
Television Show Project Rubric

Grade / Premise of the Show/ Age group / Stage of Development / Psychological Evidence / Application of Psychological Evidence
4 / The student has clearly explained the premise of the show and has correctly identified the age group it is appropriate for / The student has correctly applied one of the stages of development to the television show, and has correctly described it clearly / The students has supplied at least one psychological study to support each of their statements / The student has clearly supplied and explained a study to support their argument. The study is appropriate to the overall argument made in the paper.
3 / The student has given a somewhat clear explanation of the show and correctly identified the age group it is appropriate for / The student has correctly applied one of the stages of development to the television show, but has not clearly/fully described it / The student has supplied at least 2 psychological studies throughout the paper, but not one for each argument / The student has supplied an appropriate study, however does not clearly explain how it supports their arguments.
2 / The student ONLY described the premise of the show OR the age group it is appropriate for, but has not discussed both requirements. / The student has incorrectly applied a stage of development to the television show but has correctly described it / The students has supplied at least 3 psychological studies, however they do not support their arguments / The student has supplied an appropriate study, however does not explain how it supports their answer.
1 / The student has incorrectly described the show or gave an incorrect age group based on the levels of cognitive development / The student has applied the incorrect stage of development to the television show, and described it incorrectly / The student has supplied at least one psychological study, which does not support their argument / The student has incorrectly explained how a study supports their overall argument.
0 / The student has not discussed the premise of the show or the age group it is appropriate for / The student has not attempted to apply a stage of development to the television show / Student has not given any psychological studies to support their argument / The students has not attempted to explain how the studies they applied support their argument
1 - 40 / 2 - 45 / 3 - 50 / 4 - 55 / 5 - 60 / 6 - 65 / 7 - 68 / 8 - 70
9 - 75 / 10 - 78 / 11 - 80 / 12 - 85 / 13 - 87 / 14 - 90 / 15 - 95 / 16 - 100