Chaperone Duties: Home Football Games
Supplies: Coolers for water, first aid bag, flashlights, game passes.
Backpack contents: first aid kit with bandages, etc; sewing kit; white and black tape; hard candy (for diabetics); hygiene supplies
- Fill two coolers with water in cafeteria kitchen.
- Give coolers and package of cups (about 120) to pit crew to load and take to stadium.
- If there is a threat of rain, check with Mr. Phillip to see if he would like to take the ponchos. If so, give containers of ponchos and rags to pit crew to take to the stadium. The rags are to wipe off the benches before the students sit.
- Give first aid backpack and podium drape to pit crew to take to the stadium.
- Assist students with uniforms
- Distribute plumes.
- Some need white tape to tape gloves at wrist (especially the drum major)
- Check for need for extra black socks and white gloves.
- Get game passes from Mr. Phillip’s office (lanyards hanging on the bulletin board). Up to ten chaperones can be admitted to the game for free.
- Find out if there are special medical needs and designate a chaperone to those students. (stay aware of their status and keep their supplies)
- Exchange cell phone numbers among chaperones or use two-way radios.
- Ten minutes before the band is due to leave for the stadium, take traffic stations. Use flashlights when dark.
- Traffic stations:
- As band moves through parking lot, notify all chaperones to stop traffic on street leading from the school to the stadium. Chaperones at main parking lot should follow the band when they pass and spread out so that no cars try to go around the band.
- All chaperones follow band into the stadium. One chaperone should collect the passes and flashlights and be responsible for returning them to Mr. Phillip’s office after the game.
- Chaperones sit in the section next to the band to be available for any emergencies. Water coolers are placed on the benches in front of the band section.
- Fill water cups for band to drink after the national anthem as they come to sit in their section.
- Guard the band section. No friends should distract them while they are playing.
- Find out if pit crew needs help setting up for half-time.
- Fill water cups as students come back after half-time.
- Students have the third quarter free. They are due back at 2 minutes left in the quarter. If any have not returned, go get them.
- At end of game, load cart.
- The band will either cross the field to get back to the school or march on the sidewalk. If they march on the sidewalk, several chaperones should go ahead of them to stop traffic from the junior parking lot and the main parking lot as they approach.
- One or two chaperones stay to clean up the band section in the stadium. Throw away trash and collect forgotten belongings.
- Help with uniforms. Make sure they are hung neatly and stored in order.
- Package up plumes.
- If uniforms get wet from rain, jackets, pants and ponchos will be laid out on chairs and music stands in the band and chorus rooms for the weekend.