Unit: Humans and the Sea
Marine Biology Final Project- 100 points possible
The objective of the project is to encourage students to learn more about scientific research and enhance the students' capacity for leadership in environmental stewardship. The project includes five components, and will be completed by a team of up to four students.
To avoid procrastination, there will be benchmark due dates set to keep groups on track. Not meeting the deadlines will result in final point deductions that cannot be made up. See your Marine Biology Syllabus for those due dates. The work listed below is due at the beginning of the period on May 9. Any late work will be marked down 10% every 24 hours it is late (that’s one grade level per day).
Point distribution and Final Due Dates:
- (60) Research Project Proposal- Due Monday May 9
- (10) Environmental Solution- Due May 9
- (10) Community Service-Due May 9
- (10) Project Presentation- Groups present Mon-Wed-Fri May 9-13
- (10) Team member Reflections-Due May 9
Detailed description of assignment components
(60) Research Project Proposal (3-5 pages typed)- A topic will be chosen by the team and researched in scientific journals. Students will use at least three articles to design their own research (experiment).
option A:This is a proposed research project, not an actual study. Their presentation of their project will have all the components of a complete research project except the results and conclusion.
option B: The research project will be an experiment conducted in the classroom aquariums. Choosing this option will excuse the group from the Environmental Solution or Community Service component.
Components of allResearch Project Proposal Papers include:
Title Page (5)
Abstract (10)
Introduction (10)
Hypothesis/Objectives (15)
Materials and Methods (15)
References (minimum of 3 journal articles) (5)
(10) Environmental Solution
As the team works on the topic for their project, they should look for solutions to environmental problems connected to it. For example, if the topic addresses the dangers of polluted runoff into the ocean, what are creative solutions to prevent runoff, to help animals affected by the runoff, or to reclaim beaches from runoff damage? This part of the student team's presentation should describe the problem, a solution to it and the action that would be required to make their solution a reality.
Describe how your “Environmental Solution” would be carried out. If you choose to be inspired by a solution currently on the market (or thought up by someone else), explain how your solution expands on their idea, yet is still unique enough to be your own. Would an agency have to be set up, or can it be accomplished by individual actions, or would you need an army of volunteers?
List of the kinds of technology, policies, or laws that would be necessary to carry out your solution. If they don’t exist yet, give a description so that your teacher can understand why it is needed. Include a budget in your environmental solution. Your solution does not have to be cheap or home-made (although it can be if you want), but it should take into account the fact that nothing can happen without funding. Your solution can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be. The “Environmental Solution” of your research proposal should be 1-2 pages long, not including tables, figures or drawings. You must cite any references you use, or ideas by other people that you mention.
(10) Community Service The student team should lead a group of peers and/or members of the community in a public service activity involving the oceans or anything that affects the ocean and/or freshwater environments (like storm-water runoff). The students should be creative and link their community service project to educational activities in science classes at their school.
The students' description of the community service activity should include the following information:
- Photo Evidence of Participation by all group members
- Date and location of the event or activity
- Benefit to community
- Number of people reached
(10) Project Presentation- The team will make a presentation in class by using visual aids such as a video clip, movie, power-point, or poster board. Include a brief description all aspects of the overall project and highlight any special event/experience.Each member must participate in presentations to receive points.
(10) Team member Reflections- One paragraph for each member of the group explaining their personal experience in this project. Be detailed about what you learned from your topic and how you can use this information as a responsible citizen.Must be typed.