Minutes of the Special Board of Directors and Officers
Via Conference Call
March 24, 2014
Participating Directors
Dan Childers (Interstate Communications)
Brian Mueller (Enterprise Products)
Greg Pavelka (East Central Iowa REC)
Ross Wendell (CenturyLink)
Mike Wildung (Central Iowa Water Association)
Participating Officers
President: Terry Fox (MidAmerican Energy Company)
Vice President: Steve Stone (Black Hills Energy)
Secretary/Treasurer: Charles Bruggemann (Windstream)
Chairman: Neal Drefke (Spencer Municipal Utilities)
Officers & Directors Absent
John Barber (Snyder & Associates)
Ed Greiner (Interstate Power & Light)
Curt Hodges (Mediacom)
Leon Hofer (Iowa Network Services)
Dan Klopfer (Des Moines Water Works)
Mick Secory (United States Infrastructure Corp)
Bart Weller (Clive Public Water Works)
Paul Wiegand (Iowa State University)
Additional Participant
Craig Walter (Walter & Associates)
Call to Order
President Fox opened the meeting and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss an open director’s seat due to the retirement of Greg Pavelka.
Craig Walter reported that Brian Kading of the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives has recommended Bryon Stilley, Operations Manager of Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative to fill the open seat. The board discussed Mr. Stilley and the possibility of setting up a procedure for future nominees to follow. Craig Walter will forward Mr. Stilley’s resume upon receipt.
Greg Pavelka moved and Charlie Bruggemann seconded that Bryon Stilley be placed on the ballot as a nominee recommended to the IOC board. Motion approved.
Craig Walter stated that the ballots will be sent out later this week for the election of directors. The Annual Meeting will be held April 24, 2014 at the Sheraton West Des Moines starting at 9:00 a.m. Committee chairs that wish to present a PowerPoint presentation for the committee report need to have a copy of the file emailed to the IOC Admin Office by April 17th.
Meeting adjourned