
  1. Exchange of bacterial genetic information using a viral vector
  2. Cells that contain DNA surrounded by a membrane, membrane-bound organelles
  3. Smallest unit of life
  4. Process by which viral genome is copied
  5. Physical changes in an organism
  6. Chemical changes in an organism
  7. Gram stain reaction in which cells appear reddish; more resistant to antibiotics
  8. Constant internal environment; “internal harmony”
  9. Term used to describe any living thing
  10. Smallest unit of matter
  11. Tissues working together
  12. Quantifies how precisely the true mean is known
  13. Group of similar organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  14. Different types of organisms in a single area
  15. Virus that uses host cell to convert its RNA genome to DNA
  16. Cells that lack true nucleus
  17. Trigger that elicits a response in an organism
  18. Combination of biotic and abiotic factors in an area
  19. Term used to describe a viral particle
  20. Protein coat of a virus
  21. Adaptation found in some viruses that allows for easier host cell attachment, evasion of host defenses
  22. Inherited characteristic that enhances survival
  23. Process by which viral capsid is created
  24. Virus that infects bacteria
  25. Cycle in which virus uses host cell to create large numbers of viral particles; results in destruction of host cell
  26. Poison released upon lysis of Gram negative bacteria; due to outer membrane components
  27. Reflection of data spread, variation between values
  28. Cycle in which virus incorporates its genome into bacterial genome
  29. Process in which bacteria to take up DNA from environment
  30. Term used to describe inactive form of viral DNA incorporated into host cell DNA
  31. Defense mechanism employed by bacteria to fight viral infection
  32. Freshwater protist that causes diarrhea
  33. Mechanism by which animal host cell engulfs enveloped virus
  34. Cells working together
  35. Statement of no effect; states that any variation is insignificant
  36. Viral enzyme that converts RNA to DNA
  37. Infectious protein particle
  38. Rod-shaped bacteria
  39. Mutualistic relationship between a fungus & photosynthetic microbe; often seen on tree bark
  40. Spherical bacteria
  41. Asexual reproduction in bacteria
  42. Bacterial DNA separate from main chromosome; self-replicating
  43. Gram stain reaction in which cells stain purple due to higher concentration of peptidoglycan
  44. Group of organisms in one species in one area
  45. Polysaccharide covering seen in some bacteria; enhances pathogenicity
  46. Bacterial adaptation used in conjugation
  47. Protective structure that encloses DNA; allows for bacterial “hibernation”
  48. Direct exchange of genetic information between bacteria
  49. Organism that carries out cell respiration but can switch to fermentation if necessary
  50. Poison secreted by some bacteria
  51. Causative agent of malaria
  52. Mutualistic relationship between fungi & plant roots; increases surface area for water absorption
  53. Protist associated with cat feces; may cause birth defects in unborn fetus

Experimental Design & Statistical Analysis

One lab group (Group A) measured the height of 10 pea plants. Another group (Group B) wanted to test the effect of human singing on pea plant growth. They grew ten pea plants in the exact same conditions except they sang to their plants every day. The measurements of both plant groups are shown below.

Group A

Plant / Height
1 / 5.4
2 / 7.2
3 / 4.9
4 / 9.3
5 / 7.2
6 / 8.1
7 / 8.5
8 / 5.4
9 / 7.8
10 / 10.2

Group B

Plant / Height
1 / 6.1
2 / 6.1
3 / 10.5
4 / 12.6
5 / 4.2
6 / 13.0
7 / 5.9
8 / 3.1
9 / 11.7
10 / 12.2

1.Determine the following for each group. Round to the nearest hundredth where applicable.

  1. Mode
  2. Median
  3. Mean
  4. Range
  5. Standard Deviation

2.Answer the following questions about the experiment described above.

  1. What is the control?
  2. What is the independent variable? Dependent variable?
  3. Describe some controlled variables that needed to be monitored.
  4. What type of graph should be used to illustrate the data for both groups? Explain.

3.Answer the following questions about the experiment described above.

  1. In testing the effect of singing on plant height, what is the null hypothesis?
  2. Compare the standard deviations for each data set. What is the significance of these values?
  3. Calculate the standard error of the mean for each data set. Using a requirement of 95% confidence, is the null hypothesis supported or rejected?
  4. What type of graph should be used to illustrate this? How would each axis be labeled?



4.The data set below gives the waiting time in minutes of several people at the Department of Motor Vehicles (clearly not the one in Humble! ).

11, 7, 14, 2, 8, 13, 3, 6, 10, 3, 8, 4, 8, 4, 7

  1. What is the mean waiting time? Round to the nearest tenth.
  2. Calculate the standard deviation. Round to the nearest tenth.
  3. What is the significance of this value?

5.Given the following test scores in two different classes …

99, 75, 85, 67, 78, 92, 86

100, 56, 74, 66, 79, 77, 81, 95, 63

  1. Calculate the mean grade for each class. Round to the nearest tenth.
  2. Calculate the standard deviation for each data set to determine in which class the grades are more consistent. Round to the nearest tenth.
  3. Is there a significant difference between the average performances of each class?

6.Students tested the effect of catalase on the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. The amount of oxygen produced was measured over a 2 minute period. The following data was collected over 5 minutes.

(min) / Amount of O2 produced (mL)
1 / 2.3
2 / 3.6
3 / 4.2
4 / 5.5
5 / 5.9
  1. Calculate the rate of reaction between each time increment. Round to the nearest hundredth.
  2. How does the rate of reaction for the first 2 minutes compare with the rate of reaction for the last two minutes? Calculate each rate.
  3. What type of graph would best represent this data? How would each axis be labeled?

7.Mr. Tom A. Toe prides himself on having the biggest tomato yield in his county. He has been researching ways to have even better results. Mr. Toe wants to set up a controlled experiment to determine if adding Super-Gro will increase the number of tomatoes produced per plant. Please answer the following questions…

  1. Define hypothesis. What is a valid hypothesis for his experiment?
  2. Define control. What is the control?
  3. Define independent variable. What is the independent variable?
  4. Define dependent variable. What is the dependent variable?
  5. Define controlled variables. What are some controlled variables he needs to monitor?


______1. Prokaryote with cell walls made of peptidoglycanA. Animalia

______2. Composed of all autotrophic eukaryotesB. Archaebacteria

______3. Eukaryotes with cell walls made of chitinC. Eubacteria

______4. YeastsD. Fungi

______5. All unicellular with cell walls that lack peptidoglycanE. Plantae

______6. All members carry out photosynthesisF. Protista

______7. All members are heterotrophs lacking a cell wall

______8. Prokaryotes that live in very extreme, harsh conditions

______9. Mosses

______10. Eukaryotic heterotrophs that obtain nutrients through absorption

______11. Algae

______12. Cell wall made up of cellulose

______13. Non-motile eukaryotes with organs and organ systems

______14. Eukaryotes that are mostly unicellular, but may be multicellular

______15. Eukaryotic kingdom composed of organisms with or without chloroplasts

______16. Mushrooms

______17. Prokaryotic decomposers

______18. Eukaryotic decomposers

______19. Most complex of all kingdoms

______20. “Junk Drawer of Life”

______21. Ubiquitous prokaryotes

______22. All members have nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cell wall

______23. Most ancient of kingdoms

______24. Sponges

______25. Heterotrophs with organs and organ systems

______26. E. coli


  • Match each kingdom listed as an answer choice above with the correct domain.
  • List the levels of classification beginning with the group in which organisms share the most common characteristics.