Machined surface texture monitoring using acoustic emission signals in micro milling process (Arial Narrow 18)
(Arial Narrow 12)Gil-Dong Hong1, Kil-Tong Kim1,# and Kil-Dong Park2
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Hankook University, 5-4, Sinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 123-456(Zip code)
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul University, 23-7, Hana-dong, Dong-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 234-567 (Arial Narrow 7.5pt)
# Corresponding Author / E-mail: , TEL: +82-2-123-4567, FAX: +82-2-123-4567
Abstract should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here. Write English abstract here
KEYWORDS : (Arial Narrow 7.5pt) Carbon fiber, Cutting force, Carbon fiber, Cutting force, Written in English Keywords
1. Introduction (Times New Roman 10pt)
Line space is “fixed” and “13 Pt” and word space is “100%,” “Narrow,” and “0.1 Pt”. Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt.
2. Extension of Two-Dimensional Model to the Turning Process (Times New Roman 10pt)
2.1 Simulation (Times New Roman 9.5pt)
Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt. Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt.
Fig. 1 Block diagram of multi-modal chatter model of a high speed machining center (Times New Roman 9pt)
2.1.1 Simulation (Times New Roman 9.5pt)
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3. Conclusions (Times New Roman 10pt)
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Table 1 Comparison of measured roughness data
Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Times New Roman 10pt)
Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt. Contents of the journal should be written in English using Times New Roman 9pt.
REFERENCES (Times New Roman 10pt)
[1] Lee, C. W., Jang, S. C., 2010, A Fundamental Study on Offshore Structures of High Pressure Control Valves, Journal of KSMTE, 19:6 883-888.
[2] Seo J. H., Moon, Y. j., Shin, B. R., 2008, Prediction of Cavitating Flow Noise by Direct Numerical Simulation, J. Comput. Phys., 227:13 6511-6631.
[3] Rameyer, W. J., Miller, H. L., Sherikar, S. V., 1995, Avitation Testing Result for a Tortuous Path Control Valve in Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 210 62-66.( Times New Roman 9pt.)