Uncontrolled when printed T&E Policy 2014 Version 4

Uncontrolled when printed T&E Policy 2014 Version 4


Statement of Purpose 4

Company Expectation and Policy Compliance 4


Decision to Travel 5

Flight Class 5

Duty of Care 5

Safe to Travel? 5

Personal Travel and Expense Profile 5

Travel Planning 6

Complex Itineraries and Multi Service Requirements 6

Bruker Preferred Vendors 6

Changes to Travel Arrangements 6


Travel Classes and Booking 6

Air 7

Carrier Conditions 7

Car Hire 7

Trains 7

Taxis 7

Fuel Card Users/Company Cars Users/Mileage Claimants 8

Parking 8


Accommodation 8

Hotels 8

Self-Serviced Apartments 8

Staying with Family or Friends 8

Travel-Related Expenses 8

Mobile Phones and Internet Connectivity 9

Food and Entertainment 9

Meals 9

Client Meals/Entertainment Costs 9

Foreign Currency 9

Miscellaneous Expenses 9




How do I Pay for My Travel? 10


Procedure for Claiming Expenses 11



Statement of Purpose

This Policy applies to all employees of Bruker UK Limited and Bruker Daltonics Limited and all other employees/adjuncts whose expenses are settled by the UK office, when they travel for business purposes or incur business related expenses. This Policy is effective from 1st July 2014.

No employee should be placed at financial disadvantage as a result of travelling whilst performing their work. Equally there should be no financial gain from travelling for work purposes.

This Policy aims to enhance travel and expense process effectiveness, maintain high standards of safety and ensure appropriate levels of service and comfort for employees travelling whilst at the same time minimising the cost and environmental impact associated with travel.

All bookings made inside and outside the OBT (Online Booking Tool) Concur Travel MUST be reclaimed using Concur Expense.

Company Expectation and Policy Compliance

When you travel, incur or submit expense claims, Bruker expects you to:

·  Behave honestly, responsibly and within the guidelines of this Policy;

·  Obtain the most cost effective solutions wherever possible, for transport, hotels, restaurants, etc.;

·  Endeavour to obtain the best price and schedule for travel available at the time of booking;

·  Obtain approval from your line manager to travel outside normal working hours;

·  Submit expense claims weekly (not for every transaction) to help you get paid more quickly. Ideally they should be submitted at the end of the week;

·  Ensure that all expenses are supported by electronic copies of receipts and claimed using Concur and provide electronic copies VAT receipts (not just credit card slips) whenever possible, so Bruker can reclaim VAT and because HMRC requires them;

·  All claims must be authorised by your line manager, but if this is not possible it should then be passed onto another manager/team leader manager or a member of the SMT;

·  If you’re travelling / incurring expenses with other Bruker employees, the senior person should always pay.

As a manager, Bruker expects you to:

·  Check that expense claims comply with this Policy;

·  Approve expense claims promptly;

·  Ensure expense claims are claimed promptly.

Bruker takes this Policy seriously and expects you to do the same. If you don’t comply with this Policy, Bruker can delay reimbursement or reject claims. Persistent or deliberate non-compliance may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Bruker’s Disciplinary Policy and procedures.

If you are in doubt over whether an expense claim is in policy, ask your manager. When you submit your expense claim, please provide reasoning in the space provided.

Please also refer to the following company documents:

·  Driver Safety Handbook and Policy Statement;

·  Travel Insurance Policy;

·  IT Policy;

·  Health and Safety Policy;

·  Dress Code Policy;

·  Disciplinary Policy;

·  Business Conduct Policy;

·  Anti-Bribery Policy;

·  Alcohol and Drugs Policy;

·  VAT / Tax / Benefit Documentation;

·  Travel and Expense Handbook.

Fraud, Bribery and Corruption

Bruker has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, bribery, and corruption in compliance with relevant FCPA and UK Bribery Act and laws in all the regions in which Bruker operates. Offering or accepting a bribe, or behaving corruptly in anticipation of a bribe or advantage is not acceptable. Fraud, bribery and corruption in any form are completely unacceptable within Bruker, and will be viewed with the utmost seriousness. Non-compliance will result in disciplinary action in accordance with Bruker’s Disciplinary Policy and procedures.


Decision to Travel

Primarily, it is the responsibility of each employee and their line manager to decide on the necessity of a business trip: It must be decided whether a trip is business critical and needs to be undertaken or whether an adequate information exchange can be achieved by using communication technology.

The key questions are:

Is your journey necessary?

Have you exhausted all other means of communication?

·  Telephone/Conference Call;

·  Webex;

·  Video Conference/Skype;

·  Voice over IP/Soft phone;

·  E-mail.

Flight Class

Pre-trip approval should be obtained for any trips that reside outside this Policy.

·  European Trips – Flights Only - *Economy Class Only

·  International – Flights Only - **Premium Economy allowed over 6 hours

Duty of Care

Bruker takes the Health and Safety of employees very seriously. Bruker’s preferred TMC has traveller tracking systems in place that can be used by Bruker within minutes of a known incident. This is important! Always inform your manager (or a team-member if they’re away) of your overnight location. Bruker is required to comply with duty of care. Share your travel itinerary using TripIt® wherever possible.

Safe to Travel?

Before embarking on any business travel and in the interests of employees safety, employees who are required, to travel overseas on business travel must ensure they check information being provided by the Foreign Commonwealth Office (0870 6060290, web address: http://www.fco.gov.uk), or the Travel Management Company (TMC) to seek information about current travel warnings, restrictions and general safety and security guidance applicable to any foreign business travel. If in doubt please speak to your manager.



The Travel Portal provides more detailed security information than may be available on the FCO web site.


Traveller Safety and Security Policy – due to be issued shortly

Personal Travel and Expense Profile

Before booking any travel with Bruker UK’s preferred TMC or Online Booking Tool (OBT) or submitting your first expense claim, travellers need to complete a personal travel profile within the TMC’s profile tool. This information helps us to book travel and includes the traveller’s passport number and other relevant data required by law to travel. Of vital importance also is that the traveller is contactable via mobile telephone, especially whilst abroad (please make sure this enabled by IT). When creating your Traveller Profile, it is imperative that you enter your full name as per your passport. Failure to do so may result in refusal to allow boarding, thus incurring additional fees to rebook and loss of the fare of the original ticket/s.

Profiles can be raised in the first instance by contacting travel support or the TMC. Please complete your Company Car user /Personal Car user details along with selection of fuel card if applicable.

Please see the intranet link below for the required information.


Travel Planning

In order to track our travel and obtain the best vendors and deals, all travel must be booked via the TMC content (OBT or offline). Any travel that is booked outside of the TMC (without prior authorisation from a member of SMT) will not be reimbursed, and disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with Bruker’s Disciplinary Policy and procedure.

Always seek the most economical travel. Obtain flight timetables and plan your meetings accordingly to maximise good use of your time. Plan your trip as far in advance as possible. If you book your flights early Bruker will benefit from good prices and route deals that Bruker UK and its vendors have negotiated. For example our TMC could offer a deal that is cheaper than the current economic price yet is more flexible. Also take into consideration the restrictions that may be associated with bookings, particularly flight and hotel where up front discounts may look attractive but the restrictions may be prohibitive, i.e. non-refundable or heavy penalties to change.

Complex Itineraries and Multi Service Requirements

In the following circumstances you should contact the TMC to arrange your travel:

Where your trip is multi point destination or of a complex nature;

Where you require ferry crossing as part of your travel booking;

Where you require airport parking (costing more than £50) as part of your travel booking;

Where you are booking for more than two people as part of your travel booking.

Bruker Preferred Vendors

Employees must heed the travel management advice provided by the TMC in order to achieve maximum savings. This applies both in respect of low fares and to the choice of preferred vendors. Personal preferred vendors must not be chosen for collection of loyalty points, where there is extra cost to Bruker.

Bruker has hotel preferred vendors Best Western and Premier Inn and has a global hotel list housed on the Travel Portal, detailing Bruker’s negotiated rates.


If it is determined that travel is necessary, reservations are to be made either via our TMC or OBT.

Changes to Travel Arrangements

Changes to travel arrangements which incur a cost to the business should be avoided. Where changes to travel arrangements are required, this must be for demonstrable business reasons or personal emergency. Where repeated changes are made that incur costs without a valid reason, this will be considered a breach of this policy, and may result in disciplinary action.


Travel Classes and Booking

Please see the below information on what travel classes are applicable to your trip.


Flexible tickets should not be booked unless they are the lowest cost option available or your line manager has pre-approved a flexible ticket; they can be very expensive. Use restricted tickets which, for a small fee, can be changed. Weekend travel and accommodation is acceptable if the total trip cost does not exceed that of a trip starting during the week; this can be applied before or after the trip.

Length of flight / Class / Notes
Domestic & European / Economy / Be flexible with times when booking flights. As a matter of course Bruker’s preferred TMC will offer flights 1 hour +/- as well as those requested by the booker/traveller
International (Outside of Europe)
6 Hours + / Premium Economy / All bookings to be made offline via Bruker’s preferred TMC.
Be flexible with times when booking flights, look at flights a few hours either side of your preferred time, the savings may be substantial. As a matter of course Bruker’s preferred TMC will offer flights 3 hours +/- as well as those requested by the booker/traveller.
Business Class / All bookings to be made offline via Bruker’s preferred TMC.
For international flights of 8+ hours only, where there is an exceptional reason for business class travel being required – for example, a medical condition supported by a doctor’s letter.
Pre-approval from VP for your division
VP and also SVP – Finance for Bruker Detection

Carrier Conditions

Please follow the conditions of the carrier with regards to on-line check-in and baggage requirements. Your confirmation will be sent via Concur where booked online or via TMC where booked offline.

Car Hire

For local car hire, reservations and approvals are to be made via the relevant pool and hire car booking process – Please speak to the Fleet manager. For car hire linked to flights, reservations and approvals are to be made either via TMC or OBT.

All car hire should be in the most economic class taking into consideration the number of passengers and associated luggage/equipment and also the length of the journey. If a requirement for another group of vehicle is required, agreement and authorisation must be sought from the employee’s line manager.


All international and domestic train requirements over £50 to be booked online or via TMC. Domestic train requirements below £50 is to be claimed via Concur.


Taxis should only be used when there is no practical alternative. In some cases the use of a taxi is justified, for example:

·  Trips to Airports or Train Stations (some Airports or Train Stations maybe within a reasonable distance from your home address or the office) if so it may actually be cheaper to use a taxi than to pay on-airport/station car parking fees;

·  If you have heavy equipment to move (for example from a London train station to a customer site) then it is reasonable to use a taxi as opposed to public transport;

·  Travelling late at night when alone to and from Airport Terminals or Train Stations (i.e. the London Underground);

·  Unavoidable time constraints;

·  Arriving in foreign cities to get to your destination within a sensible and reasonable distance;

·  Mobility needs.

Fuel Card Users/Company Cars Users/Mileage Claimants

Where a Company fuel card is not provided, the cost of fuel used for travelling on necessary business travel is reimbursed through Concur (NOT ON AIRPLUS CORPORATE CARD) at standard rates according to the car provision arrangement.

Please see intranet and FAQs for more information.


Any parking fees incurred when travelling on Business may be claimed with the relevant receipts.


The following travel-related expenses are acceptable and will be reimbursed:

·  Baggage (no more than 2 bags) and advanced-seat bookings;

·  Parking;

·  Foreign currency withdrawals and charges – See AirPlus Corporate Card FAQs;

·  Tips (up to 10% - unless already included in the bill);

·  The hire/use of a GPS with hired cars in unfamiliar locations;

·  Laundry service/dry-cleaning for trip in excess of 5 days duration.
