Bowne Munro PTA Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2017
In Attendance: Kris Grove, Cindi Utter, Eva Nazario, Debbie Simon, Meg Faley, Kimberly Paone, Lou Figueroa, Mr. Lieberman and Miss Drozdowski. This meeting was also streamed live via Ustream.
Meeting called to order at 7pm. September PTA meeting minutes were approved.
Mr. Lieberman’s report: Respect and Peace Week went well. On October 10th a first grade parent night was held and went really well. A third grade parent night is being planned for January. Parent Teacher conferences went well. A security drill was done before break and a parent asked if different scenarios were done and Mr. Lieberman and Miss Drozdowski both said that different scenarios were in fact done during these drills. Parent visitation district wide will be November 14, 2017 and parents are able to visit their child’s classroom from 9:30 to 10:30 am and 1:30 to 2:30pm. Monthly lessons with Mr. Lieberman will be held with all classes throughout the day this Friday. Mr. Lieberman wanted to remind everyone that there will be no school next Thursday November 23 and 24 in observation of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Treaurer’s Report per Eva Nazario. We have taken in 746.65 for the Book Fair, $3,772 for the Color Run, $575 for the Kid Stuff Books and $856.01 for Fright Night. All reimbursements have not been paid out yet for Fright Night. Our account balance is currently $17,575.
Miss Drozdowski wanted to thank the PTA for the books. She stated Fright Night was a blast and kids were talking about it for a week after the event at school.
Correspondence per Meg Faley: A thank you note from Miss Drozdowski and Mrs. Birckbichlers students (signed by all the students) for the books was read.
Old Business:
Fright Night: There were 117 presales and 25 people purchased at the door. The night went very well. Some thoughts on improving the night included having the kids help with clean up of the toilet paper after the mummy wrap which has been done in the past. We may need to speak with the dj next year to help us with this. In the magician’s room (which was in the media center) it was noted that there were some children without parent supervision who went behind the podium . It was suggested that in the future that children would not be able to attend the magician’s performance if they were not accompanied by an adult. A parent volunteer may need to be at the door making sure this is being done for future Fright Night events.
Book Fair: This went well and the PTA was able to give 110 books to the school. Each grade level teacher was able to spend up to $65 on books for their classroom including Mrs. Orlando and the library.
Picture Day: Picures should be coming home in the next few days and retakes and club pictures are November 21st.
New Business:
Adopt a Family: The PTA will be delivering a Thanksgiving meal /basket next week to a family that we are given from the recreation department.
Wednesday November 22nd is our next Dine to Donate at Chipotle. We will get 50% of total sales.
Staff Appreciation Holiday Luncheon will be December 13th. The PTA provides soups and sandwiches and other items: a sign up genius will be going out closer to the event.
Our annual Holiday Shop will be on December 14th and 15th. We will need volunteers to run the event.
Theater Week is January 8th to the 12th. The play with be The Golden Goose. Vicky Weir and Melissa Sullivan are chairing theater week. A flyer will be coming home the first week in December.