Unit 4 – Activity 1 - Assignment 2
The Best of Me Now
For this assignment, you will create aPersonal Narrative Abstractthat traces your journey through this course and the experiences you have gained in the process of creating your IPP.
What is an Abstract?
An abstract is a summary of your completed research. If written well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. These are the basic components of an abstract in any discipline:
For the purpose of this activity, think of yourPersonal Narrative Abstractin this way:
1. Motivation/problem statement:
What do I want to do after high school? ßProblem Statement
What are my education and/or career goals and how will I achieve them?
Whydo I want to achieve these particular goals?
2. Methods/procedure/approach:
How did I decide on what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go?
How did my Learning Skills and Work Habits guide my research?
What self-assessments did I use to determine what career goals were best for me?
How did my strengths, level of resiliency, and interests determine my pathway choices?
What did I actuallydoto find out more about myself, as well as my future aspirations?
3. Results/findings/product:
As a result of completing the above procedure, what did I learn about myself and how did I use this to guide me in creating my Individual Pathway Plan (IPP)?
4. Conclusion/implications:
Ultimately, what are the results of my findings, in relation to the problem statement in Step 1?
Complete the following assignment and submit your work to thedropbox.
Personal Narrativesare essentially non-fiction stories about us. This means they are real and not make belief.
Your goal in creating yourPersonal Narrative Abstractshould be simply to retell what you feel were the most important aspects of your experience in this course, and in such a way that the person to whom you're relating this story can understand the emotions and experiences that you felt at the time.
The following four points are major elements for assessment in this assignment:
1. A discussion of your thoughts and feelings about the process of using the assessment tools for skills, traits and similar activities in Career Cruising. Use course reflections and Unit 1 activities.
2. The Strengths and weaknesses you discovered, how do they help and hinder your potential progress during and after high school? (focus on schooling). What strategies might you try to overcome some of your weaknesses?
3. Talk about educational options you may be considering, be specific if possible.What about other learning opportunities outside of a formal school setting? Extra-curriculars and community based organizations.
4. What goals would you need to achieve in order to get the career you're hoping for? If you get the career you want, what next? (Consider the career pathway in career cruising for thoughts). What valuable lessons did you learn about the job search process? (cover letters, interviews, resumes)
· a written/digital narrative essay;
· a blog/vlog;
· a documentary;
· a presentation – video recorded
· an interview.