Unit 0 – What is “Good Science?”
Grade Level: 7-8
Subject/Topic Area: the nature of science
Designed by: Eli Rosenberg
Time Frame: 3 weeks
School: Main Street Middle School, Montpelier, VT
Brief Summary of Unit
This unit introduces middle school students to the nature of scientific understanding. Students learn the distinction between observation and inference and discuss the tentative and subjective aspects of the nature of science. Students demonstrate their understanding through a written scientific explanation.
STAGE I: Identify Desired Results
Established Science Goals:
Make a valid recommendation based on experimental findings
Students will understand:
the distinction between observation and inference
the subjective nature of scientific theory
the tentative nature of scientific theory
Essential questions:
What is good science?
What makes a theory scientifically valid?
What makes an experiment scientifically valid?
What knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know:
Use the following vocabulary correctly: experimental and control sample, independent and dependent variables, evidence, inference, theory, law, procedure, hypothesis
Students will be able to:
Make logical inferences
Tell the difference between scientific and non-scientific theories
Stage II: Determine acceptable evidence.
What evidence will show that students understand?
Performance Tasks?
Written explanation of evidence showing:
1)valid inference
2)understanding of tentative nature of explanation
3)understanding of inherent biases in explanation
Bathroom crime scene:
Create a scientific theory, founded on multiple logical inferences, consistent with the evidence
Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, sample work, etc.)
Writing prompts for invitation to inquiry (read aloud by popsicle stick)
Weekly world news text assignment
Life on earth? Discussion guide sheet
Journal check quiz
Student Self Assessment and Reflection:
Life on earth? Reflection prompt
Blue letter
Assessment Task Blueprint
What understandings/goals will be assessed through this task?
valid inference
understanding of tentative nature of explanation
understanding of inherent biases in explanation
writing what is life lab
Stage III: Plan learning experiences and instruction.
Week / M: 60 / T-W: 60 / R: 30 / F: 609/2 / XX / Tues :15 min classes- contents of my backpack
Wed :30 min classes- black and white rules, syllabus and grading / room tour, L1S
+ unsafe behavior cartoon / Ethical entrance exam, survey, L1S
9/8 / I to I: Bucky powerpoint
“what made this a good presentation?”
Brian Greene science quote-
“what is good science?”
Scientist scrapbook
prequiz for “what is good science” / I to I:Think tube demo
Blue bottle demo
Other demo
Class concept map- add vocab
+ Weekly world news article
+ Word find / I to I: bathroom of mysteries book reading: “how to make a theory”
Evidence-inference-theory lecture
Bathroom of mysteries / I to I: new evidence!
Bathroom of mysteries part 2
Students make questions, then
Clicker quiz
9/15 / Life on earth day 1
I to I: Stellar messages
ET story
Observation vs. infer
Living or not?
Think pair share / Life on earth day 2
I to I: stellar message
3 groupsd debate
reflective q
right vs. wrong vs. best
summarize list of living char. / Life on earth day 3
Apply your criteria to the second mission’s findings
Class chart
Revise criteria in journal
Virus example
Mushroom vs. plant example
-how do scientists define? / Share scientist definition
Read scientist definition
Compare scientist definition
Discuss: why did scientists include the parts of the definition?
5 sentence paragraph: what is one definition of life?
9/22 / postquiz and journal check
blue letter
UBD 6 page templateTechworks
Credit to Wiggins/McTigheVer8/07