Unit 8 Review Guide: World War 2 and Early Cold War

Unit 8 Review Guide: World War 2 and Early Cold War

Unit 8 Review Guide: World War 2 and Early Cold War

Chapter 23 and 24 World War 2

  1. Who was the fascist Dictator of Italy?
  2. Who was the leader of Nazi Party in Germany?
  3. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during WW2?
  4. Who was the British Prime Minister during WW2?
  5. Who was the American General who commanded US forces during D-Day?
  6. Who was the President who dropped the Atomic Bomb?
  7. What does fascism mean?
  8. What does appeasement mean?
  9. What was the Manhattan Project?
  10. Who were the GI’s?
  11. What was the Lend-Lease Act?
  12. How do World War One and The Great Depression effect European Countries? (What do they start to do because of that?)
  13. What was the name of the German Government that appointed Hitler as Chancellor?
  14. What did the Japanese Military start to do shortly after WW1?
  15. During the early years of WW2, what does America do? (Before we enter?)
  16. What prompted the US to enter the war?
  17. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
  18. Why did the Allies pursue a “Europe First” strategy?
  19. Why do the Allies invade North Africa?
  20. What happens on D-Day?
  21. What was V-E Day?
  22. What was the US strategy in the Pacific Front?
  23. What was the Doolittle Raid?
  24. What are some of the major battles on the Pacific Front?
  25. What were the Japanese Kamikazes?
  26. What happens after the US drops the bombs on Japan?

Chapter 24.2: WW2 at Home

  1. What are war bonds?
  2. What are victory gardens?
  3. Who was Rosie the Riveter?
  4. What was the “double V campaign?”
  5. What were the internment camps?
  6. Who were the Nisei?
  7. Why did the US government intern the Japanese Americans?
  8. What was popular culture characterized as on the home front? (were they supportive of the war?)
  9. What was the assumption about working women after the war was over?
  10. What was propaganda? Look over some of the posters from the activity.

Early Cold War: Chapter 25

  1. What was the Cold War?
  2. What was containment?
  3. What was the domino theory?
  4. What was decided at the Yalta Conference?
  5. What was the “iron curtain?”
  6. What was NATO(what did it do?)
  7. What were the Satellite Nations?
  8. What was the Warsaw Pact?
  9. What did the Truman Doctrine do?
  10. What did the Marshall Plan do?
  11. Why did the Berlin Airlift happen?