Student’s Classroom Level System


Level Variables / Orientation / I / II / III / IV / V
Minimum Time in Each / 1 week / 3 weeks / 4 weeks / 4 weeks / 4 weeks / 4 weeks
Social Goals / 1 week / 75% / 80% / 85% / 90% / 95%
Academic tasks completed to criterion:
Accuracy ** / Pass Test / 75%+ / 80%+ / 80%+ / 85%+ / 85%+
Completion / Pass Test / 75% / 80% / 85% / 90% / 95%
Point System / Pass Test / Earning Points / Earning Points / Earning Points / Earning Points / Earning Points
Attendance / Pass Test / 90% / 90% / 90% / 90% / 95%
Bus / Pass Test / No more than 3 reported infractions / No more than 3 reported infractions / No more than 2 reported infractions / No more than 2 reported infractions / No more than 1 reported infraction
Response to Consequence / Pass Test / 75% / 80% / 85% / 90% / 95%
*Suggested Educational Setting to be Considered by Student I.E.P. Team / Self-Contained / Self-Contained w/humanities / Self Contained; 1-2
General Education Classes / Self Contained; 1-3
General Education Classes / Self Contained; 3-5
General Education Classes / Self Contained; 4-5
General Education Classes
*Environmental Support may be provided in general education, lunch, recess, as needed based on data.

**Individual assignments/tasks may have a specific accuracy requirement as assigned by the teacher and varies from student to student based on needs.

Rights, Responsibilities, and Activities for Student’s Level System

Levels / Rights / Responsibilities / Activities / Student Will…
Orientation / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 5 days.
·  Learn and practice classroom/school rules and procedures.
·  Pass an orientation test on level system components with 80%+ accuracy.
·  Identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Place their name on level board.
·  Activity center
·  May use computer / ·  Have an escort
·  Request permission before leaving area
·  Use signal card
·  Be given materials to use
I / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 15 days.
·  Follow classroom/school rules and procedures at an average of 75%.
·  Meet individual goals at an average of 75%.
·  Academic tasks are completed and with accuracy to criterion at an average of 75%.
·  Have an average attendance of 90%.
·  Responsibly respond to corrective consequences at an average of 75%.
·  Receive no more than 3 bus infractions.
·  Continue to identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Earn points.
·  Go to humanities / ·  Have an escort
·  Request permission before leaving area
·  Use signal card
·  Be given materials to use

Rights, Responsibilities, and Activities for Student’s Level System

Levels / Rights / Responsibilities / Activities / Student Will…
II / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 20 days.
·  Follow classroom/school rules and procedures at an average of 80%.
·  Meet individual goals at an average of 80%.
·  Academic tasks are completed and with accuracy to criterion at an average of 80%.
·  Have an average attendance of 90%.
·  Responsibly respond to corrective consequences at an average of 80%.
·  Receive no more than 3 bus infractions.
·  Continue to identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Earn menu items based on earned points.
·  Go to humanities.
·  Go to School Assemblies
·  Eat lunch with class.
·  *Attend 1-2 General Education Classes / ·  Escort
·  Request permission before leaving area
·  Use signal card
·  Be given materials to use
·  Take a cool-off when needed or requested
III / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 20 days.
·  Follow classroom/school rules and procedures at an average of 85%.
·  Meet individual goals at an average of 85%.
·  Academic tasks are completed to criterion at an average of 85% and accuracy at 80%+.
·  Have an average attendance of 90%.
·  Responsibly respond to corrective consequences at an average of 85%.
·  Receive no more than 2 bus infractions.
·  Continue to identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Earn menu items based on earned points.
·  Go to humanities.
·  Go to School Assemblies
·  Eat lunch with class.
·  *Attend 1-3 General Education Classes
·  Attend classroom functions (e.g., parties/fieldtrips)
·  Begin recess with class (may have extra supervision) / ·  Escort
·  Begin to self-evaluate with teacher and monitor own progress
·  Use signal card
·  Keep materials in box at desk

Rights, Responsibilities, and Activities for Student’s Level System

Levels / Rights / Responsibilities / Activities / Student Will…
IV / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 20 days.
·  Follow classroom/school rules and procedures at an average of 90%.
·  Meet individual goals at an average of 90%.
·  Academic tasks are completed to criterion at an average of 90% and with accuracy at 85%+..
·  Have an average attendance of 90%.
·  Responsibly respond to corrective consequences at an average of 90%.
·  Receive no more than 2 bus infractions.
·  Continue to identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Earn menu items based on earned points.
·  Go to humanities.
·  Go to School Assemblies
·  Eat lunch with class.
·  *Attend 3-5 General Education Classes / ·  Continue to self-evaluate with teacher and monitor own progress
·  Ignore inappropriate behaviors of others
·  Keep materials in box at desk
·  May get needed supplies(e.g., paper, sharpened pencils etc.) without permission
·  Escort
V / ·  To a positive, respectful, and safe learning environment.
·  To clear behavioral and academic expectations.
·  To strategies and instruction to meet individual needs.
·  To consistent and fair implementation of classroom rules/procedures.
·  To have the opportunity to implement learned behavioral strategies and receive feedback. / ·  Attend school and participate in level for 20 days.
·  Follow classroom/school rules and procedures at an average of 95%.
·  Meet individual goals at an average of 95%.
·  Academic tasks are completed to criterion at an average of 95% and with accuracy at 85%+.
·  Have an average attendance of 95%.
·  Responsibly respond to corrective consequences at an average of 95%.
·  Receive no more than 1 bus infraction.
·  Continue to identify and prioritize goals for this school year. / ·  Student is receiving naturally occurring reinforcers
·  *Attend 4-5 General Education Classes
**Reinforcers shall be used only as necessary based on individual needs. / ·  Self-evaluate and compare with teacher’s progress data
·  Escort

Daily Point Sheet

Name______M T W R F Date______

Homework Returned: Yes No N/A

Individual Goal(s) (IG):

1. I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to self at all times.

2. I will follow directions at time they are given.

3. I will complete quality work in allotted time.

Level: O-Orientation I-75% or less II-80% III-85% IV-90% V-95%+

: 0=needs work; 1=showing effort; and 2=Excellent

Classroom Rules/
/ Follows directions at time they are given.
IG-2 / Works to complete quality assignments in allotted time.
IG-3 / Keeps hands, feet, and objects to self.
IG-1 / Focus on teacher/speaker using nonverbal cueing system for 5 minute intervals with 3 or fewer prompts / Bonus / Responses to Corrective
+ 0
Total Points:
Total Percentage: / % of responsible actions

Total Daily Points: ______Reward Level: None Mid High →

#of Points: 0-101 102-115 116+ Over

Academic Performance:

Content / Completed Tasks / Accuracy/Score(s) / Completed to / Criterion
Completed Work / Accuracy
Reading/ Accelerated Reader
Written Language
Social Studies
% Completed to Criterion


Homework: Y_____ N_____


Parent Signature required with sheet returned next school day: Y ______N______


Parent Signature

Parent Comments:

You may also contact me at 606.555.5555 or email me at


Ms. Teacher

Example of a Daily Student Menu

0-101 Points

Keep Working!!

No Reward

102-115 Points

5 minutes computer time

5 minutes free time

Chess match with teacher or peer

116+ Points

Choose 2 from one of the following columns:

Column 1: / Column 2:
10 minutes computer time / 10 minutes center time
Snack / Snack
Two chess matches with
teacher or peer / Place chain link on Character Counts Chain
10 minutes with art supplies / Run errand for teacher

*Students may receive breaks, extra points, and reinforcers throughout the day and after specific academic activities based on each child’s individual needs. Menus and reinforcement schedules will vary from student to student. My goal is for students to eventually achieve natural reinforcers through their social interactions and academic achievements.

Name ______Week of: ______


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Guidelines for Individualizing Level System as Needed

The teacher and paraprofessionals have the responsibility to adjust the Level System to meet individual needs of each student. The student’s ability, circumstances, and maturity will be taken into consideration. Adjustments may be made to the following:

·  “Assignment” within Level System

·  Number of days assigned to obtain a certain Level

·  Other concerns/needs at the teacher or team discretion based on student needs

*All decisions are made based on documented data that supports need. School personnel will request an ARC meeting if the school determines one should be held to discuss Least Restrictive Environment based on data or need due to severe circumstances.

Behaviors resulting in Hold or Drop in Level(s)

Dropping below required performance percentage on two or more Level variables for two (2) consecutive days will result in the following:

·  HOLD: Stopping progress in Level system and loss of privileges until required performance percentage meets criteria (limit of two days).

Dropping below your required performance percentage on two or more Level variables for four (4)

consecutive days will result in the following:

·  DROP: Moving to the previous Level (e.g., Phase III to II).

The following exhibited behaviors may result in dropping multiple Levels:

·  Acts or Threats of Physical or Verbal Aggression*

·  Bringing drugs or weapons to school*

·  Suspension from school*

·  Vandalizing or destroying school (e.g., classroom, personal, peer) property

·  Leaving class or school grounds without permission*

*The student’s ability, circumstances, and maturity will be taken into consideration.

Class Rules/Procedures

·  Follow directions at time they are given

·  Work to complete quality assignments

·  Talk using appropriate language at appropriate time

·  Interact with adults and peers appropriately

·  Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Corrective Consequences

·  Quiet verbal reprimands

·  Redirection

·  Signal

·  Proximity

·  Discussion

·  Family Contacts

1.  Letter

2.  Phone

3.  E-mail

·  Emotional Reaction

·  Praise one who is exhibiting appropriate behavior

·  Pre-correction

·  Timed Owed

·  Time Out

1.  From object

2.  From group

3.  At desk

4.  In quiet area

·  Restitution

·  Response Cost

·  Response Cost Lottery

Safety Plan

*Interventions and strategies will be implemented when student is escalating.

*The principal shall be notified if the student displays *aggressive behavior that may harm self or others.

*Crisis prevention intervention shall only be implemented when the student is physically aggressive to others or self (self-injurious behavior).

*Classroom may be cleared of peers to help eliminate audience and for safety concerns.

*Parent/guardian will be notified is crisis prevention intervention is utilized and form must be completed.

*Aggressive Behavior may include kicking, hitting, punching, biting, throwing objects at peers/adults, ramming, charging, pinching, scratching, etc.

Safety Plan for Dismissal (Bus Ride Home)

Daily Monitoring Summary Data Form


Follows directions at time they are given. / Works to complete quality assignments in allotted time. / Keeps hands, feet, and objects to self. / Focuses on the teacher .
Phase Variables / Daily Data Summarized / Totals:
Social Goals
Academic tasks completed to criterion
Point System
Responses to Consequences

Summary Decisions: