TRY -5 points

-player carries ball into End Zone (In-Goal) and touches ball on the ground.

GOAL -kicking ball over cross bar and between posts by place kick or drop kick

-after a try = 2 points (convert)

-from free or penalty kick = 3 points


-place kick centre of half way line, by defending team after points scored

-ball must travel 10 metres unless first played by opponent (kick again or scrum at centre)

-if out of bounds, may accept kick, kick again or scrum at centre


-defending team takes ball into own end zone and touches ball down. Scrum on 5 metre

line. Attacking team throws in.

-attacking team propels ball in defender’s end zone and defenders touch ball down. Free

kick for defenders inside their 22 metre line.

-In-Goal: attacker enters defenders end zone, but he is held so he cannot ground ball. Scrum

held on 5, and attacking team throws in.

-ball Out of bounds in end zone: -drop kick to defending team from anywhere on, or behind,

22 metre line.


-player propels ball in direction of opponents goal line accidentally.

-result is a scrum, thrown in by non-offending team.

NOTE: It is not a knock-on if:

1) ball bounces forward off chest or shoulders,

2) a player is trying to block an opponent’s kick or,

3) if the player recovers a ball before it touches ground or another player,

while picking it up or catching it.


-can punt or kick the ball at any time

-when punting, any player who is behind the ball is on side (including punter), and can therefore play ball wherever it goes. Any player ahead of ball at instant of punt is offside and must wait motionless, for punter to pass him, or he can run toward punter until even and then go down field.

-punt receiver who calls, “MARK”, must be allowed to catch ball. He then must place, drop kick, or punt the ball away, with the defending team 10 metres away. This can only be done within your 22 metre line.


-results in a penalty kick at place of error, or scrum at place ball last put into play.


-must drop ball when being tackled unless you can twist and fall onto your back

-if ball is not dropped, a penalty kick awarded to the opposition.


-front row must have 3 players - two props and one hooker

-player putting the ball in must; a) be 1 yard from scrum along the middle line, b) put ball in with 2 hands in middle of scrum

-ball must be kicked backwards out of the scrum

-opposition players may not pass by scrum’s middle line, until ball is out beyond last line of feet.


-scrum situation occurs when a player is on the, ball but unable to get up, and is surrounded by opposing players, or unless one or more players from each team is on their feet, and ball is on the ground between them.


-ball out of bounds on sideline

-must have at least 2 players each team 5 yards from sideline, and must be one metre apart from opposition.

-ball must be thrown down centre of 2 lines by the scrum half, who is out of bounds.

-ball out of bounds off ground from anywhere or on fly from kick from inside defender’s 24 metre line (Line-Out)

-ball punted from outside the 25 metre line, and out of bounds in flight, a line out is held at point of punt!