Unit Theme:Being Puerto Rican Through Folktales 7.1Week:# 3

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 7th Date:From ______to ______20______

Desired Result


EU1. Our home country influences who we are through its language, culture, and customs.
EU2. The setting of our lives shapes who we are by providing novel experiences.
EU3. Folktales provide entertainment, but also share local wisdom or lessons to be learned.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task(unit projects, exams, etc.)2- Presentation of a Puerto Rican Folktale ( Create a folktale to share with peers and family)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Reading / Reading / Reading / Reading, Speaking / Reading
Expectations / 7.R.10 Read and comprehend folktales
7.R.3L Describe particular episodes as plot moves toward resolution / 7R10- Read and comprehend texts
7.R9L- Compare and contrast literary texts of fantasy stories / 7R10- Read and comprehend text
7.R9L- Compare and contrast literary text.
7 R3L- Describe characters change in episodes / 7.R.1- Analysis of a passage from folktales
7. R.5L- Analysis of particular structure of text / 7.R.1- Read information about proverbs
7. R.2L- Determine literary text and convention through particular details.
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective / : The student describes particularepisodes of folktales by developing problem and solution effectively. / The student summarizes problem and solution in folktales accordingly (Use of graphic organizer attachment 7.1 Folktale Story Map) to compare and contrast characters from folktales (Character Chart 7.1 Graphic Organizer given previously and in attachments). / The student discussesuse of graphic organizers through details to be developed in folktales appropriately. / The student analyzes a chosen passage from a folktale given or prepared to determine how it contributes to situation, characters, theme and solution. / The student discusses and comprehends use of proverbs in Folktales through examples provided.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
Initial Activities / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Student will discuss folktales, problems and solution( 7.1 Analyzing Puerto Rican Folktales.
  • Guide: Identify parts of folktales
  • Discuss problem and solution of
Folktales. / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Introduction of folktale solutions and story maps with attachment. / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Discussion of folktale solutions and story maps. / The teacher completes routine activities and review previous class. Oral discussion of situation, characters, theme and solution of a folktale. / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Introduction:
What are proverbs?
Mention proverbs and provide examples.
Proverb activity-
Development Activities / The student will describe particular episodes of folktales with examples of country and other countries(Graphic Organizer Folktale 7.1 Attachment).
(Examples of unreal events by magic will be provided to describe plot moves toward resolution.- “The Pesky Goat” attachment 7.1 Puerto Rico Folktale1). / The student summarizes problem solution in folktales using graphic organizers and compare characters of story maps.
(Students can use folktale “The Pesky Goat or Folktales Around the World” / The student completes character chart with folktale reading: “Rabbit and Tiger” or a folktale prepared by students in cooperative groups / The student analyzes from a passage given
(attachments 7.1 Sample lessons) the Journal Connections to be made through folktale. / The teacher and student will provide examples of proverbs and read others provided to relate to resolutions
Example Site:.

Closing Activities / The student reviewsgraphic organizer with folktales of country for cultural identity and discuss problem and resolution (Oral discussion and review of graphic organizer). / Oral conversation of the folktales. Use of graphic organizer compare characters with story maps (See attachment7.1 compare character) / The student presentsorally Character Chart related to folktale prepared in class. / The student discusses use of folktale connections and inferences with given example. / The student will create proverbs asexample to identify resolution.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence / Activity: What are folk tales?
How is the solution given? (Un real event or by magic).
Links: Folktales.Around the World as example.
/ Folktale – Rabbit and Tiger Attachment 7.1 Puerto Rico Folktale 2 / Character chart 7.1
Theme and main idea of folktales / OE- Journal- Connections to the folktale and inferences. / Links:
Proverbs from other countries (the student will also collect their own from Puerto Rico)
- One finger cannot lift a pebble (Iranian).
- When elephants battle, the ants perish (Cambodian).
- If you chase two hares, you will not catch either (Russian).
- The pot calls the kettle black (United States).
- It is better to turn back than to get lost (Russian).
- Handsome words don't butter cabbage (German).
o Talk does not cook rice (Chinese).
o After the rain, there is no need for an umbrella (Bulgaria).
o When the kettle boils over, it overflows its own sides (Yiddish).
o You can't chew with somebody else's teeth (Yiddish).
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection