1.In Arizona, Senate bill #1062 would have given business owners protection to refuse service to someone based on their religious beliefs. By some individuals’ interpretations of the situation, the bill was a violation of the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment.
Use the articles presented in class to find at least 2 pieces of evidence to support this argument.
1. ______
2. ______
2.Wearing this dress to a public event makes a statement. What protection in the 1st amendment can be applied to maintain the right to express yourself through your clothes?[2]
A)Freedom of Religion
B)Freedom of Speech
C)Freedom to Assemble
Why is the right to wear this dress covered within this protection?
3.Freedom of the Press is a right that courts rarely rule can be limited. In school settings, name one reason that this protection can be limited. ______
4. Write a word for each of the terms below that is synonymous and retains the meaning of the 5th protection within the 1st Amendment.
...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
5. Choose a story from the Armed Citizen Blog .
1. Summarize the story that you chose (Who? What? Where? When? How?)
2. State how the person in the story exercised their 2nd amendment rights.
3. Describe how the situation would have turned out differently if the individual would not have 2nd amendment protection.
6. How has advancement in technology changed how the 4th amendment can be applied? Use the case of Kyllo v. United States to support your response. Do you think the founders anticipated the changes in evidence gathering to establish probable cause?
9. How do individuals’ protections under the 7th Amendment differ from the protection under the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment? Use the McDonald’s coffee case to explain the difference. Click here for the link.
10 .
Read the facts of Robert Henry’s case. Should his sentence be reversed due to the fact it may become cruel due to his health complications? List at least 2 arguments on each side of the debate. Remember that the facts must be applied in context to the 8th Amendment.
Sentence should be reversed because it violates his 8th Amendment rights. / Sentence should stand and be carried out; the execution method does not violate the 8th Amendment.1. / 1.
2. / 2.
11. What rights are protected under the 9th Amendment? How are they defined?
12. Use the facts of the Lawrence v. Texas case below and describe how the 9th Amendment can be used to rule in favor of Lawrence. You need to use the implied protections of the 9th Amendment to explain your answer.
13. How can states pass laws that are in contradiction to federal regulations? Use the following terms and concepts in your response:
10th Amendment Federal powerstate’s rights nullification Colorado legalization marijuana
[1]Click on the picture for a direct link to the entire article.
[2]#2 The question is linked directly to the full article text.
[3]Click on the image to go to the original link.