WSWS Officer and Committee Report
Summer Board meeting – San Diego, CA
August 2012
Office or Committee Name: Nominations Committee
Officer or Chairperson Name and Committee Members: Dan Ball, chair (2013), Kassim Al-Khatib (2014), Pam Hutchinson (2015), Rich Zollinger (2014), Vanelle Peterson (ex-officio).
Date of Preparation (include year): August 17, 2012
Activities during the Year: The Nominations committee met via telephone conference call on June 15, 2011 to develop a list of potential nominees for WSWS Board elections. After discussion, a list of suggested nominees was developed. Ball followed up with phone calls and/or emails to potential nominees. A list of candidates agreeing to run for election was developed for presentation to and approval by the WSWS Board at the summer meeting in August 2012. Ball offered to chair this committee for a second year, due to the unavailability of Kassim Al-Khatib, who was originally scheduled to chair the committee this year. Rich Zollinger was asked, and accepted to serve on the committee to replace Al-Khatib.
At the time of this report, a second nominee still needs to be identified for Education and Regulatory Section Chair-Elect as a second candidate has not been identified.
Potential Nominees:
Potential NomineesPresident-Elect
Bill McCloskey (Arizona State U)
Drew Lyon (Washington State U)
Research Section Chair
Eric Johnson (AgCanada)
Ed Davis (Montana State U)
Education and Regulatory Section
Kirk Howatt (North Dakota State U)
Recommendations for Board Action:
· The Board needs to approve the list of candidates and announce the voting around October 15, 2012. The nomination committee will obtain photos and biosketch materials from all candidates, beforehand.
· Further suggestions for an Ed and Regulatory Section Chair-Elect need to be offered.
· Appoint a chair for 2014, if Al-Khatib is not available to serve.
Budget Needs: None
Suggestions for the Future: Solicit potential nominees from the general membership via email.
Suggested Changes in Operating Guide: None
Name of Person Preparing This Report: Dan Ball, Nominations Committee Chair