Councils / The Clerk gave a verbal report on computer software packages available for local councils. The Clerk and Assistant should make enquiries and report back.
12. Document storage / Cllr Ranger agreed that he would make further enquiries.
13. Governance / The Committee reviewed the Governance document. It was noted that it would be necessary to include the new Code of Conduct and the Programme Board Terms of Reference.
14. Pension arrangements / The Clerk reported on government changes to pension arrangements for employees. It was agreed that arrangements should be made with a view to progressing with a scheme from 1 April 2013. The Clerk to circulate information.
15. Social Media handbook / The Committee reviewed the document issued by CEC. Members should be encouraged to read it wth a view to the Council formulating a standard.
16. Web site / Members noted the need for new articles.
17. Chairman’s and Clerk’s reports / The Clerk reported on the following:
1.  Banks Meeting - The date and time to be circulated.
2.  Councillor Workshop - Cllr Ranger will consider attendance.
3.  Home Grown It was noted that a meeting had taken place on Bramhall Drive. Further enquires are required about insurance
Meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.
These notes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 16 August 2012. Until approved they are draft notes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:
