4-H records are a written expression of learning experiences. From their records, members can see to what degree they participate in club events and activities and how well they meet their own personal goals. Records also relate experiences in leadership and community service and in addition can be used as a tool for members to assess the skills and knowledge learned and how it can be applied to real life experiences.

4-H records help youth to:

· Establish goals · Assume responsibility for record keeping

· Collect and record information · Evaluate progress in certain areas

By keeping 4-H records, members obtain experience and training that is of value throughout their

Using Scientific Methods
Processing Information
Understanding Systems
Managing Resources
Practicing Creativity
Making Decisions
Solving Problems
Visualizing Information
Learning to Learn
Thinking Critically
Keeping Records
Planning and Organizing
Achieving Goals
Navigating in Your------Environment
Working with Numbers / Communicating
Interacting Socially
Resolving Conflicts
Valuing Social Justice
Valuing Diversity
Building Relationships
Caring for Others
Being Empathic / Mastering Technology
Learning Through
Community Service
Being a Responsible Citizen
Working in a Team
Exercising Leadership
Completing a Project
Motivating Yourself / Being Responsible
Developing Self Esteem
Managing Yourself
Practicing Integrity and Character
Developing a Sense of Purpose
Developing a Positive View of
---the Future
Utilizing Resistance Skills
Being Resilient
Managing Stress
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Preventing Personal Injury
Expressing Emotions Positively
Preventing Disease

adult lives.

Life Skills are grouped into the four H’s in the 4-H clover – Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. These skills are useful long after the project is over. The chart below shows some examples of life skills.


4-H Project Review

·  On a separate sheet tell us about your projects. What projects did you complete and which 4-H curriculum did you use? What were your project goals? If you have been in this project more than one year, how did your project change?What new experiences are you glad you had and what did you learn? (limited to3 pages)

4-H Project Summary & Learning Experience

(Please use following chart to document club/project work and activities.)

Date / What did you do? / What new project/life skills did you learn? / How have you applied new knowledge?

# of meetings your club held ______# of meetings you attended ______


Leadership - List what you did to assist others during your 4-H year(s). Also include general leadership such as Club Officer, County 4-H Federation, or County Committees.

Date / Leadership Activity / Leadership Role
(Elected, Appointed, Volunteered) / Level
(Club, County, State, National) / Responsibilities/ Duties/ Accomplishments / # People Reached / # Hours


Citizenship - List community service or service learning projects which might include: clean ups, collections, repairs, construction, care packets, visitations, education, donations, and presentations.

Date / Service Activity / Importance of Project and Impact on Community / # of Hours


Other 4-H Activities (County)

Date / Activity / What did you learn? / How have you applied what you learned?


Other 4-H Activities (State - National)

Date / What you were involved in? / What did you learn? / How have you applied what you learned?


Activities Outside 4-H - School, Church, Sports, etc.

Date / What you were involved in? / List leadership responsibilities


Project Photos




4-H Reflections

Describe the Life Skills you have learned/practiced under each “H” of the 4-H Clover:

HEAD: (Managing and decision making)

HEART: (Relating and caring)

HANDS: (Giving and working)

HEALTH: (Living and being)



(Your resume should include the following basic information; limit 2 pages)



Phone Number:


Future Goal: (Career or Educational)

Goal Statement:

Educational Experiences:

Work or Volunteer Experiences:

Special Talents and Abilities:

Letter of Recommendation: Provide two letters of recommendations. You may ask someone who knows you well and this recommender can be a teacher, 4-H leader, counselor, advisor, civic leader, mentor, organizational leader or an employer. These letters must be written within the last year and must be signed by the writer. They should have direct contact with you, but should not be an immediate relative.


The following experiences qualify me to be considered as a State delegate to National 4-H Congress:

If selected as a State delegate to National 4-H Congress, I will:


My 4-H Story

Your 4-H Story should include the following:

·  Tell us some things about yourself.

·  Why did you choose to be involved with 4-H and chose to do the project(s) that you did.

·  Tell about things you enjoyed learning or doing. (experience)

·  Tell about results and/or challenges you had. (share)

·  Explain how you would improve your 4-H career. (process)

·  Tell what you have learned about yourself through your 4-H participation. (generalize)

·  Explain how you will use the life and/or project skills you learned in other areas of your life. (apply)

Minimum 2 pages; Maximum 6 pages, double-spaced


My 4-H Story (continued)


Senior 4-H Portfolio Evaluation


Section / Total pts / Pts award / Comments
4-H Project Review / 10
4-H Project Summary & Learning Experiences / 10
4-H Leadership Experiences / 10
4-H Citizenship
Experiences / 10
Other 4-H Activities (County, State-National) / 10
Activities Outside of 4-H / 5
Project Photos / 5
4-H Reflection / 15
Resume / 5
My 4-H Story / 20
TOTAL: / 100