Name ______Date ______Per ______

Unit 1 Worksheet – Scientific Process

Determine which of the following observations are qualitative (qual) or quantitative (quan).

1. ______45 out of 50 lima beans sprouted when placed indistilledwater.

2. ______The pH of the rainwater is 6.5.

3. ______The grass grew in thicker on the fertilized side.

4. ______95% of the seeds placed in fertilizer sprouted.

Read the following information about an experiment and then match the appropriate statement with its corresponding part of the scientific process.

  1. Yellow fever killed more soldiers during the Spanish-American war than bullets
  2. If yellow fever is passed by mosquitoes, then living under netting will prevent soldiers from getting the disease
  3. One group of 25 men stayed in netting
  4. The other group of 25 was exposed to mosquitoes
  5. Some of the men without netting got the fever
  6. The 25 men in the group with netting were not sick; 100% wellness
  7. Do mosquitoes pass yellow fever?

9. ______control group 13. ______hypothesis

10. ______experimental group 14. ______quantitative observations

11. ______observations 15. ______qualitative observations

12. ______problem/question

Read the following investigation and answer the questions below based upon the information given.

A green plant was placed in a test tube and a light was placed at varying distances from the plant. The bubbles of O2 given off by the plant were counted. The chart below shows the data collected during this experiment.

Distance of Light from Plant (cm) / Number of Bubbles Produced per Minute
10 / 60
20 / 25
30 / 10
40 / 5

5. What is the independent(manipulated) variable?______

6. What is the dependent(responding) variable?______

7. What conclusion could you draw from the data presented? ______

8. Design an appropriategraph below to represent the data given. (Note: the variable is continuous)

Answer the following questions:

16. A tentative explanation for a testable problem is known as a(n)______.

17. In an experiment, what do we call the benchmark or standard that is used forcomparisonpurposes?


18. How is a hypothesis different from a theory? ______


Krusty was told that a certain itching powder was the newest best thing on the market; it even claims to cause 50% longer lasting itches. Interested in this product, he buys the itching powder and compares it to his usual product. One test subject (A) is sprinkled with the original itching powder, and another test subject (B) was sprinkled with the Experimental itching powder. Subject A reported having itches for 30 minutes. Subject B reported to have itches for 45 minutes.

Identify the:
16. Control Group: ______

17. Independent Variable: ______

18. Dependent Variable: ______

19. Explain whether the data supports the advertisements claims about its product.
