Unit 5: Populists and Progressives in an Expanding Nation- Part II Name: ______

1880 to 1914

Standard(s)/Element(s) Addressed:
SSUSH11 The student will describe the growth of big business and technological innovations after Reconstruction.

SSUSH12 The student will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth.

SSUSH13 The student will identify major efforts to reform American society and politics in the Progressive Era.

SSUSH14 The student will explain America’s evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the twentieth century

Essential Questions:

•  How did the changing political, economic, and technological climate of the latter 1800’s influence the expansion and cultural institutions of America?

•  What did Americans feel was in need of reform and change in the later 1800’s?

•  How did America change in the late 1800’s?

•  In what ways did America become more ______in the later 1800’s?


•  Upton Sinclair
•  The Jungle
•  Meatpacking industry
•  Social Darwinism
•  Middle class / •  Ida Tarbell
•  Muckraker
•  Progressive
•  reform Initiative
•  Recall Referendum
•  direct election of senators / •  Jane Addams
•  Hull House
•  Social Gospel
•  Expansion
Yellow journalism
The Spoils System

I. The Progressive Era

1. The Spoils System: Newly elected officials would discharge 1000’s of officeholders and ______

Pendleton Act of 1883: Established the ______. All jobs would be filled based on ______

2. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

Passed to correct the ______such as

Pooling- railroads in the same area would join together and charge farmers certain rates.

NO ______!!!

Rebates- Railroads would give large corporations a refund on shipping charges in exchange for their business.

Outlawed pooling

Outlawed rebates and low rates for special favors.

Could not charge more for a short haul.

Could not charge unreasonably high rates.

Commission had the authority to ______

2. Difficulties with enforcement because of no support from the Courts.

a. Sherman ______

What is a trust? ______

Attempted to make illegal all “contracts or trusts that tried to limit trade.”

Never defined “trust” or “monopoly”

Unable to enforce in ______

3. The Populist Party

Consisted of ______

Wanted ______

4. Growth of Population

1800 - ______

1820 - 9,638,453

1870 - 39,818,449

1880 - 50,155,783

1890 - ______

5. Growth of Corruption

A. Corruption in the Cities

•  City boss- able to hold power by ______

B.  “Boss” William Tweed

–  ______City “boss”

–  Gets immigrants to vote his “friends” into office.

–  Fleeces(rips off) city for $______million.

C. The Tammany Hall Ring

•  Tweed, Jay Gould, and Jim Fisk manage to gain major New York City political offices.

•  Present excessive construction bills to the city.

–  $13 million ______

•  D. Corruption exposed in New York Times and in political cartoons in Harper’s Weekly.

•  Tweed arrested and given ______years in prison.

•  1875- Escapes to Cuba and then to Spain.

–  Recognized from a Harper’s cartoon and returned to the United States.

•  Imprisoned in 1876 and dies 2 years later.

E. Political Cartoons

•  1870-1900- increased circulation of newspapers and magazines from 600 to 2500.

–  Invention of typewriter helps growth.

•  ______- New York Times

–  Attacks Boss Tweed

•  Allowed ______readers to understand a picture rather than words.

6. The Progressive Movement

A. The Progressives

•  Members of both major parties that demanded:

______B. Public interest-is ______

C. Muckrakers

•  Writers who exposed ______in politics and big business.

C.  The Jungle

–  Upton Sinclair

–  Fictional story based on fact that revealed the gruesome details about Chicago meat packers.

D. Ida Tarbell’s role as a muckraker

•  Journalist

•  Exposed the ______

•  Rockefeller’s company controlled 95-98% of the oil in America and charged whatever they felt like for it. This is a ______

•  Provided evidence that broke the company up because it was ______

7.  Government Reforms in the Progressive Era: 1880 to 1914

The Reform / What it stated / What happened
Secret ballot / It listed names of all the candidates on a single sheet of paper( that is printed at the public’s expense) and then people used it to vote. / People could vote with no one knowing who they voted for so they could be more honest
Direct Primary / Voters choose their party’s ______/ Replaced party ______
16th Amendment / Gave Congress the power to impose an ______
17th Amendment / Called for the ______by the ______of Senators.
Progressive lawmakers made it easier for citizens to ______
initiative / enables citizens to______
referendum / Provides ______
recall / allows citizens ______


8.  Women’s Suffrage

A.  Women demand the ______

B, Progressive western states

–  Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Idaho

–  What state gave the vote to women first? ______

C. National Women’s Suffrage Association

–  1867- Elizabeth Stanton and ______

–  Worked for 2 amendments to the Constitution.

•  18th Amendment- ______which is ______

•  19th Amendment- Gave women ______

9.  Urban Blight and reform

A. The Social Gospel

A ______movement that was most prominent in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

•  The movement applied Christian ethics to social problems especially poverty, inequality, liquor, crime, racial tensions, slums, bad hygiene, child labor, weak labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war.

Helped the ______

B.  Settlement Houses- an experiment in ______

•  Example-______and ______in Chicago

•  Provided English language classes, kindergarten, child care, education on health and hygiene, social work, some financial assistance to ______

10. Assassination of William McKinley

•  September 6, 1901

•  Shot while standing in a reception line at the Pan-American Exposition.

McKinley dies. His VP takes over- ______

•  Made VP by NY “bosses” to get rid of him.

•  Becomes President at age 42.

–  Youngest in history.

11. Theodore Roosevelt

A.  Sickly child from ______.: State legislator. Dakota rancher. Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

B.  Spanish American ______-Leads Rough Riders up San Juan Hill, Cuba

C.  As Governor- hard line on NY City “bosses”.

D. Teddy’s first action-Pennsylvania Coal Strike

1.  1902- Coal miners in the United Mine Workers union demand 9-hour days, 20% wage increase, and improved working conditions.

2.  Mine owners ______and therefore No coal for winter

3.  Roosevelt threatens to send in ______

4.  ______deal agreed upon.

E. Trust busting”

1.  Roosevelt decides to regulate ______

2.  Northern Securities Company

3.  Controlled the 3 major RR’s.

4.  J.P. Morgan- founder

5.  Uses Sherman Antitrust Act to expose trade problems and Exposes over 44 trusts.

6.  “Good” trust- ______

7.  “Bad” trust- ______

F. Election of 1904

1. Republican

–  Roosevelt disavows own party

•  “Every man will have a ______as long as I am President.”

•  Roosevelt Wins !!

G. Railroad Reform

1.  Roosevelt “______” the RR industry by strengthening the ______Commerce Act of 1887

2.  Elkins Act of 1903- illegal for RR to ______rebates.

3.  Hepburn Act of 1906- regulation of ______accounting and “free” passes.

H. Public Health

1.  Inspired by ______.

2.  Meat Inspection Act of 1906- government approval of all shipped meat between states.

3.  ______Act of 1906- medicines and food had to list ingredients.

I. Conservation Reform

1.  Withdraws 150 million acres of forest land from public sale.

2.  Creates National Forest Land, and ______

3.  Newlands Reclamation Act- money from the sale of public lands would be used to reclaim wasteland for farming.

4.  ______built in Wyoming- water used for irrigation.

J. Election of 1908

Republican candidate is William Howard Taft

–  Roosevelt does what? ______

•  Taft wins in a landslide.

12. Time to Think:

A. List all the reforms that occurred in the Progressive Era.


B.  Why do you think Teddy Roosevelt was a great President or not? ______

C.  What do you think was the most important reform of the Progressive Era and why?______