Unit 16 – Mappings
picking on others
hurting someone: pinching, hitting, kicking
being mean: calling others names, teasing, making others feel afraid
lying: making up stories
Dealing with bullies
standing up for yourself
standing tall
telling an adult
staying in safe areas
It’s dangerous to fight back/hit back.
Unit 16 – Words and phrases
block / He blocks my way in the corridor. / blockieren
break / Do you break things that belong to other people? / brechen
bully / Bullying is mean. / jemanden tyrannisieren
cry / One time I cried and that made it worse. / weinen
damage / He damagedmy bike. / beschädigen
force / Do you force other people to do things? / zwingen
pass / I have to pay him money so I can pass. / durchgehen, vorbeigehen
push around / He always called us names and pushed us around. / herumstoßen
react / Try not to react to a bully. / reagieren
steal (irreg.) / stealing someone’s money / stehlen
adult / If you see anyone else being bullied, tell an adult. / Erwachsene/r
area / Try to stay in safe areas of the school. / Gegend, Bereich
black eye / Jacob got a black eye. / blaues Auge
others / Sometimes bullies physically hurt others, too. / andere
size / Do you use your size or strength to get what you want? / Größe
strength / Do you use your size or strength to get what you want? / Stärke
term / We’ve already had the big tests for this term. / Semester
trouble / You’re in enough trouble. / Ärger, Schwierigkeiten
war / One day I told the class about my family and the war. / Krieg
way / He blocks my way in the corridor. / Weg
dangerous / Fighting back is dangerous. / gefährlich
isolated / They feel isolated, angry and lonely. / isoliert
lonely / They feel isolated, angry and lonely. / einsam
typical / “These are typical stories,” says Judy Bloomington. / typisch
weak / If you look weak or scared, people will think you are. / schwach
wrong / Bullying is wrong. / falsch
already / I’ve already said I’m sorry. / schon
just / I’ve just finished my homework. / hier: gerade
physically / Sometimes they physically hurt others, too. / körperlich
yet / Have you turned off the TV yet? – No, not yet. / hier: schon bzw. noch nicht
Unit 17 – Mappings
cheat at something
cheat on somebody/something
copy someone’s test
look at your neighbour’s work
Writing summaries
short version of the text
only important information
no details
In my opinion ... .
I believe ... .
I think ... .
Unit 17 – Words and phrases
(be) aware (of) / The best way to deal with cultural differences is to be aware of them. / bewusst
beat (irreg.) / I cheated and you still beat me. / schlagen, besiegen
beat up / He tried to beat me up after school. / (zusammen)schlagen
catch (irreg.) / My teacher caught me cheating on a test. / fangen | erwischen
earn / If you get a good grade, you didn’t really earn it. / verdienen
embarrass / My mum always embarrasses me. / jemanden in Verlegenheit bringen
look down on / If they do, their classmates lookdownon them. / auf jemanden herabschauen
look someone in the eyes / For the Koreans, lookingsomeoneintheeyes is very impolite. / jemandem in den Augen schauen
joke / only when we are all joking and laughing / herumblödeln
pass / It is the best way to pass a test. / bestehen
a lucky guess / Just a lucky guess. / gut geraten
neighbourhood / African Americans and Korean Americans lived in the same neighbourhood. / Nachbarschaft
opinion / in my opinion / Meinung
punishment / If they get caught, the punishment is serious. / Bestrafung
side / Both sides started to hate one another. / Seite
stranger / People smile and say hello to strangers. / Fremde/r
disrespectful / But the African Americans felt it was disrespectful. / respektlos
serious / Sometimes cultural differences can cause serious problems. / ernst
worried / The campers were worried about you. / besorgt
actually / It’s actually three sketches. / eigentlich
lately / He hasn’t been in the chat room lately. / in letzter Zeit
between / It can cause problems between cultural groups. / zwischen
over / But it’s over. / vorbei
until / ...until one day a riot began. / bis
Unit 18 – Mappings
Embarrassing moments
I lost ... .
I forgot ... .
I dropped ... .
I felt ... .
Giving feedback
The best part is ... .
I was confused when ... .
One thing to make it better ... .
Writing a sketch
Unit 18 – Words and phrases
bend over / When I bentover, my pants ripped. / sich hinunterbeugen
bring over / You can bring them over now. / vorbeibringen
carry / My grandmother is carrying a big shopping bag. / tragen (Tasche etc.)
drop / I was walking and I dropped my books. / fallen lassen
get stuck / My locker gotstuck on the 2nd day of school. / klemmen
moan / Elizabeth moans and sinks into her chair. / stöhnen
rip / My pants ripped. / zerreißen
ruin / Your boys ruined her new hat. / ruinieren, kaputt machen
seem / There seems to be a problem. / scheinen
sit up straight / Situpstraight, Elizabeth. / gerade sitzen
vote on / Voteon the best script and act it out. / abstimmen
wink at / She winkedat Elizabeth. / jemandem zuzwinkern
whisper / She whispered because the baby was sleeping.
ant / This is an ant farm. / Ameise
doorbell / The doorbell rang. / Klingel
locker / My locker got stuck on the 2nd day of school. / Spind
mud / They stole my hat and then they threw it in the mud. / Matsch, Schlamm, Dreck
pants (AE) / When I bent over, my pants ripped right down the middle. / Hosen
performance / Listen to the performance at Anne’s school. / Aufführung
play / I saw aplay last week. / Theaterstück
underwear / Everyone saw my underwear. / Unterwäsche
confused / I was confused when ... . / verwirrt
crazy / She looks a little crazy. / verrückt
dirty / It got dirty. / schmutzig
lower / Elizabeth sinks lower in her chair. / niedriger
possible / Yes, I think that’s possible. / möglich
whole / The whole class looks at Elizabeth and laughs. / ganze/r/s
wooden / a wooden box / aus Holz
wherever / I take that with me wherever I go. / wo immer
Unit 19 – Mappings
Possessive pronouns
One’s own
my own
your own
his own
her own
its own
our own
your own
their own
Unit 19 – Words and phrases
feed (irreg.) / Feeding a family of thirteen is no easy task. / ernähren, fütterngo away / You are having a goingaway party. / weggehen
go out to eat / They go to the movies or outtoeat. / essen gehen
grow up / I grewup in a family of six. / aufwachsen
help out / All of us helpout. / aushelfen
invite / Would you invite all of your friends? / einladen
mind / They do not have much money, but they do not mind. / hier: es macht Ihnen nichts aus
pack / I have to pack all of my things.
pick up / Lea’s father picks her up and they go out to eat. / abholen
spend (irreg.) / Lea spends the afternoon alone or with friends. / verbringen
flat (BE) / I like our new flat. / Wohnung
housework / We help with the housework. / Hausarbeit
task / Feeding a family of thirteen is no easy task. / Aufgabe
town / Imagine your friend is moving away to another town. / Stadt
twins / Two of the boys are twins. / Zwillinge
Unit 20 – Mappings
cover page
table of contents
cover letter
collection of work
Useful verbs
achieve goals
look back
choose examples
show improvement
Unit 20 – Words and phrases
celebrate / Have fun celebrating your best work! / feiern
organise / Organise your portfolio. / organisieren
put in / Decide what you want to putin it. / hineingeben, einbauen
record / Record an example of you speaking English. / aufnehmen
look through / Lookthrough all of your work from this year. / durchschauen
represent / If you don’t have any work to represent it, write a short description of what happened. / repräsentieren
comment / Make a comment. / Bemerkung
creative / Be creative! / kreativ
neat / Is the portfolio neat? / ordentlich
well-written / The story is well-written. / gut geschrieben
almost / You are almost finished with English to go 2. / fast, beinahe
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