
Unit 3: Post-Classical Era 600-1450

Chapters 8-14 & pp.426-432 of Chapter 15

Study Guide

Chapter 8: Islam

Causes/Impact of Split between Sunni and Shia

Early Expansion of Islam: Methods, places, impact

Compare/Contrast: Umayyad CaliphateAbbasid Caliphate

Characteristics of Al-Andalus

Compare/Contrast: Islam in India,SE Asia, Africa

Compare/Contrast economic characteristics of West and East Africa during the time period.

The role of women in Islamic Society

Characteristics of Islamic political administration

Chapter 9: Christian Societies Emerge in Europe

Compare Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Church with Roman Catholic Church

Role of Roman Catholic Church

Cause and Effects of feudalism

Characteristics of ManorialismFeudalism

Role of Monasticism

Beginnings of Regional Governments

Growth of Parliamentary Government in England

Renewal of Economic Growth

The Crusades: Motivations, Impact

Conflicts between Church and State: Investiture Controversy

Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia

Tang and Song China: Golden Age? Identify reasons and impact

Tang & Song political administration

Japanese Feudalism

The relationship between China and SE Asian countries (Korea, Japan, Vietnam)

Confucianism: Changes? Impact/Effect

Chapter 11: The Americas

Compare contrast:




Chapter 12: The Mongols

Characteristics of pastoral nomads. Identify groups that originated in Central Asian steppes

Characteristics of Mongol Rule

Compare impact on Western Eurasia and Eastern Eurasia

Chapter 13: Tropical Africa and Asia

Impact of Bantu Migrations (see pp.220 & 225)

Compare Delhi Sultanate vs Mali Empire: Characteristics, impact

Characteristics of Indian Ocean Trade: Cultural, Economic, Political, Social

The role of Mansa Musa

Dominant political structure in East Africa

Compare and identify significance of Medieval Travelers: Ibn, Battuta, Marco Polo, Zheng He, Ibn Jabyr, William of Rubruck, Benjamin Tudela, etc.

Chapter 14: The Latin West

The Black Death: Impact/Effects

Technologies & Industries: Identify and know significance

The Urban Revival: Cause/Effects

The Renaissance: Cause/Effects

Magna Carta: Significance/impact

Changes in Western Europe: Causes/Effects

Chapter 15: pp. 428-432

Global Maritime Exploration/Expansion Before 1450

Technologies that assisted maritime trade

Across Chapters:

Compare Islamic and Chinese empires in the post-classical period

Effects of other cultures on Western Europe

Spread of Ideas 9religiouns) to new areas during the period

Similarities between Western Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa during the period

Compare Feudal society in Europe with Japanese Feudal society.

Compare the Americas with Sub Saharan Africa