Undergraduate Retention Committee

Policies and Procedures

Approved by the Undergraduate Retention Committee 10/8/14

Submitted to Margaret Auer, Chair of Shared Governance Task Force 10/9/14

Revisions submitted to Margaret Auer, Chair of Shared Governance Task Force 10/12/15

Procedures for keeping records of approved resolutions, determinations, advice, membership records and other actions:

I.  At the beginning of each academic year, the Secretary will update the Committee’s membership roster and send the information to for posting to the Shared Governance website.

II.  After every meeting, the Committee Secretary will distribute minutes by email for approval and send the approved minutes to for posting to the Shared Governance website along with any approved resolutions, determinations, or recommendations. (Documents should be marked public or private as determined by the Committee).

III.  The Undergraduate Retention Committee Blackboard site will be kept up to date with documents, data, and website links relevant to the ongoing work of the Committee.

IV.  At the conclusion of each academic year, the Committee will provide an Annual Report to the MFA and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost/VPAA) that includes:

a.  A summary of retention data for that academic year including comparative data for previous five years at UDM, national averages, and peer and aspirational institutions.

b.  A summary of activities undertaken and resolutions made during the academic year.

c.  A brief analysis of how the Committee’s activities relate to the university’s Strategic Plan.

d.  A list of prioritized recommendations for student success and retention.

Recommended Operational Policies and Procedures:


A.  Reports to the Provost/VPAA through the Chairperson.

B.  Reports to the McNichols Faculty Assembly (MFA) through the Committee MFA representative.

C.  When formal recommendations are made to the Provost/VPAA, the Provost/VPAA will inform the Committee of his/her decision or reaction to the proposal within 60 days. If the Provost/VPAA decides to take a course of action different from that recommended by the Committee, the Provost/VPAA will make him/herself available to explain to the Committee the reason for the contrary action.


A.  Four faculty representatives (elected)

B.  One librarian (elected)

C.  One representative from the McNichols Faculty Assembly (appointed by MFA)

D.  Three administrative representatives (appointed by the Provost/VPAA)

E.  One staff representative (appointed by Provost/VPAA)

F.  Two student representatives (appointed by the Dean of Students through the Provost/VPAA)

G.  Up to three invited representatives, non-voting (invited by committee through the Provost/VPAA)


A.  Chairperson – elected annually for a term of one year at the first meeting of fall term.

a.  Calls meetings for the Committee.

b.  Presides over meetings for the Committee.

c.  Provides notification of a meeting at least ten business days prior to the meeting.

d.  Generates meeting agenda for e-mail distribution at least one week prior the scheduled meeting.

e.  Communicates to the Committee issues identified by the Provost/VPAA.

f.  Communicates to the Provost/VPAA recommendations and reports from the Committee.

B.  Secretary – elected annually for a term of one year at the first meeting of fall term.

a.  Serves as Chairsperson for meetings in the absence of Chairperson. Calls the next meeting if the Chair resigns from the Committee or resigns from the University.

b.  Maintains roster of Committee membership. Sends notice to the names of the chair and secretary elected

c.  Takes minutes of Committee meetings.

d.  Circulates minutes to the Committee for approval within one week after the meeting.

e.  Sends approved minutes and other reports, resolutions, or documents to for posting to Shared Governance website within one week of minutes being approved.

f.  Posts documents relevant to the Committee’s work to the Blackboard site.

g.  Maintains a record of approved resolutions and other actions of the Committee to be included in the annual report.

  1. Upon new Committee appointments, updates Blackboard site with current Committee membership. New members should be enrolled as instructors. Members who have stepped off the committee must be unenrolled by ITS (313-578-0580).
  2. Sends notice to when members resigns from the committee

C.  MFA Representative

a.  Represents the Committee at MFA meetings

b.  Reports Committee’s annual report and recommendations to the MFA.

c.  Calls first meeting of the fall term when the previous year’s chair no longer serves on the Committee.


A.  Meetings are held twice a month. Subcommittee meetings may replace one committee meeting per month as determined by the Committee.

B.  Any item Committee members would like to have included in the agenda must be forwarded to the Chairsperson ten business days prior to the meeting.

C.  A quorum of six voting members must be present for a vote to take place. A meeting can take place with less than a quorum.

D.  Meetings will operate under the principles of consensus unless a vote is needed.


A.  Establish, in consultation with the Provost/VPAA, charges for the academic year.

B.  Provide to the Provost/VPAA a mid-year report of Committee activities.

C.  Evaluate, at the end of each academic year, the Committee’s progress toward achievement of established charges.

D.  Provide to the MFA and Provost/VPAA an Annual Report that includes:

a.  A summary of retention data for that academic year including comparative data for previous five years at UDM, national averages, and peer and aspirational institutions.

b.  A summary of activities undertaken and resolutions made during the academic year.

c.  A brief analysis of how the Committee’s activities relate to the university’s Strategic Plan.

d.  A list of prioritized recommendations for student success and retention.

E.  Engage university community in retention initiatives through targeted communication and outreach (e.g. Second Wednesday Series, Colleague Development Days, email communications).

F.  Keep the UDM community informed of Committee activities through the Shared Governance website.

Approved by Shared Governance Task Force 1/16