(updated on 24th January 2013)

Date & Place of birth:
Marital status:
Citizen of:
Phone and Fax home:
Feature: / JENZER Helena
December 3, 1956 at Zug
Married (since March 21, 1986)
2 daughthers (born Nov 10, 1990 & Jan 9,1994)
Thunstetten BE / Switzerland
Bahnhofstr. 14
CH-1797 Münchenwiler BE
+41 26 670 43 85
+41 79 401 92 35

Status post gender reassignment surgery on 06.06.2006 /

Pre- & post-graduate Education & Diploma

2006 University of Bern, Certificate “Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitswesen” (Modules: 1995 Economy, 1995 Legislation, 1996 Data Protection, 1997 Politics and Policies, 1997 Management, 1999 Mediation, 2000 Ethics, 2001 Financial Management, 2002 Human Resources’ Management, 2003 State of the Art of Negociations, 2004 Knowledge Management)

2001 Diploma «Hospital Pharmacist FPH»

1984-1987 Thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinic of Internal Medicine, Inselspital Bern, Departement Endocrinology, Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy

1981-1984 University of Bern, School of Pharmacy, Diploma of the Swiss Confederation as a pharmacist

1980-1981 University of Bern, Certificate of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Junior fellowships at the Cantonal Hospital Pharmacy and at the retail Pharmacy Paulus at Luzern)

1978-1980 University of Fribourg, Certificate of Natural Sciences for Pharmacists

1976-1977 University of Zürich (Anglistics, 5 terms, examinations passed: Phonetics, Literature, Old and Middle English, Linguistics)

1969-1975 Secondary school: Kantonsschule Zug (School-leaving Certificate: Matura type B)

1963-1969 Public elementary schools at Luzern, Cham, and Zug

Professional training and Experiences

2011 Bern University of Applied Sciences, Lecturer / Head aR&D Nutrition and Dietetics (Professor’s degree)

2007-2010 Inselspital - Bern University Hospital, Department DOLS, Institute for Hospital Pharmacy, Head Manufacturing Section

2007 Deputy Qualified Person (Octapharma AG) and Fachtechnische Leiterin (Octapharma Schweiz AG)

1996-2006 Head of Hospital Pharmacy of Hôpital cantonal Fribourg

1989-1996 Vice-head of Hospital Pharmacy Inselspital Bern (Dr. H.-R. Widmer)

1987-1996 Hospital Pharmacy Inselspital Bern (Dr. H.-R. Widmer), resident, Head of Analytical Department

1984-1987 Thesis («Molecular mechanisms and side reactions of thyroid hormone biosynthesis»), Clinic of Internal Medicine, Inselspital Bern, Departement Endocrinology (Prof. Dr. H. Studer & Dr. H. Kohler)

1981-1987 Junior fellowships at Fribourg, Valais, and Luzern


2011-date Lecturer at Bern University of Applied Sciences

2007-date Referee for articles submitted to Medical Science Monitor

2007-date Editorial board member and referee for articles submitted to The Open Dermatology Journal

1996-date Teaching at various schools for health professionals (nursing staff, nutritionists) and institutions bound to hospital professions (pharmacy assistantes, probationers)

2003-2008 Lecturer (“Chargé de cours”) for 1st and 2nd year’s courses «Introduction aux téchnologies pharmaceutiques», University of Fribourg (16 + 16 lessons / year)

2004-2008 Member of the examination board and expert for 1st and 2nd year’s examinations at the site of Fribourg

2006 Chairmanship and Lecture «Wundversorgung», Advanced Studies, Specialisation Course «Spitalpharmazie », University of Basel

2005 Chairmanship and Lecture «Wundversorgung», Advanced Study Center, Kurse Spitalpharmazie, University of Basel

2004 Accreditation as Teacher for 5th year’s students’ trainings

2004 Chairmanship and Lecture «Qualitätskontrolle im Rahmen der QS in Spitalapotheken», Specialisation Course «Quality Assurance», University of Basel

2003 Accreditation of the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg as a Teaching Hospital Pharmacy type A (all activities) for post-graduate training in hospital pharmacy

2003 Accreditation as Teacher FPH for the post-graduate Training Program in Hospital Pharmacy

2003 Lecture «e-Quality Manual», Specialisation Course «Quality Assurance», University of Basel

1987-2003 Teaching of pharmaceutical analytics to 3rd year’s students, University of Bern (idem ad interim, University of Basel)

1987-2003 Expert of pharmaceutical federal intermediate examinations in the fields „analytics“, „pharmacopoeia" and „laws“

1987-1996 Teaching of pharmacology & toxicology at the school for technical assistants in radiology ATRM[1]

1988-1996  Deputy of the President for pharmaceutical federal examinations at the site of Bern

1996 Referee for thesis in the field of analytics, Pharmacy School, University of Bern

1991 Lecture «Analytik in der Spitalapotheke» (Post-graduate Course «Hospital Pharmacy», University of Basel)

Network ( Professional Associations)

·  Teamwork in alliances: public hospitals, nursing homes and public institutions

·  Membership in councils and task forces (e.g. Blood donation Trust)

·  Professional Associations (actual and past)

·  European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (http://www.eahp.com)

·  European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (http://www.escp.nl)

·  European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition http://www.espen.org)

·  The Society of Free Radical Research (http://www.sfrr.org)

·  Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (formerly «The Oxygen Society») (http://www.sfrbm.org)

·  The Nitric Oxide Society (http://www.apnet.com/no)

·  Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amts- und Spitalapotheker (http://www.gsasa.ch)

·  Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (http://www.swiss-chem-soc.ch)

·  Schweizerischer Apothekerverband / pharmaSuisse (http://www.sphin.ch)

·  Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Wundbehandlung (http://www.safw.ch )

·  Gesellschaft für Klinische Ernährung der Schweiz (http://www.geskes.ch; http://www.ssnc.ch)

·  Freiburger Chemische Gesellschaft

·  Collège des médecins de l’Hôpital cantonal de Fribourg

·  Groupement des Pharmaciens Hospitalier Romands

·  «Groupe de Réflexion» Chef-Apotheker

Membership in working groups and committees

1995 - date Referee for articles in pharmaceutical analytics submitted to the EJHP[2] (Science and Practice) and MSM[3]

2009 - date Member of the Scientific Committee of the EAHP[4]

2005-2009 Member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the EAHP

1988-2008 Member of working group „Analytics“ GSASA (including implementation of the GSASA Clearing Centre for contested drugs)

1994 - 2006 Delegate GSASA to the SCS[5]

1996-2006 Delegate of the Hospital Pharmacy to various committees

·  Commission des responsible (presidency)

·  Commission d’achat

·  Commission d’hygiène

·  Commission de nutrition

·  Groupe de travail cytostatiques

·  Groupe antalgie

·  Groupe soins des plaies

·  Convention fribourgeoise pour l’approvisionnement en responsible des hôpitaux de district et des institutions cantonales (responsible)

1996-2006 Member of the Foundation Council of SRT-CRS[6]

2000-2006 Presidency of task force preparing GMP/PIC inspection (First time of permission of production for the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg)

2001-2005 Advisory Board Thrombosis (Sanofi-Synthelabo / GlaxoSmithKline)

2003-2004 Member of the Committee «Lernzielkatalog zum Weiterbildungsprogramm FPH in Spitalpharmazie»

1997-2001 Chief administration officer of GSASA (including developpement of the first edition of the societies’ home page http://www.hin.ch/gsasa, as well as collaboration to the following editions at URL http://www.gsasa.ch/, change management of the society, and revision of the statutes)

2001 Presidency of task force for the development of the site’s electronic quality manual of the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg (first Swiss development)

1993-1996 Presidency of the project «Drug Management am Inselspital»

1991-1992 Delegate GSASA to the ASN[7]

1987-1991 Head of working group „Information Technology“ GSASA[8]


German (native speaker), fluency in English and French

Private Activities

o  Kulturverein Münchenwiler (culture club)

o  Tauch-Club Murten (diving club)

Political and public Activities

1999-2005 President of the Supervising Committee of the Public Elementary School of Münchenwiler / Clavaleyres

1995-1998 Member of the Common-Council of Münchenwiler (Vice-President, no political partymembership)


[1] ATRM Assistantes et assistants techniques en radiologie médicale

[2] EJHP European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

[3] MSM Medical Science Monitor

[4] EAHP European Association of Hospital Pharmacy

[5] SCS Swiss Chemical Society

[6] SRT-CRS Service régional de transfusion sanguine de la section fribourgeoise de la Croix Rouge Suisse

[7] ASN Association Suisse de Normalisation (= SNV, Schweizerische Normenvereinigung)

[8] GSASA Ges. Schweiz. Amts- und Spitalapotheker, Soc. Suisse des Ph.ciens de l’Adm. et des Hôp.