Unit Title: American Contributions Grade 1/Quarter 3/Unit 5
Conceptual Lens: In this fifth four-week unit of first grade, students meet Americans who have contributed to our society in various ways and during various times inhistory.
Author: commoncore.org/adapted by Randolph County Schools
Unit Overview: During this four week unit students will meet famous Americans who have made contributions that have resulted in changing our society over time. Students will understand how some of these famous Americans are celebrated through national holidays.
Stage 1 - Learning Goals for the Unit
Reading / Writing/Language / Additional Literacy
· RL. 1.2: I can retell (put into my own words) stories using key details.
· RL. 1.2: I can define central message or lesson (the overall idea an author is trying to share).
· RL. 1.2: I can determine the central message or lesson found in a story using key details.
· RL. 1.5: I can read or listen to books that tell stories or give information.
· RL. 1.5: I can explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information.
· RL. 1.7: I can look at the illustrations in a story and describe what I see.
· RL. 1.7: I can identify and describe details in a story that tell me about the characters, setting, or events.
· RI. 1.3: I can identify individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
· RI. 1.3: I can describe a connection between two individuals, two events, or two ideas in a text.
· RI. 1.10: I can read and identify sight words.
· RI. 1.10: I can read short informational text and ask for help when needed. / · W1.1: I can identify my opinion on a topic or book.
· W1.1: I can support my opinion with a reason.
· W1.1: I can write an opinion with an introduction, opinion, supporting reason, and conclusion.
· W1.5: I can write about a topic and answer questions about my writing.
· W1.5: I can listen to ideas my teacher and peers have about my writing.
· W1.5: I can add details that will help the reader understand my topic.
· W1.8: I can answer questions using information recalled or gathered. / · RF1.3: I can recognize that all syllables have a vowel sound.
· RF1.3: I can decode 2 syllable words by breaking them down into vowel sound segments.
· RF1.3: I can determine the number of syllables in a word by counting the vowel sounds.
RF.1.4 goals need to be met during guided reading.
· RF.1.4: I can explain that reading fluently means my reading is easy, smooth and automatic.
· RF.1.4: I can read grade level text fluently and demonstrate my comprehension with meaningful voice, timing and expression.
· RF.1.4: I can recognize when a word that I have read does not make sense.
· RF.1.4: I can self correct misread or misunderstood words using context clues.
· RF.1.4: I can read fluently.
· SL.1.3: I can ask questions about a presentation when I do not understand or need more information.
· SL.1.3: I can answer questions about a speaker’s presentation.
L.1.1 h , L.1.1 i and L.1.6 goals need to be met during guided writing and writers workshop.
· L.1.1h: I can use determiners.
· L.1.1i: I can use prepositions.
L.1.6: I can use conjunctions when speaking and writing.
L.1.5 c goals need to be met during guided reading
· L.1.5c: I can connect words I hear and words I read to the real world.
· L.1.6: I can discover new words and phrases through reading, listening and conversation.
· L.1.6: I can use my new words and phrases when speaking and writing.
Stage 2 - Assessment
Performance Task and Scoring Rubric
Please note: This performance task is to be completed at the end of the third quarter – Week 9.
Performance Task:
Give students this prompt: Choose one of the people that we studied from this unit (Betsy Ross, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Benjamin Franklin, and Bill Gates) that you think is important. Write about the person. Be sure to name the person and tell why he/she is important. Also, make sure you support your opinion with ideas from the books we read.
Rubric for 3rd quarter performance task
Topic and Closing Sentence / Topic sentence clearly states opinion and the closing sentence reinforces the opinion. / Writes a clear topic sentence or clear closing sentence but not both. / Neither the topic sentence nor the closing sentence is clearly stated. / Does not attempt to write a topic sentence or closing sentence.
Focused Sentences / Writes at least 3 sentences that support the opinion. / Writes 2 sentences that support the opinion. / Writes 1 sentence that support the opinion. / Writes no sentences that support the opinion.
Capitalization / No errors in capitalization. / No more than 1 error in capitalization. / No more than 2 errors in capitalization. / No more than 3 errors in capitalization.
Punctuation / No errors in punctuation. / No more than 1 error in punctuation. / No more than 2 errors in punctuation. / No more than 3 errors in punctuation.
Spelling / No errors in kindergarten or taught word wall words. / No more than 3 errors in kindergarten or taught word wall words. / No more than 5 errors in kindergarten or taught word wall words. / 6 or more errors in kindergarten or taught word wall words.
Total Score:___
Stage 3 – Learning Experiences
Unit Progression
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4
Big Ideas / · Begin Persuasive writing
· Exploring syllables
· Summarize information
· How do people and places change? / · Drafting Persuasive writing
· Identifying syllables
· Synthesize text
· How do people and places change. / · Editing/ Publishing Persuasive writing
· Combining syllables to make words
· Synthesize text
· Remembering special days and people / · Editing/ Publishing Persuasive writing
· Fluency with syllables
· Synthesize text
· Remembering special days and people
*Suggested read alouds to incorporate in classroom discussions and lessons:
Fiction (many of these could be in your school library)
· The Hat Makers Sign: A story by Benjamin Franklin by Candace Fleming and Robert Parker
· Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers by Karen Winnick
· Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall Thin Tale by Deborah Hopkinson and John Hendrix / *Suggested read alouds to incorporate in classroom discussions and lessons:
Non –Fiction (many of these could be in your school library)
· Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin by Gene Barretta
· Abraham Lincoln (Rookie Biography) by Wil Mara
· Benjamin Franklin (Rookie Biography) by Wil Mara
· Let’s Read about Abraham Lincoln by Sonyia Black
· Betsy Ross by Alexandra Wallner
· United State Symbols by Ellen Garin
WEEK 1—February 25th- March 1st
Whole Group Shared Reading / Comprehension Tool Kit Lessons
· Lesson 19—Summarize information (Book 6)
(Put it in your own words and keep it interesting.)
· Text: Time for kids: Spring 2003 (welcome to the rainforest) / Standards
RL. 1.2 / “I Can” Statements
RL. 1.2: I can retell (put into my own words) stories using key details.
Essential Questions
RL.1.2 What do good readers do?
RL.1.2 Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Jan Richardson Strategies
· Key word summary / Standards
RI. 1.2 / “I Can” Statements
I can identify the main idea or topic of a text.
I can retell the key details of a text.
Essential Questions
What do good readers do?
Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Other Whole Group Reading Learning Experiences
Phonics: WS 1- Exploring Syllables / Standards
RF 1.3 / “I Can” Statements
RF1.3: I can recognize that all syllables have a vowel sound.
RF1.3: I can decode 2 syllable words by breaking them down into vowel sound segments.
RF1.3: I can determine the number of syllables in a word by counting the vowel sounds.
Essential Questions
RF.1.3: How do sounds and letters create words?
RF.1.3: When a word doesn’t make sense what can I do?
Writer’s Workshop / Resource: Explorations in Nonfiction Writing by Tony Stead & Linda Hoyt
· Session 1—Immersion and Pre-Assessment (page 194)
· Session 2—Beginning to Research (page 196) / Standards
W. 1.8 / “I Can” Statements
W.1.1: I can identify my opinion on a topic or book.
W.1.1: I can support my opinion with a reason.
W.1.1: I can write an opinion with an introduction, opinion, supporting reason, and conclusion.
I can answer questions using information recalled or gathered.
Essential Questions
W.1.1 What do good writers do?
W.1.1 What’s my purpose and how do I develop it?
What do good researchers do?
Social Studies/Science
Content Integration / Suggested Lessons:
Social Studies: Resource: Harcourt Social Studies Communities Around the World
Unit 3:
· Lesson 1—Past and Present
· Lesson 2 —Community’s History
Unit Integration:
· Benjamin Franklin or Alexander Graham Bell
-web resources (Benjamin Franklin): http://www.libertyskids.com/arch_who_bfranklin.html
-web resources (Alexander Graham Bell):
http://www.brainpopjr.com/socialstudies/biographies/alexandergrahambell/preview.weml / Standards
RI.1.3 / “I Can” Statements
1.H.1- I can explain how and why communities change over time.
RI. 1.3: I can describe a connection between two individuals, two events, or two ideas in a text.
Essential Questions
1.H.1 How do communities change?
RI.1.3 What do good readers do?
RI.1.3 Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Vocabulary / Tier Two Words (from Read-Alouds)
· Choose a few words from the read-aloud(s) for your targeted vocabulary instruction and for students to put in their vocabulary notebooks / Tier Three ELA Words
· Past
· Present
· Change
· Communication
· History
WEEK 2—March 4th-8th
Whole Group Shared Reading / Comprehension Tool Kit Lessons
· Lesson 20—Read to get the big ideas (Book 6)
(Synthesize the text.)
· Text: The Great Kapok tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rainforest / Standards
RL.1.2 / “I Can” Statements
RL. 1.2: I can define central message or lesson (the overall idea an author is trying to share).
RL. 1.2: I can determine the central message or lesson found in a story using key details.
Essential Questions
RL1.2: What do good readers do?
RL1.2: Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Jan Richardson Strategies
· SWBST (pg. 221) / Standards
RL. 1.2 / “I Can” Statements
RL. 1.2: I can retell (put into my own words) stories using key details.
Essential Questions
RL.1.2 What do good readers do?
Rl.1.2 Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Other Whole Group Reading Learning Experiences
· Phonics: WS 10- Identifying syllables in words (discuss how every syllable has at least 1 vowel) / Standards
RF 1.3 / “I Can” Statements
RF1.3: I can recognize that all syllables have a vowel sound.
RF1.3: I can decode 2 syllable words by breaking them down into vowel sound segments.
RF1.3: I can determine the number of syllables in a word by counting the vowel sounds.
Essential Questions
RF.1.3: How do sounds and letters create words?
RF.1.3: When a word doesn’t make sense what can I do?
Writer’s Workshop / Resource: Explorations in Nonfiction Writing by Tony Stead & Linda Hoyt
· Session 3—Drafting Reasons from Research (page 198)
· Session 4—Drafting the title, beginning and ending (page 200) / Standards
W.1.8 / “I Can” Statements
W1.1: I can support my opinion with a reason.
W1.1: I can write an opinion with an introduction, opinion, supporting reason, and conclusion.
W1.8: I can answer questions using information recalled or gathered.
Essential Questions
W1.1- What do good writers do?
W1.1- What’s my purpose?
W1.1- How do I develop it?
W.1.8- What do good researchers do?
W.1.8- Why can’t we copy another person’s work?
Social Studies/Science
Content Integration / Suggested Lessons:
Social Studies: Resource: Harcourt Social Studies Communities Around the World
Unit 3:
· Lesson 3—Technology in Community
· Lesson 4—Changes in Community
Unit Integration:
· Bill Gates or Steve Jobs
-web resources (Bill Gates):
-web resources (Steve Jobs):
http://allaboutstevejobs.com/ / Standards
1.H.1.1 / “I Can” Statements
1.H.1.1- I can explain how and why communities change over time.
Essential Questions
1.H.1.1- How do communities change?
Vocabulary / Tier Two Words (from Read-Alouds)
· Choose a few words from the read-aloud(s) for your targeted vocabulary instruction and for students to put in their vocabulary notebooks / Tier Three ELA Words
· Technology
· Tool
· Transportation
· Country
WEEK 3—March 11th-15th
Whole Group Shared Reading / Comprehension Tool Kit Lessons
· Lesson 21—Explore and Investigate (Book 6)
(read, write, and draw in researchers workshop) / Standards
RI.1.10 / “I Can” Statements
RL. 1.5: I can read or listen to books that tell stories or give information.
RL. 1.5: I can explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information.
RI. 1.10: I can read short informational text and ask for help when needed.
Essential Questions
RL.1.5 Why does the author’s choice matter?
RL.1.5 What makes a great story a great story?
RI.1.10 What do good readers do?
RI.1.10 Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
Jan Richardson Strategies
· SWBS / Standards
RL. 1.2
RL.1.7 / “I Can” Statements
RL. 1.2: I can retell (put into my own words) stories using key details.
RL. 1.7: I can identify and describe details in a story that tell me about the characters, setting, or events.
Essential Questions
RL. 1.2 What do good readers do?
RL. 1.2 Am I clear about what I just read? How do I know?
RL.1.7 In what ways does creative choice impact an audience?
RL.1.7 Whose story is it and why does it matter?
Other Whole Group Reading Learning Experiences
· Phonics: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/pdf/GK-1/P_Final_Part7.pdf
Lesson: P.053 / Standards
RF 1.3 / “I Can” Statements
RF1.3: I can recognize that all syllables have a vowel sound.
Unit Resources
