Bath Riding Club Camp
17th to 20th March 2016
With Instruction from Sophie Dickinson
Arriving on Thursday 17th March after 5pm and returning home at 1pm on Sunday 20th March.
The price of £245 (£265 for non members only if space permits) includes the following:
Stabling with straw bedding and haylage/hay
Portacabin accommodation with a cooked breakfast, cereals and toast, lunch and a two course meal in the evening.
5 group lessons consisting of 2 x cross country, 2 arena based jumping lessons and 1 flatwork lesson
Camp caters for those just starting jumping and building confidence with their horse to those more experienced combinations up to British Eventing Intermediate level.
It’s a fun and friendly environment and a great opportunity to get intensive instruction whilst using some of the best facilities in the South West.
Please note that your horse or pony must be up to date with Flu vaccinations as per British Riding Club rules.
Places are strictly limited and can only be reserved by submitting the form and payment. (In the event of oversubscription, priority is given to members who have helped at Bath RC events.)
PONTISPOOL 17th to 20th MARCH 2016
NameHorse’s Name
Contact telephone number(s)
Email Address
Brief details of rider’s experience
Horse’s experience (dressage and course jumping level)
Last jump training session attended including instructor/ date booked in / contact to arrange
Emergency Contact Name(s)
Emergency Contact numbers for you
Emergency Contact numbers for horse
Any special dietary requirements / Y/ N (details if Y)
Do you require an empty stable because you are arranging your own shavings bed? / Y/ N
Any medical conditions we should be aware of? / Y/N (please add details on reverse if necessary)
£245 members £265 non members.
All payments must be made by 1st March 2016. / Select payment option:
Cheque full amount Y/N
Cheque staged Y/N
BACS full amount Y/N
BACS staged Y/N
Plus enclose a separate cheque for £10 - refundable deposit - in the event that your stable is mucked out properly and your cabin is found to be clean and tidy, this will be destroyed. We are sorry to have to ask for this but at recent camps the organisers have had to spend time clearing up stables & cabins, where riders have gone home and left them mucky!
Please note that due to needing to confirm numbers, only part of the monies will be returned if cancellation received within 2 weeks of camp. All cheques made payable to Bath Riding Club. Confirmation of your place and a checklist will be sent out prior to the event by email unless otherwise stated.
Bath Riding Club Camps are held at attendee’s own risk. For the avoidance of any doubt, only standard NHS call out emergency support will be available. By agreeing to attend and signing this form, attendees are accepting this and are agreeing to comply with our health and safety procedures – including to report any accidents and fill in appropriate accident forms and return to BRC representative (organiser to arrange if incapable).
I am also aware that I must wear a riding hat up to current BRC approved standards (see attached) at all times whilst mountedand that level 3 body protectors are compulsory for all cross country training (air jackets are allowed but must be worn with a level 3 body protector).
To be eligible to attend, attendees must have paid in full prior to the event.
A waitlist will be kept.
Residential camp is aimed at adult riders only. Juniors only by special arrangement (contact - )
Signed ………………………………………… …… Date……………..
Please return to Kate Hulbert
8 Berry Road, Edington, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4PN