Helena Regional Airport Authority
Meeting minutes
DECEMBER 15, 2015
In Attendance:
Peter Donovan, Chair
Jane Fournier, Vice Chair
Janice Schenk, Secretary
John Grant, Commissioner
Jon Moe, Commissioner
Rick Hays, Commissioner
Jeff Wadekamper, Airport Director
Howard Skjervem, Commissioner
Others Attending:
Greg Gould, Luxan & Murfitt
Connie Lundin, Financial Manager
Ross Marty, Business & Compliance Manager
Kerry Johnson, Administrative Assistant
Motion was made by Fournier, seconded by Moe, to approve the Minutes of the November 17, 2015 Authority Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
AIP-47 -- Airport Security Improvements. Wadekamper reported that Williamson Fencing and ATS are formulating a plan to complete the redundant communication paths for the gates that have single-point connectivity to the server. After completion of that phase of the project, the final claim will be submitted for approval by the Authority.
AIP 48 - Airport Master Plan Project. Morrison-Maierle, Inc. plans to have the final version of the updated Airport Master Plan completed by the January Authority Meeting.
Motion was made by Moe, seconded by Schenk, to approve the following AIP-48 claim:
Morrison-Maierle, Inc. – Master Plan Updates $44,500.00
The motion carried unanimously.
AIP-49 – Taxiway F Rehabilitation. Core samples of Taxiway F show that a full-depth reconstruction is not required. Instead, a mill and overlay of the Taxiway will be sufficient. In the preliminary planning stages of the project, the Airport requested adequate funding from the FAA to complete full reconstruction. Since the mill and overlay project will not require the entire requested amount, Wadekamper recommended upgrading the taxiway lighting system into the project scope, as there will now be adequate funding available to do so. Adding this component to AIP-49 requires the consent of the Airport Authority as well as the FAA’s approval.
Motion was made by Fournier, seconded by Hays, to amend the AIP-49 scope of work to include lighting upgrades for Taxiway F. The motion carried unanimously.
Morrison-Maierle, Inc. has submitted its proposed engineering fees for the AIP-49 projects. Wadekamper has contracted with KLJ Engineers to complete the Independent Fee Estimate as required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Wadekamper expects to have the IFE for the Commissioners to review at the January 2016 Authority Meeting.
Passenger Facility Charges. Morrison-Maierle has recently completed a new application for the collection of Passenger Facility Charges (PFC’s), as the current program will be completed in February 2016. PFC’s are used primarily by the Airport to provide the local match requirement for the federal Airport Improvement Projects.
Motion was made by Grant, seconded by Moe, to approve the following claim:
Morrison-Maierle, Inc. – PFC Application $6,599.75
The motion carried unanimously.
Long Term Parking Lot Project. Wadekamper reported that there are still several unresolved and/or incomplete items related to the Long Term Parking Lot Project. He indicated that the final payment of $10,000 to Ace Electric, Inc. will not be issued until all of the items have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Airport.
Airport Banking Services. Airport staff is considering soliciting offers from financial institutions for the Maintenance & Operations banking services; transferring and/or consolidating existing loans may also be considered. Gould stated that the Airport’s guidelines for soliciting banking services are in line with City, County and State procurement requirements. The Commissioners recommended a formal Request for Proposal process. Wadekamper will provide a draft RFP, along with a summary of the Airport’s debt service, at the January Meeting for the Authority’s review.
Air Service Analysis and Opportunities Research. Letters soliciting interest from air service consulting firms have been sent out. Proposals must be received by January 8, 2016, and will be available for review and discussion at the January Airport Authority Meeting.
Motion was made by Fournier, seconded by Schenk, to approve the Income & Expense Reports and the Past Due Reports as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Airport Director’s Comments – Jeff Wadekamper
Business & Compliance Manager’s Report – Ross Marty
Income & Expense and Past Due Accounts Reports – Connie Lundin
Peter Donovan, Chair
Janice Schenk, Secretary (SEAL)
Helena Regional Airport Authority Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2015
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