Term 1 Week 7 Thursday12March2015

Quote for the Week: Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Aldous Huxley

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New P&C Executive

It was very encouraging to see so many parents attend the AGM yesterday.

Our new executive team comprises:

President – Erin Devey

Vice President – Loretta Matthews

Secretary – Emma Russell Treasurer – Lyn North

Fundraising Coordinator – Leza Warren.

On behalf of our school community I would like to acknowledge outgoing President- Colleen Diesing and Secretary- Brian Wood for their many years of dedicated service to the Minden P&C.

Home Readers

The P&C have supported the purchase of a new Home Reading scheme for the junior school as the current books are outdated and in a state of disrepair. The books should be in use by the beginning of next term.

Harmony Day

On Friday 20 March our school will acknowledge the National Day Against Bullying and Violence through various classroom activities. Children are encouraged to wear an item of orange clothing – a shirt, hair ties, socks or hats. Clothing must comply with sun-safety regulations and shoes need to be closed in.

Chaplaincy Fundraiser

This Friday is a Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day with proceeds going to support the Chaplaincy program.


Our current average daily attendance is 94.7% which is just slightly under Education Queensland’s target of 95%. Year 3 have the highest attendance rate with 96.5 %. With 3 weeks until the end of the term, it is important for children to attend school every day as teachers start to work through assessments and complete units.

Cross Country

All classes will participate in this annual event on Tuesday 24 March commencing shortly after 9:00am.To ensure the safety of the students while completing the course we require additional adults to “man” some of the stations around the course. If we do not have the required number of adults, the event will not go ahead. Any parents able to help out with either the junior or senior events, please let the office know.

Transition to Office 365

Education Queensland is transitioning all state schools to the Office 365 platform over the next few months. Minden’s “go live” date is Thursday 12 March (today). Whilst the transition should be relatively smooth, we may experience some issues and ask parents to be patient if this occurs.

Future Newsletters

In order to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce costs and increase office efficiency, the newsletter will be available in electronic format only from term 3 onwards. There will be a small number of hard copies available from the office upon request. The newsletter can also be accessed via the school’s website. Please ensure your email is up-to-date if you wish to receive the newsletter via this method.


It is with much sadness and some concern that our Tuckshop remains closed. Attached to this newsletter is an information sheet regarding the role of Tuckshop Convenor and volunteer. Hopefully this information will clearly explain what each role entails so the Tuckshop can become operational for term 2.

School Rules and Bounce Back

Since the beginning of the term, all classes have focussed on learning about our 3 school rules. This involves explicit lessons on what each rule means in various settings around the school. Bounce Back is a whole-school resilience program comprising 9 units with lessons on different aspects of the program being taught every week. We appreciate parents reinforcing these concepts with their children at home.

Assembly Gotcha Awards

Parents and Citizens Association News


Please contact Sharon for uniform purchases – 0430751491

Sharon will be available to fulfil orders on a Wednesday and Friday, with the exception of any new students.

General School News

Easter Activities:

All students in the Prep to Year 3 classes will be involved in a morning of Easter activities on Monday the 30th March. The activities will run from 9am to 11am concluding with an Easter egg hunt. If you would like to assist in Prep/Year 1/Year 2/Year 3 on the day please see your child’s teacher. Please inform your teacher if you do not want your child to participate in our Easter activities, we can organize alternative activities on the day.

Thank you

Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Teachers

School Chaplain

“The 5cent Train Chappy Challenge”

We have commenced collecting from Monday 2nd March, and finalise counting on Friday 27th March, with the winner being announced on the final assembly of term, Thursday 2nd April. I will display the winning 'train' for all to see. The winning class will be presented with a trophy, certificate and there will also be a prize for each student of the winning class. This will be our second annual 5cent train and everyone agrees it is a fun, competitive challenge for all ages.

All donations from our community will be gratefully received.

Share a smile with someone you meet, it could brighten their day.

Mrs Hewett

Rebecca Hewett

School Chaplain

Mt Tarampa, Fernvale & Minden

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.

If you would like further details please call 0408-409572.

Classroom News

Prep Parent information:

*Munch/Crunch – please remember this is a short break. Fruit or vegy snacks need to be easy to eat quickly.

*Drink bottles – please make sure your child has a drink bottle each day.

*High Frequency words – I hope students are having fun with the site I sent home. Hopefully this will make learning of High Frequency Words fun! (

* Prep students have started using computers on a Friday. To access Reading Eggs students require headphones. There are a few students that still require headphones.

*Please ask if you are unsure about anything…

Thank you

Mrs Williams and the Prep Students


Happy Birthday from everyone at Minden State School.

Community Notices

Quick And Easy Mower Repairs and Sales

Qualified Small Engine mechanic

Servicing Push Mowers & Ride on Mowers.

Wally Ulph

Mob: 0428573070

26 Hinze Road Minden 4311

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