Now That You Have Completed a Thorough Reading of Chapters 55 Through 59, and Material

Now That You Have Completed a Thorough Reading of Chapters 55 Through 59, and Material

Now that you have completed a thorough reading of chapters 55 through 59, and material in chapter 60 concerning fertilization, this “quiz” is intended to help you decide whether you need to review any particular portions. In your mind, provide a short answer response to each question, using the text and indicated pages. Keep in mind that these short answers will be expressed as multiple choice questions on the actual exam. NOTE: This series of questions is NOT all-inclusive but is intended to help you feel comfortable about whether you have studied many of the right things to do well on the exam.

1) What are four elements of a sensory information pathway? Page 1104.

2) What classes of stimulus are perceived by interoceptors? By exteroceptors? Page 1105.

3) What types of stimulus are received by naked nerve endings? By accessory cells? Page1105.

4) The lateral line of the fish has similar structures as which human sensory organs. Page 1111 (and elsewhere).

5) What are the major components of the outer, middle, and outer ear and what do they do? Review structures in figure 55.13. Page 1115.

6) During the evolution of the eye in various taxa, what generalities can you make about the structure and function? Page 1118.

7) What are the major differences in rods and cones with respect to light absorbing capabilities and placement within the eye? Page 1120-1121.

8) How does the human eye focus on near objects? On far objects? Fig. 55.19. Page 1119.

9) What might you expect to be the best arrangement for placement of the eyes in a predator animal? In a prey animal? Page 1122.

10) What are the four basic chemical categories of hormones? Page 1127.

11) Where are the primary endocrine glands located? Page 1127.

12) What are the target tissues fir hormones and how do they differ as to specificity? Page 1128-1129, Table 56.1.

13) How do lipophilic and hydrophilic hormones differ in the way they enter target cells and what is the basic sequence of events for each type? Pages 1130-1133.

14) Which hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary? By the posterior pituitary? What are their target organs? Page 1136.

15) What is the hypothalamohypophyseal portal system? What does it carry? Page 1138-1139.

16) What do the thyroid and parathyroid glands do? Page 1140-1141.

17) You should be able to list and describe all major components of first, second, and third lines of defense in the immune system, including any specialized cell of the immune system, protein components, and physiological responses. Pages1148-1158.

18) How is the cell-mediated response invoked and how does it proceed? Pages 1154-1157.

19) How is the humoral response invoked and how does it proceed? Pages 1158-1159.

20) What are five distinct functions of the helper T cell? Page 1159.

21) What is meant by “antibody diversity” and how is it achieved? Pages 1160-1161.

22) What is the difference between first immune response and second immune response and how is second immune response achieved? Page 1162.

23) How might A, B, AB, and O blood react if transfused by A, B, AB, and O donors. Complete Figure 57.21 on page 1164 by adding two columns (AB, O) and one row (O).

24) What is antigen shifting? Page 1170.

25) How might each of the steps for feedback in Figure 58.3 be related to the generalized diagram of negative feedback in figure 58.2. Pages 1174-1175.

26) What is, and what are some examples of “positive feedback”? Page 1177.

27) What are the vatios definitions of terms relating to solute concentrations in tissues? Page 1178.

28) What are the four primary functions of the nephron? Page 1188. Figure 58.19.

29) Where, and in what relative quantities are water and salts reabsorbed in the nephron? Page 1189. Figure 58.20.

30) What are the basic structures of the nephron? Pages1186-1189.

31) By what physical processes do sodium, chlorine, and water move out of the tubules and into the capillaries? Pages 1188-1190.

32) Which compounds, other than water and salts are controlled by the kidney? (various pages)

33) What are the three primary hormones that regulate salt and water and how do they interact? Pages 1192-1193.

34) What are the three primary nitrogenous waste products in vertebrates and in which taxa do they occur? Page 1191.

35) What are the important physical processes and arrangements that make the counter-current exchange system function on the kidney? (Various pages.)

36) What are the various strategies for sexual and asexual reproduction. Pages 1196-1197.

37) What determines sex in humans? Page 1197.

38) What are the main strategies for fertilization and development? Page 1198.

39) What are the parts and functions of the male and female reproductive system? (various pages).

40) What are the names and numbers of cells produced in spermatogenesis, and what are their ploidies? Page 1203.

41) What are the functions of male and female hormones. How are their roles in males and females similar, or different? Page 1205 Table 59.1, and elsewhere.

42) What are the main hormones of the testicular-pituitary negative feedback inhibition loop? Page 1205.

43) What are the phases of oogenesis, including cells names, ploidy, and placement of various cell phases in the female reproductive tract? Pages1207-1209, especially Fig. 59.19.

44) Can you trace the “journey of the egg”? Figure 59.20. Page 1208

45) What are the three phases of the menstrual cycle and their characteristics? Pages 1207-1209.

46) What are three phases of the endometrium and their characteristics? Page 1209.

47) What are the phases of intercourse and their characteristics? How is the physiology of intercourse controlled? Page1210.

48) Can you list all the different strategies for birth control? Pages1211-1213.

49) What are the phases of fertilization? Pages 1216-1217.

50) What events are stimulated by egg activation? Page 1216-1217.