Grade Six – English
Dear Parents,
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our students and parents, both returning and new, to this new academic year. We hope you all had an enjoyable and restful summer holiday and are ready to begin an exciting and engaging school year. My name is TAMARA AIDI and I will be teaching grade 6th D and E.
We hope this newsletter will put your mind at ease and inform you of what is expected in Grade 6.
Unit 1: Narrative; Children’s Fiction
We will begin the year with Unit1. This unit is designated to be completed by October 20th. During the unit, children will read examples of different fiction genres – Realistic Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Spy-Thrillers, Mystery, and Adventure Quest. Students will explore and analyze the language and organizational features of fiction genres, and then write their own story parodying one of the genres.
Vocabulary / Grammar / Skills
- Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
- Powerful Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs
- Non-finite clauses
- Time Connectives
- Figurative Language: similes, personification, metaphors,
- Direct Speech
- Parody
- Narrative structure, setting and function of characters.
- Paragraphing
Students will write:
- Setting Descriptions
- Storyboard
- Character Profiles
No doubt that reading is the base of all the skills that build the strong language. Most of our students in grade 6 are considered independent readers which mean that they have the ability to choose the book they'd like to read – under the teacher's supervision.
Students will be required to submit book reports each term.
Please make sure that your child has the following items on a daily basis :
- Sharpened pencils
- Eraser
- Blunt scissors
- A set of colored pencils
- Colored thin markers
- Yellow highlighter
- Pencil sharpener with cover
- UHU glue stick ( liquid not allowed )
- Plastic ruler
- Dad's old white sport socks used as an eraser with whiteboard
- Washable whiteboard markers – any color
- Mini whiteboard
Every lesson we teach has a Learning standard and a Success Criteria . The criteria will be written as an "I can statement" for each standard which will be glued on the top of each page in a copybook or written on a worksheet. The criteria will inform you of what your child should be able to do during the activity. The criteria will be assessed in the following way.
All summative tasks will be kept in a folder; Summative Task Folder.
Note: Please sign the Summative Task Folder and return the NEXT DAY. If by any chance it is not returned it will no longer be sent home.
- Teachers will not only assess the criteria through writing activities but in a variety of ways such as oral discussion, questioning, drama activities, etc.
- At the end of each theme, summative tasks are administered to students in the form of writing, projects and/or speaking.
- Summative Assessment Tasks take place after the learning and tell us what has been achieved.
- Summative Tasks will be assessed using a rubric. A rubric simply lists a set of criteria, which defines and describes the important components and expectations of the work being evaluated.
Parent – School Communication will be via:
- Homework Diary: Homework, reading and additional assignments assigned during the week will be written in the Homework Diary. Parents are expected to sign the Diary indicating that they have seen the assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to copy down accurately the assignment in the Homework Diary. Taking responsibility for their work is a key part of the homework process.
- Notice of Concern: A note will be sent to you to inform you of any issues concerning your child. The form requests that parents sign and return to school the next day.
- Unit Newsletter: At the beginning of every unit a newsletter will be sent
important information.
Homework Policy:
All the tasks given to students should be done independently and on time without delay and no justifications would be accepted. The student has the right to ask the teacher about any confusing part in the task given before taking it to be done at home. If the given task was not handed in on time, the students will receive a break detention to do or finish incomplete tasks. Doing homework is part of the student's commitment therefore it will be included in the student’s grade.
We hope it will be a productive school year for your children and looking forward to meeting you all.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or concerns.